Hi everybody.
Because we still have problems with public folders sync with outlook and nobody is able to answer my questions (or do not want to say it is a bug) I decided to switch repo to supported.
I cloned my vm, change server IP address (because of test environment), IP address in /etc/hosts record, use @WalterH howto for change settings apt (thank you Walter, very useful post ) and run dist-upgrade.
There were some errors unfortunately as ussual, I must remove /usr/share/grommunio-common/nginx/upstreams.d/grommunio-dav-upstream.conf, create directory /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-session to be possible to finish upgrade and reboot server. Now it seems everything works.
I have one domain which is not used yet, so I created new user, set local dns correct records for server name and autodiscover. I can log in as new user from web gui. I configured outlook account, outlook asked for certificate acception (domain is not in certificate yet), and unusually asked for password again, again, again. When I cancel this dialog account was possible to save. When I start outlook again, it still asked for password. I overwrited password at admin gui for new user but it not helped.
Can somebody tell where could be problem, please? I searched log files, but did not find anything usable.
Thank you for any answer.