I installed todays updates about an hour ago (using the GUI updater):-
`## This system : Grommunio.mydomain.com
Uptime : 2 days 14:20
Load : Last Minute: 0.15, Last 5 Minutes: 0.10, Last 15 Minutes: 0.09
IP Address :
Executed : /usr/sbin/grommunio-update check community
Start : Tue 2024-02-06 11:36:21 GMT
Operation : Check
[36m▶[0m Starting Check (zypper ref && zypper lu --allow-vendor-change)
Repository 'base' is up to date.
Repository 'debug' is up to date.
Repository 'debug-update' is up to date.
Retrieving repository 'grommunio' metadata [......done]
Building repository 'grommunio' cache [...done]
Retrieving repository 'repo-backports-update' metadata [..............done]
Building repository 'repo-backports-update' cache [....done]
Retrieving repository 'repo-sle-update' metadata [.....................................done]
Building repository 'repo-sle-update' cache [....done]
Repository 'update' is up to date.
All repositories have been refreshed.
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
S | Repository | Name | Current Version | Available Version | Arch
v | grommunio | grommunio-antispam | 3.8.1-lp155.2.1 | 3.8.1-lp155.3.1 | x86_64
v | grommunio | grommunio-cui | 1.0.263.dcebcfe-lp155.62.1 | | noarch
v | grommunio | gromox | 2.22.20.g2d2a29d-lp155.14.1 | 2.23.0.g3fa8b41-lp155.17.1 | x86_64
v | grommunio | gromox-debuginfo | 2.22.20.g2d2a29d-lp155.14.1 | 2.23.0.g3fa8b41-lp155.17.1 | x86_64
v | grommunio | gromox-debugsource | 2.22.20.g2d2a29d-lp155.14.1 | 2.23.0.g3fa8b41-lp155.17.1 | x86_64
[32m▶[0m Check completed successfully.
[36m▶[0m Updating postfix configuration with new maps if exist
[36m▶[0m Checking for pending service restart or reboot
End Check : Tue 2024-02-06 11:36:58 GMT`
Since the installation I am having issue with HTML email not formatting correctly in GR web and Mac Mail. Examples below:-
GR Web
Should look something like this (note picture is not same email as text below it):-

But instead I get this:-
`Quarantined email for user@domain.com
Here is a summary of emails that were quarantined from your INBOX on
06-Feb-2024. These emails will be kept on the server for 30 days. To receive
any of these messages, click Restore.
Message Count
Total Emails Processed: 18
[cid] Total Spam Messages: 6
Total Good Messages: 12
Total Possible Spam: 0
Displaying messages received after 06/02/24 00:09
From Subject Score Action
Carwow - sell my car There’s £959 sat on your driveway… 283 Restore
120/80 BP To reach 120/80 BP, follow these 340 Restore
fact@beginslim.best steps at home.
Customer feedback We have a surprise for Screwfix 388 Restore
services@ional.co.uk customers.
Kelly Walker This physically wipes 1% of your 400 Restore
helpdesk@bidmere.best memories every mo ...
Joanna Ryan 60-Second Ritual For 30 Minutes of 454 Restore
info@beerloss.best Pleasure
Unlock the Secret Just 10 Seconds a Day for Effortless 454 Restore
support@cellsir.best Weight Loss!
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/html;
Last Modified: 2015-03-15 15:11:20
<style type=3D"text/css">
=09P {
=09=09font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Verdana;
=09=09font-size: 11px;
=09=09color: black;
=09H1 {}
=09H2 {}
=09H3 {}
=09A {}
=09A:Visited {}
=09A:Active {}
=09A:Hover {}
=09BODY {
=09=09font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Verdana;
=09=09font-size: 11px;
=09=09color: black;
table {=20
=09font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Verdana;
=09font-size: 11px;
=09color: black;
<img src=3D"cid:part2.top.graph"><br>
<table width=3D"100%">
<tr bgcolor=3D"#2c5f7e">
<td align=3D"left">
<font color=3D"White" size=3D"+1">Quarantined email for caroline@the-seym=
Here is a summary of emails that were quarantined from your INBOX on 06-F=
eb-2024. These emails
will be kept on the server for 30 days. To receive any of these messages,=
click Restore.
<table width=3D"100%">
<td width=3D"201">
<img src=3D"cid:part1.top.header">
</td> =20
<table border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"5" width=3D"100%">
<th> </th>
<th><u>Message Count</u></th>
<td><b>Total Emails Processed:</b></td><td align=3D"center">18</td>
<td><b>Total Spam Messages:</b></td><td align=3D"center">6</td>
<td><b>Total Good Messages:</b></td><td align=3D"center">12</td>
<td><b>Total Possible Spam:</b></td><td align=3D"center">0</td>
Displaying messages received after <b>06/02/24 00:09</b>
<table width=3D"100%" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0">
<th bgcolor=3D"#5A79A5"><font color=3D"White">From</font></th>
<th bgcolor=3D"#5A79A5"><font color=3D"White">Subject</font></th>
<th bgcolor=3D"#5A79A5"><font color=3D"White">Score</font></th>
<th bgcolor=3D"#5A79A5"><font color=3D"White">Action</font></th>
<tr bgcolor=3D"White">
<td>Carwow - sell my car <hello@t.carwow.co.uk></td>
<td><a href=3D"https://mta.domain.com/FrontController?operation=
eW1vdXJzLmNvLnVr&p=3D%7EsUTDMGH&pid=3D1">There’s £959 sat on y=
our driveway…</a> </td>
<td><a href=3D"https://mta.domain.com/FrontController?operation=
leW1vdXJzLmNvLnVr&p=3D%7EsUTDMGH&pid=3D1">Restore</a> </td>
<tr bgcolor=3D"#DDDDDD">
<td>120/80 BP <fact@beginslim.best></td>
<td><a href=3D"https://mta.domain.com/FrontController?operation=
eW1vdXJzLmNvLnVr&p=3D%7EsUTDMGH&pid=3D1">To reach 120/80 BP, foll=
ow these steps at home.</a> </td>
<td><a href=3D"https://mta.domain.com/FrontController?operation=
leW1vdXJzLmNvLnVr&p=3D%7EsUTDMGH&pid=3D1">Restore</a> </td>
<tr bgcolor=3D"White">
<td>Customer feedback <services@ional.co.uk></td>
<td><a href=3D"https://mta.domain.com/FrontController?operation=
eW1vdXJzLmNvLnVr&p=3D%7EsUTDMGH&pid=3D1">We have a surprise for Screwfix =
customers.</a> </td>
<td><a href=3D"https://mta.domain.com/FrontController?operation=
leW1vdXJzLmNvLnVr&p=3D%7EsUTDMGH&pid=3D1">Restore</a> </td>
<tr bgcolor=3D"#DDDDDD">
<td> Kelly Walker <helpdesk@bidmere.best></td>
<td><a href=3D"https://mta.domain.com/FrontController?operation=
eW1vdXJzLmNvLnVr&p=3D%7EsUTDMGH&pid=3D1">This physically wipes 1% of =
your memories every mo ...</a> </td>
<td><a href=3D"https://mta.domain.com/FrontController?operation=
leW1vdXJzLmNvLnVr&p=3D%7EsUTDMGH&pid=3D1">Restore</a> </td>
<tr bgcolor=3D"White">
<td> Joanna Ryan <info@beerloss.best></td>
<td><a href=3D"https://mta.domain.com/FrontController?operation=
eW1vdXJzLmNvLnVr&p=3D%7EsUTDMGH&pid=3D1">60-Second Ritual For 30 Minu=
tes of Pleasure</a> </td>
<td><a href=3D"https://mta.domain.com/FrontController?operation=
leW1vdXJzLmNvLnVr&p=3D%7EsUTDMGH&pid=3D1">Restore</a> </td>
<tr bgcolor=3D"#DDDDDD">
<td>Unlock the Secret <support@cellsir.best></td>
<td><a href=3D"https://mta.domain.com/FrontController?operation=
eW1vdXJzLmNvLnVr&p=3D%7EsUTDMGH&pid=3D1">Just 10 Seconds a Day for Effort=
less Weight Loss!</a> </td>
<td><a href=3D"https://mta.domain.com/FrontController?operation=
leW1vdXJzLmNvLnVr&p=3D%7EsUTDMGH&pid=3D1">Restore</a> </td>
This is happening to ALL emails in Mac Mail, but only HTML emails in GR Web. If I revert to a snapshot before the updates were applied the issue does not exist.
EDIT: Apologies for the strange font sizes at the start all looked OK when creating post and this is what showed up when posted.