Problemsolving can be painful!
Maybe this will make it easier...
The Documentation is always a good start if you experience Problems.
Maybe your Question is already covered in of the Tags?
- ...
Maybe it's an Error in your OS?
As Grommunio only makes use of certain Operating-Systems you likely get
better help on Server-Problems at the individual Support-Channels.
@ Libera
Guides and Documentations
How to report a Problem?
This is an template to illustrate how you could describe your problem in a way
anyone will have it easy to understand your problem, the steps needed to
reproduce it and what you might have tried already to resolve the Problem.
Replace/Remove the TPL: Textblocks and "Quotes"
## TPL: Short Problem-Description
TPL: If User X wants to do Y, Z is happening...
### To recreate TPL: problem-X
- TPL: Open X
- - TPL: Create Y
- - TPL: Configure Z
- TPL: Select N....
## TPL: Short Problem-Description
TPL: Since an Update we are not longer able to Login via $PROTOCOL.
### TPL: How we narrowed it down to XYZ
- TPL: Working Protocols
- - TPL: Outlook, Web, ActiveSync, DAV
- TPL: Broken Protocols
- - TPL: IMAP-Connect with ThunderX and/or ArchiveY isn't possible
[ ] System has the latest Updates and was rebooted/restarted
zypper ps -s
has nothing to report
Provide System-Information
To show currently installed Package-Versions you could Copy-Paste the Output from following Command instead of this > QUOTE!
printf '### Installed Packages\n\n```\n%s\n````\n' "$(rpm -qa *grom* |sort)"
Make sure these quotes are so called acute:` and not ’
, '
or "
when you copy the Text. This might happen with Putty IIRC.
More in detail and only from the grommunio repositories
rpm -q -a --qf "%-40{Name}%-30{Version}%{Release}:%{Vendor}\n" ${1-} | sort | awk -F: '/grommunio/ {print $1}'
dpkg-query -Wf '${Package;-40}${Version;-30};${Maintainer}\n' ${1-} | awk -F\; '/(grommunio|gromox)/ {print $1}';