bogdanor Index for mailbox with 20k emails not working: /usr/sbin/ [STATUS] Updating existing index /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/ [STATUS] Checking for updates... [STATUS] Index is up-to-date. [STATUS] Updating existing index /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/ [STATUS] Checking for updates... [STATUS] Updating index... [FATAL] Connection closed unexpectedly Do you have any testers? I made 5 bug reports just from one day. How to use this system in the future in enterprise?
mwilliams bogdanor bogdanor you have any testers? I made 5 bug reports just from one day. How to use this system in the future in enterprise? We do. But they QA what paid customers use: the supported repository channel. You might want to check mail_max_length, as documented here: And, as usual, you might want to share your version, rpm -qi gromox
bogdanor More verbose # grommunio-index -vvvvv /var/lib/gromox/user/2/2 -o /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/ [DEBUG] exmdb=localhost:5000, user=/var/lib/gromox/user/2/2, output=/var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/ [STATUS] Updating existing index /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/ [STATUS] Checking for updates... [DEBUG] Loaded 20 folders [INFO] Need to update 14166 messages and 2 hierarchy entries. [STATUS] Updating index... [DEBUG] Removing modified messages [DEBUG] Inserting new messages [FATAL] Connection closed unexpectedly
bogdanor Largest email size is 28Mb: # du -a ./ | sort -n -r | head -n 20 2838780 ./ 1358880 ./eml 1212012 ./cid 187368 ./exmdb 187292 ./exmdb/exchange.sqlite3 80492 ./ext 28368 ./eml/1670422827.12432.mail 26216 ./eml/1670420257.3309.mail 26212 ./eml/1670424916.19856.mail 21784 ./eml/1670424465.18266.mail 19116 ./cid/68503 18588 ./eml/1670420537.4235.mail 15880 ./eml/1670423142.13541.mail 13272 ./cid/42066 12712 ./eml/1670424055.16792.mail 12516 ./eml/1670421369.7187.mail 12148 ./eml/1670420348.3583.mail 10044 ./eml/1670416587.1911.mail 9892 ./cid/11268 9204 ./cid/11266 mail_max_length default, 64Mb # rpm -qi gromox Name : gromox Version : Release : lp153.160.1 Architecture: x86_64 Install Date: Вт 06 дек 2022 15:39:45 Group : Productivity/Networking/Email/Servers Size : 7139196 License : AGPL-3.0-or-later AND GPL-2.0-only AND GPL-3.0-or-later Signature : RSA/SHA512, Вт 06 дек 2022 10:38:07, Key ID f448de9b1be231d9 Source RPM : gromox- Build Date : Пт 02 дек 2022 19:33:49 Build Host : srv-build-03 Relocations : (not relocatable) Vendor : grommunio GmbH
mwilliams Was tried to be reproduced, however unsuccessfully, the test suite is all green. First guess would be you have a broken object on which indexer bails out. Without support I'm afraid you're out of luck since we'd need some example to validate.