Funktioniert bei mir mit diesen Änderungen:
mkdir /etc/gromox/imap_2
cp /etc/gromox/authmgr.cfg /etc/gromox/imap_2
cp /etc/gromox/imap.cfg /etc/gromox/imap_2
# Rechte setzen!
chown gromox:root /etc/gromox/imap_2
chown gromox:root /etc/gromox/imap_2/*
Die /etc/gromox/imap_2/imap.cfg
listen_ssl_port = 9993
listen_port = 144
# as test for a second IMAP server on port 9993 and 144
config_file_path = /etc/gromox/imap_2:/etc/gromox
Wichtig sind die beiden Pfade in der Variable config_file_path
, zuerst wird in /etc/gromox/imap_2
gesucht, geladen und alles was nicht gefunden wird, wird dann im normalen Config Pfad /etc/gromox
muss man auch anpassen.
# Login without password
Imap 2 starten mit:
/usr/libexec/gromox/imap -c /etc/gromox/imap_2/imap.cfg
[system]: host ID is gggggggggg
[system]: default domain is
[system]: one thread is in charge of 20 contexts
[system]: threads pool initial threads number is 5
[imap]: context average memory is 128k
[imap]: context maximum memory is 4096k
[imap]: context average mitem number is 65536
[imap]: imap socket read write timeout is 3min
[imap]: imap session autologout time is 30min
[imap]: maximum authentication failure times is 10
[imap]: block client 1min when authentication failure count is exceeded
[imap]: TLS support enabled
[system]: system TLS listening port 9993
ldap_adaptor: default host <ldap:// ldap://yyy.yyyy.local:389>, base <ou=VVVVVV,o=OOOO>, #conn=8, mailattr=mail
mysql_adaptor: Current schema n122 is recent.
[system]: IMAP DAEMON is now running