I am running the community edition of grommunio, which is fully updated. Although Gmail on my Android phone successfully syncs mail, calendar and contacts with my grommunio server, any email that I compose on my phone and then try to send gets stuck in the Outbox and is never sent.
I'm a novice. Please can anyone suggest how I can investigate this problem, or tell me what further information I should include in this request for help?

Thank you,



    do the emails stuck in your outbox on the mobile only or are they also in outbox of another client, e.g. grommunio-web?

    You may also check if there's an entry like - user@domain.tld [22/Jul/2024:12:34:18 +0200] "POST /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?Cmd=SendMail&User=user%40domain.tld&DeviceId=androidc12345&DeviceType=Android HTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "Android-Mail/2024.06.23.648542866.Release" in /var/log/nginx/nginx-sync-access.log.

    Cmd=SendMail is the important part meaning that the request from your mobile arrives to your server. Then check if there are any errors in /var/log/grommunio-sync/grommunio-sync-error.log.

    If it looks like the emails don't even leave your mobile, then maybe something's wrong with your account's settings on it. Check if there maybe is a mismatch between your username and configured email address. Sometimes it also helps to just reboot the mobile device.

    Hello Andreas,
    Thanks for your reply.

    I have already rebooted my Android phone and it made no difference to the results I see. I have no problems composing emails using the Web interface, even from the Android phone. They appear in the Sent folder as expected. However, when I send an email from Gmail on my Android phone, I see this in /var/log/nginx/nginx-sync-access.log: - chris.tucker [23/Jul/2024:21:39:42 +0100] "POST /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?Cmd=Ping&User=chris.tucker&DeviceId=androidc2047707495&DeviceType=Android HTTP/1.1" 499 0 "-" "Android-Mail/2024.07.07.653075272.Release" - chris.tucker [23/Jul/2024:21:39:43 +0100] "POST /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?Cmd=SendMail&User=chris.tucker&DeviceId=androidc2047707495&DeviceType=Android HTTP/1.1" 200 15 "-" "Android-Mail/2024.07.07.653075272.Release" - chris.tucker [23/Jul/2024:21:39:43 +0100] "POST /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?Cmd=Ping&User=chris.tucker&DeviceId=androidc2047707495&DeviceType=Android HTTP/1.1" 499 0 "-" "Android-Mail/2024.07.07.653075272.Release" - chris.tucker [23/Jul/2024:21:39:45 +0100] "POST /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?Cmd=Ping&User=chris.tucker&DeviceId=androidc2047707495&DeviceType=Android HTTP/1.1" 499 0 "-" "Android-Mail/2024.07.07.653075272.Release" - chris.tucker [23/Jul/2024:21:39:45 +0100] "POST /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?Cmd=Ping&User=chris.tucker&DeviceId=androidc2047707495&DeviceType=Android HTTP/1.1" 499 0 "-" "Android-Mail/2024.07.07.653075272.Release"

    This is similar to your example entry, but I see "200 15" as the result for Cmd=SendMail, not "200 0". The email sits in the Gmail Outbox, showing a status of "Failed". Meanwhile, I see these entries in /var/log/grommunio-sync/grommunio-sync-error.log:
    23/07/2024 22:50:04 [ 1460] [ WARN] [chris.tucker] /usr/share/grommunio-sync/lib/core/sharedfolders.php:32 Trying to access array offset on value of type bool (2)
    23/07/2024 22:50:04 [ 1462] [ WARN] [chris.tucker] /usr/share/grommunio-sync/lib/core/sharedfolders.php:32 Trying to access array offset on value of type bool (2)
    23/07/2024 22:50:04 [ 1463] [ WARN] [chris.tucker] /usr/share/grommunio-sync/lib/core/sharedfolders.php:32 Trying to access array offset on value of type bool (2)
    23/07/2024 22:50:10 [ 1458] [ WARN] [chris.tucker] /usr/share/grommunio-sync/lib/core/sharedfolders.php:32 Trying to access array offset on value of type bool (2)
    23/07/2024 22:50:10 [ 1464] [ WARN] [chris.tucker] /usr/share/grommunio-sync/lib/core/sharedfolders.php:32 Trying to access array offset on value of type bool (2)
    However, I see these WARN messages whenever I send any email, so I don't think they are directly related to my problem with Gmail.

    Just to be clear, all other synchronisation (including emails composed on other devices using the Web interface) works successfully on the Android phone, it's just composing emails on the phone which fails.

    Can you suggest anything else I might try, please?


      Did you make some additional configuration to /etc/grommunio-sync/grommunio-sync.conf.php?

      Do you have another Exchange accounts configured in your Gmail app? Which mobile device and which Android version are you using?

      It also would be helpful to see the request the device sends. For that change the line 71 from define('LOGLEVEL', LOGLEVEL_INFO); to define('LOGLEVEL', LOGLEVEL_WBXML); in /etc/grommunio-sync/grommunio-sync.conf.php and try to send an email from your grommunio account on the mobile (you may change the line back after that as the log will grow faster and usually the higher log level is not necessary).

      In /var/log/grommunio-sync/grommunio-sync.log search for SendMail and post the output between -------- Start and -------- End, e.g.

      23/07/2024 16:36:58 [16158] [DEBUG] [user@domain.tld] -------- Start
      23/07/2024 16:36:58 [16158] [DEBUG] [user@domain.tld] cmd='SendMail' devType='Android' devId='androidc12345' getUser='user@domain.tld' from='' version='GIT' method='POST'
      23/07/2024 16:36:58 [16158] [DEBUG] [user@domain.tld] Used timezone 'UTC'
      23/07/2024 16:36:58 [16158] [DEBUG] [user@domain.tld] Grommunio using PHP-MAPI version: 2.30.38.g713d40b - PHP version: 8.2.20
      23/07/2024 16:36:58 [16158] [DEBUG] [user@domain.tld] Request::ProcessHeaders() ASVersion: 16.0
      23/07/2024 16:36:58 [16158] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I  <ComposeMail:SendMail>
      23/07/2024 16:36:58 [16158] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I   <ComposeMail:ClientId>
      23/07/2024 16:36:58 [16158] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I    SendMail-123456
      23/07/2024 16:36:58 [16158] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I   </ComposeMail:ClientId>
      23/07/2024 16:36:58 [16158] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I   <ComposeMail:SaveInSentItems/>
      23/07/2024 16:36:58 [16158] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I   <ComposeMail:MIME>
      23/07/2024 16:36:58 [16158] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I    Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2024 18:37:03 +0200
      Subject: Gmail
      23/07/2024 16:36:58 [16158] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I   </ComposeMail:MIME>
      23/07/2024 16:36:58 [16158] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I  </ComposeMail:SendMail>
      23/07/2024 16:36:58 [16158] [DEBUG] [user@domain.tld] Grommunio->SendMail(): RFC822: 492 bytes  forward-id: 'null' reply-id: 'null' parent-id: 'false' SaveInSent: '1' ReplaceMIME: 'false'
      23/07/2024 16:36:58 [16158] [ INFO] [user@domain.tld] cmd='SendMail' memory='4.07 MiB/6.00 MiB' time='0.74s' devType='Android' devId='androidc12345' getUser='user@domain.tld' from='' idle='0s' version='GIT' method='POST' httpcode='200'
      23/07/2024 16:36:58 [16158] [DEBUG] [user@domain.tld] -------- End

      Feel free to anonymize the log if it contains sensitive information and also remove WBXML-IN : line from the WBXML log.

      Maybe as a possible cause.

      Google has had a restriction on older or non-secure apps since some time and provides special 3rd party support for the account login. Microsoft has now announced the same for Outlook accounts, but so far without this 3rd party support, you are asked to deal with the individual APP developers themselves.

      Maybe this is the reason.

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