Similar issue on Debian with gromox 2.42:
delivery[4038074]: double free or corruption (out)
gromox-delivery service fails to start
to be more precise:
2.41.97.gd9eb9c8-1+21.1 already has the issue, while
2.41.16.gee901f3-1+15.1 is working as expected.
it is possible to "reanimate" the service with tmalloc4.
But this only leads to multiple duplicates delivered to mailboxes
Any damaged file in the delivery queues?
ls /var/lib/gromox/queue/*
Checking the subfolders, I see a few files in /var/lib/gromox/queue/save, but they are dating back by at least one year.
But I had the same situation when using the faulty versions of grommox-delivery, that emails did show up in inboxes 10 times or even more for the same email. They did not look corrupted and could be cleand up via the regular MUA (Outlook).
Following the docs here, I moved the messaes from .../save to .../mess to requeue them. 2 of the messages have been processed immdeately, the others remain in .../mess.
But no logs in "journalctl -b -u gromox-delivery", "/var/log/gromox/gromox.log" or even "/var/log/mail.log".
I tend to delete the stuff in .../mess, as having a look into the files on the shell did show that these are no valuable emails.
sadly I have the same situation since last week (only on my home Testlab with community Edition, all supported installations work fine), so I realy think there is not ok with the aktuel grommunio-delivery packet (EL9 )
mmh i think i got fooled : )
i always made updates with. zypper ref && zypper up
leading to some version mixup..
firing grommunio-update upgrade .... all fine now
no bloody memory leaks
anybody to confirm this ?
Confirm today's gromox-delivery 2.42.10.gec8e477 solves the problem on openSUSE appliance. Thank you