• General
  • Admin API doesn't load user details

I just discovered that Grommunio Admin will not load any user account details, when a selecting any of the server's accounts. There grommunio-admin api comes up with this error:

Feb 06 19:00:33 grommunio.stephanbudach.de uwsgi[1809]: [ERROR] (grommunio Admin API) Response validation failed: [InvalidSchemaValue(value=
{'ID': 6, 
'username': 'noone@stephanbudach.de', 
'domainID': 1, 
'ldapID': None, 
'status': 0, 
'lang': 'de_DE', 
'pop3_imap': True, 
'smtp': True, 
'changePassword': True, 
'publicAddress': False, 
'privChat': False, 
'privVideo': False, 
'privFiles': True, 
'privArchive': True, 
'aliases': ['foobar@stephanbudach.de'], 
'altnames': [], 
'fetchmail': [], 
'properties': {
	'displaytypeex': 0, 
	'internetarticlenumber': 39, 
	'prohibitreceivequota': 2226176, 
	'prohibitsendquota': 2097152, 
	'storagequotalimit': 2621440, 
	'outofofficestate': 0, 
	'messagesizeextended': 164613595, 
	'normalmessagesizeextended': 164611583, 
	'assocmessagesizeextended': 2012, 
	'displayname': 'Noone', 
	'creationtime': '2022-08-26 21:36:27'}, 
	'roles': [], 
	'forward': None, 
	'mlist': None, 
	'syncPolicy': {}, 
	'chat': False, 
	'chatAdmin': False, 
	'orgID': 1, 
	'homeserver': None}, 
type=<SchemaType.OBJECT: 'object'>, schema_errors=(<ValidationError: 'None for not nullable'>, <ValidationError: 'None for not nullable'>))]
Feb 06 19:00:33 grommunio.stephanbudach.de uwsgi[1809]: [WARNING] (grommunio Admin API) GET /api/v1/domains/1/users/6? from -> 500 '{"message":"The server generated an invalid response."}\n

It looks like this has to be fixed in the database, since the Admin UI won't finish loading. I'd be okay with that, but the question is, what is amiss here?

    I also just checked grommunio-admin from the terminal and it doesn't seem, to have any issues with showing/modifying the user details. I was able to add an alias to an account without any issues, so maybe the fault is in the UI rather than the DB…

    sbudach 'None for not nullable'

    for this message, some time ago there was a discussion in this forum, unfortunately I can't remember the time.

    Yeah, I tracked that back and it's really a mess… Odd though, that Grommunio demands Debian12 when it doesn't seem fully compatible.

    Oh well… CLI it is then… no biggie for me.

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