• General
  • [PARTIAL SOLVED] Shared Calenders after Logout Gone

is this a feature ?
pretty frustrating when you have to import your shared calendars every time when you log in the webIF

a work around to mark it to favorites is also not gonna work

anyone a hint fr heavy calendar users a pain in the ass ;(

@noplan ,

No, that is certainly not a feature.

Thanks for the report. Indeed, this has been confirmed today and a development issue was created. However, please allow me to correct you statement a little bit: This issue only affects grommunio Web - Other clients, such as Outlook are not affected.

The root cause seems to have been found already and we expect a very soon fix published for this.

Keeping you posted.

can confirm happens only in webIF
Outlook users are happy with multi calendar view

maybe someday, someone will give us the opportunity to edit our posts and mark them as solved in the topic 😉

18 days later

Fix is underway and expected to land back from qa this week. First results look promising, will be part of 2021.08.2 by the end of the week (if there are no further issues found).

mwilliams changed the title to [IN PROGRESS] Shared Calenders after Logout Gone .
4 days later
noplan changed the title to [PARTIAL SOLVED] Shared Calenders after Logout Gone .

after update it's working !!
cool ...
side by side is working !

when changing in settings from side by side to overlay nothing happens

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