• Info
  • Latest kernel update (27-05-24) fails to install

On attempting to install updates available today on my Grommunio Appliance (built from 15-04 ISO) on a Proxmox 8.x host) the following items were found to be available:-

v | grommunio | grommunio-cui | 1.0.268.f207513-lp155.68.1 | | noarch
v | grommunio | grommunio-setup | | 1.1.1.b985a59-lp155.51.1 | noarch
v | grommunio | gromox | 2.28.12.gdf8059d-lp155.31.1 | 2.28.12.gdf8059d-lp155.32.1 | x86_64
v | grommunio | gromox-debuginfo | 2.28.12.gdf8059d-lp155.31.1 | 2.28.12.gdf8059d-lp155.32.1 | x86_64
v | grommunio | gromox-debugsource | 2.28.12.gdf8059d-lp155.31.1 | 2.28.12.gdf8059d-lp155.32.1 | x86_64
v | repo-sle-update | kernel-default | 5.14.21-150500.55.62.2 | 5.14.21-150500.55.65.1 | x86_64

All installed OK except the kernel-default which reported an exit code '1'. An inspection of the /var/log/grommunio-update.log file suggested that the issue may have been insufficient disc space in the /boot volume, suggesting my Appliance was about 37MB short or space.

After a quick Google I issued the command:-

rpm -qa | grep -i 'kernel-default-5'

which showed the following kernels were present:-


The /etc/zypp/zypp.conf file suggested only the latter 2 kernels should be present.

multiversion.kernels = latest,latest-1,running

Running 'zypper purge-kernels' removed the oldest package (that should have been removed on the last reboot)

`Reading installed packages...

Preparing to purge obsolete kernels...
Configuration: latest,latest-1,running
Running kernel release: 5.14.21-150500.55.62-default
Running kernel arch: x86_64

Resolving package dependencies...

The following package is going to be REMOVED:

1 package to remove.
After the operation, 182.3 MiB will be freed.

Backend: classic_rpmtrans
Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): y
(1/1) Removing kernel-default-5.14.21-150500.55.52.1.x86_64 ...........................................[done]`

rpm -qa | grep -i 'kernel-default-5' now shows the oldest kernel has been removed.


Re-running Update from the Grommunio Admin GUI now correctly installs the new kernel, however, after the reboot rpm -qa | grep -i 'kernel-default-5' shows the following kernels are installed.


When the next kernel update is released the install will fail again as the /boot volume will again have insufficient space to allow the new kernel to be installed. It appears that the process that run the 'purge-kernels' command/script on boot up is not being executed as it used to. Fortunately, running ing the script manually works.

Hope this helps others if they see the kernel update failure.

  • crpb replied to this.
    7 days later

    crpb Thanks for this. I can confirm that the 'purge-kernels-service' was not installed when I built my latest VM's using the 15-04 Appliance ISO.

    I have now installed the 'purge-kernels-service' into my Grommunio appliances, so hopefully no more kernel install faults like this one.

    Thanks again for the insight to the issue.

    On my systems, the purge-kernels-service is not installed but old kernels get automatically removed.

    # rpm -qa | grep purge-kernels-service
    No result.

    • crpb replied to this.


      yeah, not deep enough into SuSe to know how that happens but well..
      if it works it doesn't matter.

      i mean it also depends on how often you reboot and maybe even if you do zypper up or zypper dup (or the same with grommunio-update...) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      but i can at least say that little service is working for me :-).

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