
one of our customers uses Exchange with Mailstore for archiving.
In my mind there should be no problem migrating to grommunio. At the moment simply every in- and outgoing mail is forwarded to Mailstore.
This should be possible with postfix base functions.
Does anybody see a showstopper to migrate to grommunio?
Does anybody use grommunio with Mailstore?

Thanks for some hints...

kr Josef

    We use Mailstore at all our Grommunio customers without any problem


    6 days later
    a month later

    How are you setting up Mailstore with grommunio?
    Are you using a central LDAP, or without LDAP?

      Not that it currently helps a lot like in an exhange environment where you usually use journalusers which the mailstore makes use of. and the synced users are synced before each archive task so the mails will end in their archives.

      And it all depends of course on how you use the archive and which 'user' permissions are there.
      Some people just archive w/o user-access.
      Other delete/archive to keep the mailbox lean so users NEED access to the archive..

      yes with ldap sync (only mailstore user group) so each user logs in with its domain credetials

      the archiving is done per journal mailbox and additional each singel mailbox to delete mails older than 2 years from mailboxes


      • crpb replied to this.

        externa1 the archiving is done per journal mailbox and additional each singel mailbox to delete mails older than 2 years from mailboxes

        yeah, i have basically the same in most setups

        4 months later

        btw, i wouldn't yet call it fully as EWS is still not working :-(

        And yeah, i already sent in some debug logs of a test

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