• Bug
  • MacOS with Outlook 2021 - Generally unable to modify calendar entries

We have ticket #812028 pending since several weeks and not even an aknowledgement from support, that the issue is known. That's the reason I'm reaching out to community in order to understand if we are the only one seeing this.

We have the grommunio appliance, updates are like 2 weeks ago, so pretty much up to date.
As clients we want to start onboarding Mac users and are testing with a MacBook on macOS Sonoma 14.5.
The client is installed with Microsoft Office 2021 Standard LTSC with Outlook v16.85.2 (updated today)

Setting up grommunio account via Outlook on the Mac worked without a hitch, all looks good at first.
I create a new entry in the calendar and save it, all good.
If I open such a saved calendar entry and modify something and hit save, the modification is NOT saved.
Additionally, that calendar entry is now write protected and feels like if it would have been a calendar invitation from someone else.
This behaviour is 100% reproducable, always.
Same calendar entries can easily and correctly be modified on the webmail or in Android nine App, no issues there and all as expected.

Is anybody else experiencing same behaviour?

We use the MacOS native apps. The native apps works.

    we have a similar problem that something is entered in the outlook for mac and does not arrive in the shared calendar in the other outlook for windows, but it is in the webmail.

    9 days later

    Hi @jassonmc,

    we are aware of this issue and the developers are looking into it (ref: gromox-510).

    2 months later

    I just tested today with MacOS Calendar, which is even worse.
    When I enter a new entry in the calendar, that entry does not get synced to the grommunio server. At least I can't see it in the webapp. I tried multiple times. The other way arround wors, so in webapp entered entries appear on MacOS Calendar.
    I'm talking about supported grommunio, which is crazy, since there seems to be currently no way, to use basic features with MacOS Calendar or Outlook 2021 LTSC Calendar...
    I am running MacOS Sonomal 14.6.1 on a M1 MacBook Air.

    Any recommendations?

      jassonmc we see the same behaviour with the grommunio community edition and mac os calendar. however, when i add a new calendar entry and type some letters in the notes, go back to the event title and create the event by pressing enter, mac calendar will sync the event and i see it in the web app. can you recreate that?

        That's REALLY weird. Just tried it and you are right.
        I did several tests now.
        Enter event title and at least one character in the notes, then either click somewhere outside the new event to save it or as you described being in the title field and pressing enter, either way works.
        The important point here is, that you MUST enter something in the notes, then it works.

        I did another test and created a new entry with only title, which does not get synced. I reopened this event and added now something in the notes and saved that event again. That does not work, so you really MUST enter something in the notes when you first create that event, before it gets saved for the first time.

        Anybody else able to reproduce?

          jassonmc The important point here is, that you MUST enter something in the notes, then it works

          I always type something in the notes, that's the reason why we do not see this issue.
          I guess developer can add an empty notes field to fix this behavior.

            Should I open another ticket for that Mac calendar issue or did you already forward this new issue internally?

            • crpb replied to this.
              6 days later

              Hi @jassonmc and @alexandergr ,

              I am currently out of the office and without an access to a mac calendar to investigate this issue.

              Does the client actually send the calendar entry created without a note to the server?

                No, creating a new entry in the Mac calendar, which only consists of a titile an no note, results in a calendar entry only visible on the Mac calendar, but not in the webmail client nor another client with Outlook for Mac 2021.

                It seems, as if the entry is stuck in the Mac calendar.

                Indeed creating a new calendar entry with a note gets synced to the server. Deleting also works (without/with note).
                But creating a simple calendar entry without note never gets synced to the server.
                Apple MacOS 14.6.1 Sonoma. Latest community grommunio.

                2 months later

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