it´s a problem between outlook and grommunio. I also faced issues with timezone in grommunio calendar.
E.g. i create a full day appointment in grommunio and on my android phone (i use Nine Mail App) the appointment is shown correctly. But in outlook the appointment is shown one day earlier. If i change the appointment from a full day appointment to an appointment from e.g. 26.08. 00:00 to 29.08. 00:00 it´s shown correctly in outlook.
If i create a full day appointment in outlook, for e.g. friday the appointment in grommunio starts on friday 2:00 and ends on saturday 2:00 so there is ashift of 2 hours and it looks like this:
On my Debian 12 server i use the timezone CEST (UTC +2) and it seems that the full day appointments are set to UTC which causes this shift of 2 hours.
There are several posts in the grommunio community forum which report issues with timezone in calendar appointments.