Well maybe these are better news: Please check gromox-2.33.30.x0db9c00 from devel repositories ( A simple rpm -Uvh of only the gromox package should do.
The devel branch currently boasts a (yet unpublished) relevant fix which whould solve this issue, commit message:
midb: resolve "inside a readonly TXN" warnings during message deletion
An implicitly started transaction stays open until the cursors have
reached the end of the data set. Just like e.g. fread(3), it is not
sufficient to read the exact number of rows/bytes — it really takes
that final step()/fread() call for the end-of-data/end-of-file flag
to be set.
References: GXL-537, GXF-1738, GXF-1769, DESK-2301, DESK-2311
References: DESK-2402, DESK-2421, DESK-2436, DESK-2449
It specifically deals with the notification and stems from our full-transaction-based rebuild.
Please let us know of any results from your side.