Hello grommunio community, customers & partners,

the signature used for our repositories has changed, since it still was named after our original go-to-market name grammm.

To update your signatures:

rpm --import https://download.grommunio.com/RPM-GPG-KEY-grommunio for rpm-based distributions (EL8, SUSE, openSUSE), including grommunio Appliances
wget -O - https://download.grommunio.com/RPM-GPG-KEY-grommunio | sudo apt-key add - for deb-based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu)

Enjoy grommunio!

mwilliams stickied the discussion .

For completeness, this is the ID that should be visible upon import.

pub   rsa4096/0xF448DE9B1BE231D9 2022-05-15 [SC] [expires: 2027-05-14]
      Key fingerprint = 87B1 B28E 1E1F 6721 798C  D1CD F448 DE9B 1BE2 31D9
uid                   [ultimate] grommunio Repository Signing Key <info@grommunio.com>
sub   rsa4096/0x1629B6CB7C0F8CFC 2022-05-15 [E] [expires: 2027-05-14]
7 months later
mwilliams unstickied the discussion .

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