• General
  • Shared calendars are removed from Outlook after restart

We have a strange problem mit shared calendars in Outlook: I add a shared calendar from another user, everything works fine. But when I close Outlook and shutdown the computer the calendar is removed from Outlook on the next start. Sometime the shared calendar "survives" but most time I have to add it again. This happens on different computers, with mostly the same Outlook version: Outlook 365, version 2408 Build 16.0.17928.20114, 64bit. I am not sure if this is a grommunio or outlook problem. We use the crrent stable version of grommunio, updated last week.
Has someone else the same problem and/or found a solution? It is anoying for us and the customers, esspecially when we currently awaits a new order from them 🙁

Thanks, Florian

9 days later


have you tried adding the mailbox via account settings?

Hope the picture says enough.

    Das selbe Problem besteht bei uns auch. Allerdings verschwinden die Kalender nur, wenn man sich zwischenzeitlich mit seinem Account an der Weboberfläche angemeldet hat.

    Ticket habe ich bereits seit längerer Zeit offen.

      FYI, my ticket: #812442 -> State "developing"


      the problem only occurs for calendar which are shared by the user, using Outlook, or the webmail. If I give the user access rights to another account, in the grommunio backend, than the calendars do not disappear. But this use case this is no solution, because the users need to set the clalendar shares on their own and not executed by the administrator. Currently I ask them not to shut down the computer in the evening.


      • crpb replied to this.


        nettania Currently I ask them not to shut down the computer in the evening

        Thats because they loose the calendars on close right? Until the next windows update 😛.

        nettania If I give the user access rights to another account, in the grommunio backend, than the calendars do not disappear.

        you mean full rights/delegates on the whole mailbox?

        crpb Hope the picture says enough.

        That method above in the screenshot is also ok to use with only rights to a calendar/contacts/a couple folders.. so why not use it?
        I know, it's more work but there currently seem to be some problems with the way you let the users add the shared calendars.

        Just write them a "guide"(basically 3-4 screenshots..) how to add them in the account-settings (which are user settings so no admin stuff) or did you somehow prevent the editing of that with a gpo? Don't know if thats even possible on that level...

          ich kann dieses Verhalten bestätigen, ist bei uns genauso. Interessant ist dazu noch, dass ich den freigegeben Kalender im Webmail nicht öffnen kann, da ich dafür laut webmail unzureichende Berechtigungen habe. Hier scheint das Problem daran zu liegen, wie Outlook die Berechtigungen der Kalenderfreigaben vergibt und wie das webmail (grommunio), wobei lait webmail die Yugriffsberechtigungen korrekt gesetyt sind. Im Anhag schicke ich die Yugriffsberechtigungen auf einen Kalender. Dieser kann in Outlook geöffent werden, im Webmail wird er nicht angezeigt und versuche ich ihn über gemeinsamen Kalender hinzuzufügen, dann bekomme ich eine Fehlermeldung: You have insufficient privileges to open this calendar folder. The folder owner can set these using the 'permissions'-tab of the folder properties (right click the calendar folder > properties > permissions). (Insufficient access rights to perform the operation)

          • crpb replied to this.

            Could you share the output of those commands please?

            grommunio-admin exmdb st@foo.de folder permissions 0x9 (IPM_SUBTREE)
            grommunio-admin exmdb st@foo.de folder permissions 0xf (CALENDAR)

            Maybe it is enough to add a foldervisible to the 0x9 to make it working again.

            grommunio-admin exmdb muh@moo.de folder grant 0x9 kuh@moo.de foldervisible


              yes if I delegate the account everything works, as expected. If I share the calendar directly in Outlook with another user, the described behaviour occurs.

              A quick check of the desciption of @PF_JHB confirms the behaviour.

              Adding the account based on your screenshot does not work for me, I only see the parent folder iof the user but cannot open it or adding any calendar. Does this method requires delegate rights?


              nettania Second command returns: [my.name@mydomain.com](mailto:my.name@mydomain.com) 0x0000 (none)

              That looks odd!

              Try adding the rights with that
              grommunio-admin exmdb muh@moo.de folder grant 0xf kuh@moo.de freebusydetailed
              EDIT: it must be ..detailed from the screenshot info


              And you could also check

              grommunio-admin exmdb st@foo.de folder permissions 0x18 (Freebusy Data / a hidden folder)

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