I just discovered that Grommunio Admin will not load any user account details, when a selecting any of the server's accounts. There grommunio-admin api comes up with this error:
Feb 06 19:00:33 grommunio.stephanbudach.de uwsgi[1809]: [ERROR] (grommunio Admin API) Response validation failed: [InvalidSchemaValue(value=
{'ID': 6,
'username': 'noone@stephanbudach.de',
'domainID': 1,
'ldapID': None,
'status': 0,
'lang': 'de_DE',
'pop3_imap': True,
'smtp': True,
'changePassword': True,
'publicAddress': False,
'privChat': False,
'privVideo': False,
'privFiles': True,
'privArchive': True,
'aliases': ['foobar@stephanbudach.de'],
'altnames': [],
'fetchmail': [],
'properties': {
'displaytypeex': 0,
'internetarticlenumber': 39,
'prohibitreceivequota': 2226176,
'prohibitsendquota': 2097152,
'storagequotalimit': 2621440,
'outofofficestate': 0,
'messagesizeextended': 164613595,
'normalmessagesizeextended': 164611583,
'assocmessagesizeextended': 2012,
'displayname': 'Noone',
'creationtime': '2022-08-26 21:36:27'},
'roles': [],
'forward': None,
'mlist': None,
'syncPolicy': {},
'chat': False,
'chatAdmin': False,
'orgID': 1,
'homeserver': None},
type=<SchemaType.OBJECT: 'object'>, schema_errors=(<ValidationError: 'None for not nullable'>, <ValidationError: 'None for not nullable'>))]
Feb 06 19:00:33 grommunio.stephanbudach.de uwsgi[1809]: [WARNING] (grommunio Admin API) GET /api/v1/domains/1/users/6? from -> 500 '{"message":"The server generated an invalid response."}\n
It looks like this has to be fixed in the database, since the Admin UI won't finish loading. I'd be okay with that, but the question is, what is amiss here?