Hi there, I don´t know what is the right way for informations about the Debian installscript from @eryx (https://community.grommunio.com/d/447-debian-11-clean-install-script).

I tryed to install with the script on Debian 12 at a Strato V-Server.

After downloading from Github, the packages could not be installed, because the apt sources.list want to connect to version "13" - but the stable one have the number 12. So i changed the file repo in directory common (3rd line after comments):
grep -q bullseye /etc/os-release && DEB=12 || DEB=12
(the last 12 is in original file 13)

After that, the installation works perfect, but I was not able to use SMTP. THe saslauthd service was not startet.

In the installation script "grommunio-setup" is a sed - command who set the START from no to yes.
The file /etc/default/saslauthd after installation have no line with START=yes or START=NO.
I changed it to

sed -i 's/START=no/#START=no/g' /etc/default/saslauthd
   echo "START=yes" >> /etc/default/saslauthd

After that it worked, thanks for your work.

  • crpb replied to this.

    mw040621 grep -q bullseye /etc/os-release && DEB=12 || DEB=12

    thx for the info, i changed something recently and i guess i missed something 😛

    And that missing start=yes i will add aswell when i get to it.

    I guess that should do it

    that SKIPDIALOG is something i forgot to remove right now but won't do anything yet so that can be disregarded

    7 days later

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