• Info
  • How to setup 2FA?

6 days later


I have the same question.

Best regards

A simple start:

  1. Install grommunio-auth along with grommunio-keycloak
  2. Run /usr/share/grommunio-auth/setup-grommunio-auth.sh
  3. Log into Keycloak-Admin -> Add Conditional OTP into the flow.
  4. (Optional) configure the OTP Policy
  5. (Optional) define the OTP action as required user actions for forced 2FA

For anything else, please request support.

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    15 days later

    After installing auth and Keycloak, I'm unable to log in to the /web interface.

    redirect /web/nullrealms/grommunio/protocol/openid-connect/auth?s....


      5 days later


      "nullrealms" sounds like you just installed auth and keycloak without setup or your setup failed. Please have a look at /usr/share/grommunio-auth/setup-grommunio-auth.sh - you can re-execute it if it fails, and provide more information (see log)

      mwilliams thank you, with your instructions at the beginning of the article it worked.

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