Hi Grommunio community,
I make a test with de new version 2022.5.1 and I have a problem with archive, isn't possible to connect by archive tab.
I have searched into mysql db on groarchive database, my user is not present in tables.
After enabled logging mysql queries, I found update request for user, she doesn't look right for user table, in db the name for this is user and on query the name for this is users, see exemple :
update Users
set Id
='5uxz1eudbpfk5bizsezs1m3w1h', CreateAt
=1654237834773, UpdateAt
=1654252047401, DeleteAt
=0, Username
='xxxxxxxxxxxxx', Password
='xxxxxxxxxxxxx', AuthData
=NULL, AuthService
='pam', Email
='didier.walraet@xxxxxxxxxxx', EmailVerified
=0, Nickname
='', FirstName
='Didier', LastName
='Walraet', Position
='', Roles
='system_user system_admin', AllowMarketing
=0, Props
='{}', NotifyProps
='{\"channel\":\"true\",\"comments\":\"never\",\"desktop\":\"mention\",\"desktop_sound\":\"true\",\"desktop_threads\":\"all\",\"email\":\"true\",\"email_threads\":\"all\",\"first_name\":\"false\",\"mention_keys\":\"\",\"push\":\"mention\",\"push_status\":\"away\",\"push_threads\":\"all\"}', LastPasswordUpdate
=1654237834773, LastPictureUpdate
=0, FailedAttempts
=0, Locale
='en', Timezone
='{\"automaticTimezone\":\"Europe/Brussels\",\"manualTimezone\":\"\",\"useAutomaticTimezone\":\"true\"}', MfaActive
=0, MfaSecret
='', RemoteId
=NULL where Id
Can this explain my problem ?
Best regards,