I build a package for grommunio-antispam test-wise. It's starting it seems to work, it's shown in the admin panel, but not fully sure, yet. If you want to try you can find it here --> https://github.com/eryx12o45/stuff/blob/main/grommunio-antispam_3.2-150300.8.1_amd64.deb
grommunio-antispam Debian 11 package
a year later
Is this package still available?
It appears to have been deleted
Why you do not install Rspamd? This is the grommunio antispam package: https://rspamd.com/
I’ve already got rspamd installed, I presumed the grommunio-antispam package tied it all together
The grommunio-antispam and Rspand are mostly the same, biggest change is the name.
that make sense, should the following be removed from /etc/grommunio-admin-api/conf.d/02-services.yaml then?
- unit: gromox-antispam.service
Rename it to rspamd.service and the admin-ui monitors Rspamd.