in the rspamd history in the classification of a incoming mail i always see a lua-error:

main	15571	cfg	im13nd	init of /usr/share/grommunio-antispam/lualib/lua_ffi/spf.lua failed: /usr/share/grommunio-antispam/lualib/lua_ffi/spf.lua:71: size of C type is unknown or too large at line 35; trace: [1]:{[C]:-1 - cdef [C]}; [2]:{/usr/share/grommunio-antispam/lualib/lua_ffi/spf.lua:71 - <unknown> [main]};

Does anyone get a similar error?
best regards rudolf

7 days later

Wait for the next big update. The next big update includes a current RSpamd.

4 days later

I will attend the webinar on 21st of November. Maybe there are some hints at what status quo grommunio is actually standing and what technical achievements can be expected in the near future.

New updates are here:

## Uptime	: 5 days  7:46
## Load		: Last Minute: 0,56, Last 5 Minutes: 0,23, Last 15 Minutes: 0,22
## IP Address	:
## Executed	: /usr/sbin/grommunio-update check supported
## Start	: Di 2024-11-05 22:46:07 CET
## Operation	: Check
[36m▶[0m Starting Check (zypper ref && zypper lu --allow-vendor-change).
[36m▶[0m on repository supported.
Credentials = [32m5tbHwrc8MNqmbZCC[0m:[31mKS2p...[0m.
Repository URL = https://5tbHwrc8MNqmbZCC:KS2p8i3PKc5Djxyq@download.grommunio.com/supported/openSUSE_Leap_15.5/?ssl_verify=no
grep: /etc/yum.repos.d/: No such file or directory
Repository 'base' ist aktuell.
Repository 'debug' ist aktuell.
Repository 'debug-update' ist aktuell.
Metadaten von Repository 'grommunio' abrufen [........fertig]
Cache für Repository 'grommunio' erzeugen [....fertig]
Metadaten von Repository 'repo-backports-update' abrufen [..............fertig]
Cache für Repository 'repo-backports-update' erzeugen [....fertig]
Metadaten von Repository 'repo-sle-update' abrufen [........................................................................................................................fertig]
Cache für Repository 'repo-sle-update' erzeugen [....fertig]
Repository 'update' ist aktuell.
Alle Repositorys wurden aktualisiert.
Repository-Daten werden geladen...
Installierte Pakete werden gelesen...
S  | Repository            | Name                     | Current Version               | Available Version              | Arch
v  | repo-backports-update | chromedriver             | 130.0.6723.58-bp155.2.129.1   | 130.0.6723.91-bp155.2.135.1    | x86_64
v  | repo-backports-update | chromium                 | 130.0.6723.58-bp155.2.129.1   | 130.0.6723.91-bp155.2.135.1    | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | device-mapper            | 2.03.22_1.02.196-150500.7.9.1 | 2.03.22_1.02.196-150500.7.12.2 | x86_64
v  | grommunio             | gromox                   |     | 2.35.21.fdc2573-lp155.5.1      | x86_64
v  | grommunio             | gromox-debuginfo         |     | 2.35.21.fdc2573-lp155.5.1      | x86_64
v  | grommunio             | gromox-debugsource       |     | 2.35.21.fdc2573-lp155.5.1      | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | java-11-openjdk-headless |      |       | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | libdevmapper-event1_03   | 2.03.22_1.02.196-150500.7.9.1 | 2.03.22_1.02.196-150500.7.12.2 | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | libdevmapper1_03         | 2.03.22_1.02.196-150500.7.9.1 | 2.03.22_1.02.196-150500.7.12.2 | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | libgcc_s1                | 14.2.0+git10526-150000.1.3.3  | 14.2.0+git10526-150000.1.6.1   | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | libgomp1                 | 14.2.0+git10526-150000.1.3.3  | 14.2.0+git10526-150000.1.6.1   | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | liblvm2cmd2_03           | 2.03.22-150500.7.9.1          | 2.03.22-150500.7.12.2          | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | libopenssl1_1            | 1.1.1l-150500.17.34.1         | 1.1.1l-150500.17.37.1          | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | libprotobuf-lite20       | 3.9.2-150200.4.21.1           | 3.9.2-150200.4.24.1            | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | libprotobuf-lite25_1_0   | 25.1-150500.12.5.1            | 25.1-150500.12.8.1             | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | libpython3_6m1_0         | 3.6.15-150300.10.72.1         | 3.6.15-150300.10.75.1          | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | libruby2_5-2_5           | 2.5.9-150000.4.29.1           | 2.5.9-150000.4.32.1            | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | libstdc++6               | 14.2.0+git10526-150000.1.3.3  | 14.2.0+git10526-150000.1.6.1   | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | login_defs               | 4.8.1-150400.10.21.1          | 4.8.1-150400.10.24.1           | noarch
v  | repo-sle-update       | lvm2                     | 2.03.22-150500.7.9.1          | 2.03.22-150500.7.12.2          | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | openssl-1_1              | 1.1.1l-150500.17.34.1         | 1.1.1l-150500.17.37.1          | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | python3                  | 3.6.15-150300.10.72.1         | 3.6.15-150300.10.75.1          | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | python3-base             | 3.6.15-150300.10.72.1         | 3.6.15-150300.10.75.1          | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | python3-curses           | 3.6.15-150300.10.72.1         | 3.6.15-150300.10.75.1          | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | ruby2.5                  | 2.5.9-150000.4.29.1           | 2.5.9-150000.4.32.1            | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | ruby2.5-stdlib           | 2.5.9-150000.4.29.1           | 2.5.9-150000.4.32.1            | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | shadow                   | 4.8.1-150400.10.21.1          | 4.8.1-150400.10.24.1           | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | shim                     | 15.8-150300.4.20.2            | 15.8-150300.4.23.1             | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | uwsgi                    |          |          | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | uwsgi-python3            |          |          | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | wget                     | 1.20.3-150000.3.20.1          | 1.20.3-150000.3.23.2           | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | xorg-x11-server          | 21.1.4-150500.7.26.1          | 21.1.4-150500.7.29.1           | x86_64
v  | repo-sle-update       | xorg-x11-server-Xvfb     | 21.1.4-150500.7.26.1          | 21.1.4-150500.7.29.1           | x86_64
[32m▶[0m Check completed successfully.
[36m▶[0m Updating postfix configuration with new maps if exist
[36m▶[0m Checking for pending service restart or reboot
## End Check	: Di 2024-11-05 22:47:25 CET

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