Hello grommunio community,
As announced in our release announcement at https://grommunio.com/news/ankuendigung-release-2021-08-1/ we have published our apps to the App Stores (Play Store and Apple Store), however the checks will likely take a bit from Google, respectively Apple.
To enable our community users with the possibility to checkout the Apps, we've made a download location available for you until the time has come to enjoy grommunio directly from the Stores.
You can find the releases at https://download.grommunio.com/apps/
Please note, that these releases will not be published indefinitely there - this is made available for the impatient (maybe you? :-)), partners and enterprise customers for mass deployment requesting access to them. After successful check from the stores - the downloads will be pulled and the app stores are the primary source. Enterprise customers have the added benefit of custom builds.
// m.williams