Ganztagestermine einen Tag verschoben
I know, I annoy... but any news?
At the moment the situation here is escalating here as several important appointments were inserted in a shared calendar and now its a big mess as they are shifted by a day in one ore the other direction and nobody knows which appointment-date is the right one.
If its not possible to get the Grommunio Calendar working so its reliable using it on different devices i have to search for another Groupware as i dont can offer the users a solution at this time.
Like this, calendars are unuseable and I can only advise everyone to NOT USE Grommunio Calendars until this is fixed!
Its never sure if the appointments are displayed on the right dates.
Wasn't their a commit these days?
Yep, cal: improve handling of all-day events
Hi crbp,
would be so happy if this would solve the problem... Will test it...
nope... created an appointment in grommunio web for the 20th, on smartphone its on the 19th.
On my MacOS-Outlook its on 20th... moving it there to another day let it jump to it but than it jumps back to the 20th after the next sync...
Creating an appointent in the smartphone for 20th, its displayed in grommunio web on 20th. Moving it with grommunio web to the 19th than its on 18th on the smartphone.
Not sure if with this commit is something better than before, but all in all its still a mess.
morbificagent would be so happy if this would solve the problem... Will test it...
Sorrry, but i'm only a Partner
we're still looking into the issue with the EAS/grommunio-sync. It's not making our task easier when every client interprets how to handle all-day events in its own way.
Hi, grommunio-sync-
(community version) contains fixes which should solve the issue that all-day events are shifted on mobile devices. We would be very grateful if you could test it and provide feedback.
That sounds great. For sure i will test this!
I have tested it and made all-day events on Outlook Win, Grommunio Web, Outlook Android and the native (EAS) Calendar-App on Android.
On Android itself everything looks fine and all events are displayed on the 18th.
But at the Grommunio Webinterface and Outlook Windows its like this:
did you update grommunio-sync all or the other components as well? Could you please post the versions of grommunio provided packages? rpm -qa --qf="%{NAME}-%{VERSION}\t%{DISTRIBUTION}\n" | grep -i grommunio | sort
What are the timezones of all the involved parties (the computers with Outlook and grommunio-web, the server, mobile device)?
Is it a screenshot right after creating the appointment on a mobile device or were the appointments edited after creating them?
Also as a side note - we don't recommend using Outlook app on mobile devices.
Hi Andreas,
Yes i have updated all components.
The timezone is GMT+2 on all devices as im in germany.
I have checked this for the server (Europe/Germany), the Win-Install (Berlin UTC+1), Android (set by provider, GMT+2)
Is it a screenshot right after creating the appointment on a mobile device or were the appointments edited after creating them?
Yes its made right after creating the appointments on the devices. No changes after that.
here the used versions:
rpm -qa --qf="%{NAME}-%{VERSION}\t%{DISTRIBUTION}\n" | grep -i grommunio | sort
grommunio-admin-api-1.16.8.ab650a1 grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
grommunio-admin-common-38.f4553bd grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
grommunio-admin-web- grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
grommunio-antispam-3.9.1 grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
grommunio-archive-1.3.13.g137.d1b0df1b grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
grommunio-chat-9.8.1 grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
grommunio-common-26.a6f127d grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
grommunio-cui- grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
grommunio-dav- grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
grommunio-dbconf-1.1.1.da20a46 grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
grommunio-error-pages-1.0.10.bb2df37 grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
grommunio-files-27.1.10 grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
grommunio-imapsync-2.264 grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
grommunio-index-1.0.18.g4e17d7d grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
grommunio-office-7.4.1 grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
grommunio-office-fonts-7.4.1 grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
grommunio-release-2023.11.3 grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
grommunio-setup- grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
grommunio-sync- grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
grommunio-web-3.9.134.g023bb851 grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
gromox-2.35.0.g5b29178 grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
gromox-debuginfo-2.35.0.g5b29178 grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
gromox-debugsource-2.35.0.g5b29178 grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
grub2-theme-grommunio-1 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
jitsi-jibri- grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
jitsi-jicofo-2.0.7001+1.0.862.gaace8cf grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
jitsi-jigasi-1.1.216.ga2399b9 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
jitsi-meet-2.0.6726 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
jitsi-meet-branding-grommunio-2.0.6726 grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
jitsi-meet-prosody-plugins-2.0.6726 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
jitsi-videobridge-2.0.6726+2.1.682.g0192d75e grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
joe-4.6 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
libbfio1-20240414 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
libesedb1-20240420 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
libexmdbpp0- grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
libHX32-4.23 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
libolecf1-20240427 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
libpff1-20231205 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
libsqlite3-0-3.45.2 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
libtinyxml2-10-10.0.0 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
libvmime-suse6- grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
libvmime-suse8- grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
mapi-header-php-1.4.0.db15bd0 grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
nginx-module-brotli-1.0.0rc+g2 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
nginx-module-vts-0.2.2 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
patterns-grommunio-1 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
perl-Authen-NTLM-1.09 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
perl-Encode-IMAPUTF7-1.05 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
perl-JSON-WebToken-0.10 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
php8-redis-5.3.7 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
plymouth-theme-grommunio-1 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
python3-mattermostdriver-7.3.2 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
python3-openapi-core-0.13.7 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
python3-openapi-schema-validator-0.1.5 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
python3-pamela-1.0.0 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
python3-pyexmdb- grommunio:community / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
python3-rfc3339-validator-0.1.4 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
sqlite3-3.45.2 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
sqlite3-tcl-3.45.2 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
systemd-coredump-grommunio-1 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
systemd-presets-branding-grommunio-2024.06 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
system-user-groarchive-2 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
system-user-grochat-5 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
system-user-groffice-2 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
system-user-grofiles-2 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
system-user-grommunio-10 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
system-user-gromox-9 grommunio / openSUSE_Leap_15.5
could you also post the WBXML log of such an all-day event being synced from the mobile to server?
To get WBXML logs there are two options.
Option 1 is to enable it for everyone. in order to do it set the 'LOGLEVEL'
in /etc/grommunio-sync/grommunio-sync.conf.php
so that it looks like this (around line 70):
Option 2 is to enable it for one user only because LOGLEVEL_WBXML is quite verbose, so if you have a lot of users on your system, it might eat up disk space quite rapidly. In order to do it, add the username to $specialLogUser
in /etc/grommunio-sync/grommunio-sync.conf.php
(around line 78):
$specialLogUsers = ['user@domain.tld'];
It looks something like this (I've removed some not essential information, also if you opt for the option 2 there will also be the device id):
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [DEBUG] [user@domain.tld] -------- Start
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [DEBUG] [user@domain.tld] cmd='Sync' devType='Android' devId='androidc123456' getUser='user@domain.tld' from='' version='GIT' method='POST'
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [DEBUG] [user@domain.tld] Used timezone 'UTC'
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [DEBUG] [user@domain.tld] Grommunio using PHP-MAPI version: 2.34.15.gd6cb7ab - PHP version: 8.2.20
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I <Perform>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I <Add>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I <ClientEntryId>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I fc45510e-2c4c-4ab4-9dc3-866a3654f49e
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I </ClientEntryId>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I <Data>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I <POOMCAL:AllDayEvent>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I 1
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I </POOMCAL:AllDayEvent>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I <POOMCAL:StartTime>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I 20241219T000000Z
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I </POOMCAL:StartTime>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I <POOMCAL:EndTime>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I 20241220T000000Z
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I </POOMCAL:EndTime>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I <AirSyncBase:Location/>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I <POOMCAL:Subject>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I 1912 android all-day
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I </POOMCAL:Subject>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I <AirSyncBase:Body>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [DEBUG] [user@domain.tld] StringStreamWrapper::stream_open(): initialized stream length: 7 - HTML-safe-truncate: false
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I <AirSyncBase:Type>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I 1
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I </AirSyncBase:Type>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I <AirSyncBase:Data/>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I </AirSyncBase:Body>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I <POOMCAL:Reminder/>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I <POOMCAL:Attendees/>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I <POOMCAL:BusyStatus>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I 0
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I </POOMCAL:BusyStatus>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I <POOMCAL:MeetingStatus>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I 0
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I </POOMCAL:MeetingStatus>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I <POOMCAL:Sensitivity>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I 0
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I </POOMCAL:Sensitivity>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I </Data>
15/10/2024 19:07:49 [ 1839] [DEBUG] [user@domain.tld] SyncObject->Check(): Fixed object from type SyncAppointment: parameter 'dtstamp' is set to 0
15/10/2024 19:07:50 [ 1839] [DEBUG] [user@domain.tld] TimezoneUtil::GetFullTZ() for UTC
15/10/2024 19:07:50 [ 1839] [DEBUG] [user@domain.tld] MAPIProvider->setASbody either type or data are not set. Setting to empty body
15/10/2024 19:07:50 [ 1839] [DEBUG] [user@domain.tld] TimezoneUtil::GetBinaryTZ() for UTC
15/10/2024 19:07:50 [ 1839] [DEBUG] [user@domain.tld] Sync->importMessage(): message imported
15/10/2024 19:07:50 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I </Add>
15/10/2024 19:07:50 [ 1839] [WBXML] [user@domain.tld] I </Perform>
15/10/2024 19:07:50 [ 1839] [ INFO] [user@domain.tld] cmd='Sync' memory='5.73 MiB/8.00 MiB' time='0.76s' devType='Android' devId='androidc123456' getUser='user@domain.tld' from='' idle='0s' version='GIT' method='POST' httpcode='200'
15/10/2024 19:07:50 [ 1839] [DEBUG] [user@domain.tld] -------- End
Be aware that WBXML log may contain sensitive information, so feel free to redact the user names, IPs, device ids, subject etc. The really important information is between <Data>
and </Data>
tags, so it would be great if you would leave it as is (except for the subject if it's not a test appointment). The log entries containing timezone information would also be nice (Used timezone
, TimezoneUtil::GetFullTZ() for
, TimezoneUtil::GetBinaryTZ() for
Thank you for the feedback and testing, we really appreciate it.
Here it is:
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] -------- Start
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] cmd='Sync' devType='SamsungDevice' devId='sec11421eb558349' getUser='***' from='' version='' method='POST'
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] Used timezone 'Europe/Vienna'
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio using PHP-MAPI version: 2.35.0.g5b29178 - PHP version: 8.0.30
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] Request::ProcessHeaders() ASVersion: 16.0
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::CommandNeedsProvisioning(0): true
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] ProvisioningManager->ProvisioningRequired('318205832') saved device key '318205832': false
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [ INFO] [***] Policy 'devencenabled' not supported by the device, ignoring
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] ProvisioningManager->ProvisioningRequired() saved policy hash '431014e4a761ea216e9a35f20aaec61c' matches
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::CommandNeedsAuthentication(0): true
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->Logon(): Trying to authenticate user '***'..
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->openMessageStore('***'): Found 'DEFAULT' store: 'Resource id #52'
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->Logon(): User '***' is authenticated
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] Store supports properties containing Unicode characters.
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::HierarchyCommand(0): false
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::CommandNeedsPlainInput(0): false
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <Synchronize>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <Folders>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <Folder>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <SyncKey>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I {c31a64b1-07b8-44b1-b929-60adf418aed4}27
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </SyncKey>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <FolderId>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I Ude579
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </FolderId>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] DeviceManager->GetBackendIdForFolderId(): folderid Ude579 => 0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Ude579' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <DeletesAsMoves/>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <GetChanges/>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <WindowSize>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I 25
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </WindowSize>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <Options>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <FilterType>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->UseCPO('DEFAULT')
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I 7
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </FilterType>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <AirSyncBase:Type>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I 1
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </AirSyncBase:Type>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I 400000
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </Options>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <Perform>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <Add>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <ClientEntryId>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I 24d218ab-c7bf-4d51-9f92-254b6ff60cb1
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </ClientEntryId>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <Data>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <POOMCAL:AllDayEvent>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I 1
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </POOMCAL:AllDayEvent>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <POOMCAL:StartTime>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I 20241023T000000Z
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </POOMCAL:StartTime>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <POOMCAL:EndTime>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I 20241024T000000Z
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </POOMCAL:EndTime>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <POOMCAL:Subject>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I Test mobile
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </POOMCAL:Subject>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <POOMCAL:Sensitivity>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I 0
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </POOMCAL:Sensitivity>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <AirSyncBase:Body>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] StringStreamWrapper::stream_open(): initialized stream length: 7 - HTML-safe-truncate: false
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <AirSyncBase:Type>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I 1
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </AirSyncBase:Type>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <AirSyncBase:Data>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] StringStreamWrapper::stream_open(): initialized stream length: 0 - HTML-safe-truncate: false
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </AirSyncBase:Data>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </AirSyncBase:Body>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <POOMCAL:Reminder>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I 420
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </POOMCAL:Reminder>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <POOMCAL:BusyStatus>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I 2
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </POOMCAL:BusyStatus>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I <POOMCAL:MeetingStatus>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I 0
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </POOMCAL:MeetingStatus>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [WBXML] [***] I </Data>
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] Sync->getImporter(): initialize importer
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] Sync->loadStates(): loading states for folder 'Ude579'
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->CleanStates(): Found 1 states to clean (c31a64b1-07b8-44b1-b929-60adf418aed4) 27
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->CleanStates(): Found 0 states to clean (c31a64b1-07b8-44b1-b929-60adf418aed4-fs) 26
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [ INFO] [***] StateNotFoundException: Grommunio->getStateMessage(): Could not locate the state message 'c31a64b1-07b8-44b1-b929-60adf418aed4-fs' (counter: 27) - code: 0 - file: /usr/share/grommunio-sync/lib/grommunio/grommunio.php:1955
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->GetImporter() folderid: '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] ImportChangesICS->Config(): initializing importer with state: 0x04000201174033000100050000001d005202035205060109520b13521718521a1c521e22522728012a522e30523438013b524f520159525e5f5000020196671000010052000000000001000000035e54000201da671000010052000000000001000000035e54000201d26710000100520000000000010000000000e100
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] ImportChangesICS->LoadConflicts(): will be loaded later if necessary
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] LoopDetection->SetSyncStateUsage(): uuid: c31a64b1-07b8-44b1-b929-60adf418aed4 counter: 27
17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] SyncObject->Check(): Fixed object from type SyncAppointment: parameter 'dtstamp' is set to 0
The result:
morbificagent 17/10/2024 16:31:22 [ 4741] [DEBUG] [***] Used timezone 'Europe/Vienna'
is Europe/Vienna
set as timezone in grommunio-sync.conf.php? Or in php.ini or even somewhere else?
// Defines the default time zone, change e.g. to "Europe/London" if necessary
define('TIMEZONE', '');
timedatectl | grep "Time zone"
Time zone: Europe/Berlin (CEST, +0200)
not defined
Im not sure where he gets 'Europe/Vienna' from but its the same timezone like all my other devices have (CEST, +0200)
Hi Andreas, could you finde something or can i help in any way?
grommunio-sync 2.0.130.fa3fdd2 has some more improvements regarding all-day events.
- Edited
Great, i will try it!
It looks like it's working!!!
Man that's really great. Have tested it on outlook Win, outlook Mac, EAS on Android... And the all-day events are on the right days!
Wuuhu :-)
Will try more in the next days but for now great work @andreaslang
- Edited
as result of my other thread (
it looks like i have to use the app "OfficeMail Pro" on the samsung phones we are using.
But there this all-day event "Shifting-Problem" comes back. So i have logs again. 13:43 i created a all-day event via grommunio-web named "All-Day":
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [ 2452] [DEBUG] [account] DeviceManager->GetBackendIdForFolderId(): folderid Ude579 => 0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [ 2452] [DEBUG] [account] ExportChangesICS->InitializeExporter() successfully. 1 changes ready to sync for '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'.
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [ 2452] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->CheckForChanges(): Notification received on folder 'Ude579'
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [ 2452] [DEBUG] [account] WBXMLEncoder->startWBXML() type:
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [ 2452] [WBXML] [account] O <Ping:Ping>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [ 2452] [WBXML] [account] O <Ping:Status>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [ 2452] [WBXML] [account] O 2
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [ 2452] [WBXML] [account] O </Ping:Status>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [ 2452] [WBXML] [account] O <Ping:Folders>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [ 2452] [WBXML] [account] O <Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [ 2452] [WBXML] [account] O Ude579
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [ 2452] [WBXML] [account] O </Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [ 2452] [DEBUG] [account] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionAddStatus: 'Ude579' with status 2
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [ 2452] [WBXML] [account] O </Ping:Folders>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [ 2452] [WBXML] [account] O </Ping:Ping>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [ 2452] [DEBUG] [account] WBXMLEncoder->endTag() WBXML output completed
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [ 2452] [WBXML] [account] WBXML-OUT: AwFqAAANRUcDMgABSUoDVWRlNTc5AAEBAQ==
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [ 2452] [DEBUG] [account] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionTerminate()
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [ 2452] [ INFO] [account] cmd='Ping' memory='5.77 MiB/8.00 MiB' time='52.01s' devType='Android' devId='52573035314439314146373736383746' getUser='account' from='' idle='52s' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST' httpcode='200'
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [ 2452] [DEBUG] [account] -------- End
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] -------- Start
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] cmd='Sync' devType='Android' devId='52573035314439314146373736383746' getUser='account' from='' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST'
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] Used timezone 'Europe/Vienna'
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio using PHP-MAPI version: 2.35.36.x1dcea51 - PHP version: 8.0.30
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] Request::ProcessHeaders(): base64 query string: 'oQAJBBBSVzA1MUQ5MUFGNzc2ODdGBAl1nzkHQW5kcm9pZAcBAA==' (decoded: 'ProtVer=161,Command=0,Locale=1033,DevIDLen=16,DevID=52573035314439314146373736383746,PolKeyLen=4,PolKey=966751497,DevTypeLen=7,DevType=Android,7=')
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] Request::ProcessHeaders() ASVersion: 16.1
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::CommandNeedsProvisioning(0): true
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] ProvisioningManager->ProvisioningRequired('966751497') saved device key '966751497': false
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [ INFO] [account] Policy 'devencenabled' not supported by the device, ignoring
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] ProvisioningManager->ProvisioningRequired() saved policy hash '431014e4a761ea216e9a35f20aaec61c' matches
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::CommandNeedsAuthentication(0): true
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->Logon(): Trying to authenticate user 'account'..
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->openMessageStore('account'): Found 'DEFAULT' store: 'Resource id #53'
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->Logon(): User 'account' is authenticated
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] Store supports properties containing Unicode characters.
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::HierarchyCommand(0): false
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::CommandNeedsPlainInput(0): false
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I <Synchronize>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I <Folders>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I <Folder>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I <SyncKey>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I {f03ffd00-c2b5-4eb7-a94d-cc35fcad195c}33
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I </SyncKey>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I <FolderId>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I Ude579
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I </FolderId>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] DeviceManager->GetBackendIdForFolderId(): folderid Ude579 => 0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Ude579' : ref. Lifetime '600', last sync at ''
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I <DeletesAsMoves>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I 1
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I </DeletesAsMoves>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I <GetChanges>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I 1
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I </GetChanges>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I <WindowSize>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I 8
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I </WindowSize>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I <Options>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I <FilterType>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->UseCPO('DEFAULT')
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I 4
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I </FilterType>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I <Conflict>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I 1
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I </Conflict>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I <AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I <AirSyncBase:Type>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I 2
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I </AirSyncBase:Type>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I <AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I 524288
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I </AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I <AirSyncBase:AllOrNone>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I 0
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I </AirSyncBase:AllOrNone>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I </AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I <AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I <AirSyncBase:Type>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I 1
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I </AirSyncBase:Type>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I <AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I 524288
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I </AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I <AirSyncBase:AllOrNone>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I 0
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I </AirSyncBase:AllOrNone>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I </AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I </Options>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I </Folder>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I </Folders>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [WBXML] [account] I </Synchronize>
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] HandleSync(): Start Output
06/11/2024 13:43:11 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->GetFolderStat() fetched status information of 78 folders for store 'account'
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): true - current: 1730896990/56/8/-1 - saved: 1730896932/55/8/-1 - expiring: 2024-11-20 05:18:16
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] Sync->loadStates(): loading states for folder 'Ude579'
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->CleanStates(): Found 1 states to clean (f03ffd00-c2b5-4eb7-a94d-cc35fcad195c) 33
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] ExportChangesICS->Config() initialized with state: 0x03000201174024000100050000001d000127522e2f524f500159015f526569526c6d527172527576019250000201966710000100520000000000010000000694f6000201da6710000100520000000000010000000694f600
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] ExportChangesICS->InitializeExporter() successfully. 1 changes ready to sync for '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'.
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionAddStatus: 'Ude579' with status 1
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] WBXMLEncoder->startWBXML() type:
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] Folder type: Calendar
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <Synchronize>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <Folders>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <Folder>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <SyncKey>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O {f03ffd00-c2b5-4eb7-a94d-cc35fcad195c}34
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </SyncKey>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <FolderId>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O Ude579
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </FolderId>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <Status>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O 1
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </Status>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] LoopDetection->Detect(): folderid:'Ude579' uuid:'f03ffd00-c2b5-4eb7-a94d-cc35fcad195c' counter:'33' max:'8' queued:'1'
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] PHPWrapper->ImportMessageChange(): Getting message from MAPIProvider, sourcekey: '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0098', parentsourcekey: '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001', entryid: '0000000093d040ac13255749948144332567c41b07000d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d000100000d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d00980000'
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] BodyPreference types: 2, 1
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] GetBodyPreferenceBestMatch: 2
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] bpo: truncation size:'524288', allornone:'0', preview:'0'
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] StringStreamWrapper::stream_open(): initialized stream length: 7 - HTML-safe-truncate: false
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] MAPIStreamWrapper::stream_open(): initialized mapistream: Resource id #193 - streamlength: 111 - HTML-safe-truncate: false
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] MAPIProvider->getAppointment(): setting ourself as the organizer for an appointment without attendees.
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <Perform>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <Add>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O Ude579:0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0098
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <Data>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <POOMCAL:DtStamp>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O 20241106T124300Z
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </POOMCAL:DtStamp>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <POOMCAL:StartTime>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O 20241220T000000Z
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </POOMCAL:StartTime>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O All-Day
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <POOMCAL:Subject>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </POOMCAL:Subject>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <POOMCAL:UID>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O 0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0098
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </POOMCAL:UID>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <POOMCAL:OrganizerName>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O Familienkalender
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </POOMCAL:OrganizerName>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <POOMCAL:OrganizerEmail>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O account
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </POOMCAL:OrganizerEmail>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <POOMCAL:EndTime>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O 20241221T000000Z
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </POOMCAL:EndTime>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <POOMCAL:Sensitivity>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O 0
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </POOMCAL:Sensitivity>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <POOMCAL:BusyStatus>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O 0
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </POOMCAL:BusyStatus>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <POOMCAL:AllDayEvent>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O 1
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </POOMCAL:AllDayEvent>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <POOMCAL:Reminder>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O 1080
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </POOMCAL:Reminder>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <POOMCAL:MeetingStatus>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O 0
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </POOMCAL:MeetingStatus>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <AirSyncBase:Body>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <AirSyncBase:Type>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O 2
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </AirSyncBase:Type>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <AirSyncBase:EstimatedDataSize>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O 111
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </AirSyncBase:EstimatedDataSize>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <AirSyncBase:Data>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <<< written 111 of 111 bytes of plain data >>>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </AirSyncBase:Data>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </AirSyncBase:Body>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O <AirSyncBase:NativeBodyType>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O 1
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </AirSyncBase:NativeBodyType>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </Data>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </Add>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] PHPWrapper->ImportMessageChange(): change for: 'Ude579:0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0098'
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </Perform>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] Sync()->setFolderStat() on Ude579: 1730896990/56/8/-1 expiring 2024-11-20 12:15:05
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </Folder>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->setStateMessage(): creating new state message 'f03ffd00-c2b5-4eb7-a94d-cc35fcad195c' (counter: 34)
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'Ude579' changed
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </Folders>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [WBXML] [account] O </Synchronize>
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] WBXMLEncoder->endTag() WBXML output completed
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionTerminate()
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [ INFO] [account] cmd='Sync' memory='5.74 MiB/8.00 MiB' time='0.14s' devType='Android' devId='52573035314439314146373736383746' getUser='account' from='' idle='0s' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST' httpcode='200'
06/11/2024 13:43:12 [23605] [DEBUG] [account] -------- End
It looks good at grommunio-web and the calendar in the OfficeMail-App.
Then i moved the event to the next day in the OfficeMail-App:
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] -------- Start
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] cmd='Sync' devType='Android' devId='52573035314439314146373736383746' getUser='account' from='' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST'
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] Used timezone 'Europe/Vienna'
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio using PHP-MAPI version: 2.35.36.x1dcea51 - PHP version: 8.0.30
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] Request::ProcessHeaders(): base64 query string: 'oQAJBBBSVzA1MUQ5MUFGNzc2ODdGBAl1nzkHQW5kcm9pZAcBAA==' (decoded: 'ProtVer=161,Command=0,Locale=1033,DevIDLen=16,DevID=52573035314439314146373736383746,PolKeyLen=4,PolKey=966751497,DevTypeLen=7,DevType=Android,7=')
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] Request::ProcessHeaders() ASVersion: 16.1
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::CommandNeedsProvisioning(0): true
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] ProvisioningManager->ProvisioningRequired('966751497') saved device key '966751497': false
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [ INFO] [account] Policy 'devencenabled' not supported by the device, ignoring
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] ProvisioningManager->ProvisioningRequired() saved policy hash '431014e4a761ea216e9a35f20aaec61c' matches
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::CommandNeedsAuthentication(0): true
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->Logon(): Trying to authenticate user 'account'..
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->openMessageStore('account'): Found 'DEFAULT' store: 'Resource id #53'
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->Logon(): User 'account' is authenticated
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] Store supports properties containing Unicode characters.
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::HierarchyCommand(0): false
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::CommandNeedsPlainInput(0): false
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <Synchronize>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <Folders>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <SyncKey>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I {f03ffd00-c2b5-4eb7-a94d-cc35fcad195c}34
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </SyncKey>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <FolderId>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I Ude579
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </FolderId>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] DeviceManager->GetBackendIdForFolderId(): folderid Ude579 => 0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Ude579' : ref. Lifetime '600', last sync at ''
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <DeletesAsMoves>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 1
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </DeletesAsMoves>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <GetChanges>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 1
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </GetChanges>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <WindowSize>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 8
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </WindowSize>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <Options>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <FilterType>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->UseCPO('DEFAULT')
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 4
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </FilterType>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <Conflict>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 1
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </Conflict>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <AirSyncBase:Type>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 2
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </AirSyncBase:Type>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 524288
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <AirSyncBase:AllOrNone>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 0
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </AirSyncBase:AllOrNone>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <AirSyncBase:Type>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 1
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </AirSyncBase:Type>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 524288
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <AirSyncBase:AllOrNone>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 0
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </AirSyncBase:AllOrNone>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </Options>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <Perform>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <Modify>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I Ude579:0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0098
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <Data>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <POOMCAL:StartTime>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 20241221T000000Z
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </POOMCAL:StartTime>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <POOMCAL:Subject>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I All-Day
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </POOMCAL:Subject>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <POOMCAL:EndTime>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 20241222T000000Z
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </POOMCAL:EndTime>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <AirSyncBase:Body>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] StringStreamWrapper::stream_open(): initialized stream length: 7 - HTML-safe-truncate: false
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <AirSyncBase:Type>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 2
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </AirSyncBase:Type>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <AirSyncBase:Data>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <html><head><meta name="Generator" content="gromox-texttohtml">
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] StringStreamWrapper::stream_open(): initialized stream length: 111 - HTML-safe-truncate: false
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </AirSyncBase:Data>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </AirSyncBase:Body>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <POOMCAL:Categories/>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <POOMCAL:Sensitivity>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 0
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </POOMCAL:Sensitivity>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <POOMCAL:BusyStatus>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 0
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </POOMCAL:BusyStatus>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <POOMCAL:AllDayEvent>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 1
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </POOMCAL:AllDayEvent>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <POOMCAL:Reminder>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 1080
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </POOMCAL:Reminder>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <POOMCAL:MeetingStatus>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 0
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </POOMCAL:MeetingStatus>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <POOMCAL:DisallowNewTimeProposal>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 0
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </POOMCAL:DisallowNewTimeProposal>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <POOMCAL:ResponseRequested>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I 1
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </POOMCAL:ResponseRequested>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I <AirSyncBase:Location/>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </Data>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] Sync->getImporter(): initialize importer
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] Sync->loadStates(): loading states for folder 'Ude579'
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->CleanStates(): Found 1 states to clean (f03ffd00-c2b5-4eb7-a94d-cc35fcad195c) 34
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->CleanStates(): Found 1 states to clean (f03ffd00-c2b5-4eb7-a94d-cc35fcad195c-fs) 33
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [ INFO] [account] StateNotFoundException: Grommunio->getStateMessage(): Could not locate the state message 'f03ffd00-c2b5-4eb7-a94d-cc35fcad195c-fs' (counter: 34) - code: 0 - file: /usr/share/grommunio-sync/lib/grommunio/grommunio.php:1955
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->GetImporter() folderid: '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] ImportChangesICS->Config(): initializing importer with state: 0x03000201174026000100050000001d000127522e2f524f500159015f526569526c6d527172527576019201985000020196671000010052000000000001000000069bdb000201da671000010052000000000001000000069bdb00
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] ImportChangesICS->LoadConflicts(): will be loaded later if necessary
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] LoopDetection->SetSyncStateUsage(): uuid: f03ffd00-c2b5-4eb7-a94d-cc35fcad195c counter: 34
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] SyncObject->Check(): Fixed object from type SyncAppointment: parameter 'dtstamp' is set to 0
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] ImportChangesICS->isModificationAllowed('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0098'): cut off date is: 2024-10-23 12:49:00 UTC (1729687749)
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] MAPIUtils->IsInCalendarSyncInterval: Message is in the synchronization interval
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] ImportChangesICS->lazyLoadConflicts(): loading..
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] ExportChangesICS->Config() initialized with state: 0x03000201174026000100050000001d000127522e2f524f500159015f526569526c6d527172527576019201985000020196671000010052000000000001000000069bdb000201da671000010052000000000001000000069bdb00
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] ExportChangesICS->InitializeExporter() successfully. 0 changes ready to sync for '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'.
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] TimezoneUtil::GetFullTZ() for Europe/Vienna
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] MAPIProvider->setPropsInMAPI(): Property 'categories' to be deleted as it is an empty array
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] Sync->importMessage(): message imported
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </Modify>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </Perform>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [ INFO] [account] Processed '1' incoming changes
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->setStateMessage(): creating new state message 'f03ffd00-c2b5-4eb7-a94d-cc35fcad195c-fs' (counter: 34)
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </Folders>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] I </Synchronize>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] HandleSync(): Start Output
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->GetFolderStat() fetched status information of 78 folders for store 'account'
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): true - current: 1730897349/56/8/-1 - saved: 1730896990/56/8/-1 - expiring: 2024-11-20 12:15:05
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] ExportChangesICS->Config() initialized with state: 0x03000201174026000100050000001d000127522e2f524f500159015f526569526c6d52717252757601920198500002019667130001000300000052000001069bdb03069c1850000201da671000010052000000000001000000069bdb00
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] ExportChangesICS->InitializeExporter() successfully. 0 changes ready to sync for '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'.
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionAddStatus: 'Ude579' with status 1
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] WBXMLEncoder->startWBXML() type:
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] Folder type: Calendar
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] O <Synchronize>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] O <Folders>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] O <Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] O <SyncKey>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] O {f03ffd00-c2b5-4eb7-a94d-cc35fcad195c}35
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] O </SyncKey>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] O <FolderId>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] O Ude579
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] O </FolderId>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] O <Status>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] O 1
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] O </Status>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] LoopDetection->Detect(): folderid:'Ude579' uuid:'f03ffd00-c2b5-4eb7-a94d-cc35fcad195c' counter:'34' max:'8' queued:'0'
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] Sync()->setFolderStat() on Ude579: 1730897349/56/8/-1 expiring 2024-11-20 06:03:26
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] O </Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->setStateMessage(): creating new state message 'f03ffd00-c2b5-4eb7-a94d-cc35fcad195c' (counter: 35)
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'Ude579' changed
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] O </Folders>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] O </Synchronize>
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] WBXMLEncoder->endTag() WBXML output completed
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [WBXML] [account] WBXML-OUT: AwFqAEVcT0sDe2YwM2ZmZDAwLWMyYjUtNGViNy1hOTRkLWNjMzVmY2FkMTk1Y30zNQABUgNVZGU1NzkAAU4DMQABAQEB
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionTerminate()
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [ INFO] [account] cmd='Sync' memory='5.81 MiB/8.00 MiB' time='0.23s' devType='Android' devId='52573035314439314146373736383746' getUser='account' from='' idle='0s' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST' httpcode='200'
06/11/2024 13:49:09 [32624] [DEBUG] [account] -------- End
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] -------- Start
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] cmd='Ping' devType='Android' devId='52573035314439314146373736383746' getUser='account' from='' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] Used timezone 'Europe/Vienna'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio using PHP-MAPI version: 2.35.36.x1dcea51 - PHP version: 8.0.30
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] Request::ProcessHeaders(): base64 query string: 'oRIJBBBSVzA1MUQ5MUFGNzc2ODdGBAl1nzkHQW5kcm9pZAcBAA==' (decoded: 'ProtVer=161,Command=18,Locale=1033,DevIDLen=16,DevID=52573035314439314146373736383746,PolKeyLen=4,PolKey=966751497,DevTypeLen=7,DevType=Android,7=')
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] Request::ProcessHeaders() ASVersion: 16.1
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::CommandNeedsProvisioning(18): false
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::CommandNeedsAuthentication(18): true
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->Logon(): Trying to authenticate user 'account'..
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->openMessageStore('account'): Found 'DEFAULT' store: 'Resource id #44'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->Logon(): User 'account' is authenticated
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] Store supports properties containing Unicode characters.
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::HierarchyCommand(18): false
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::CommandNeedsPlainInput(18): false
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:Ping>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000a'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Ub3f37' : ref. Lifetime '600', last sync at ''
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{87fa7324-fe95-4aad-98dc-d83b972b41a9}1'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000d'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Uc3998' : ref. Lifetime '600', last sync at ''
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{51a12a90-331e-4345-b9c5-15a934083df4}1'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000e'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Ub49eb' : ref. Lifetime '600', last sync at ''
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{25abc8bb-fa00-4f33-9487-affce63f9794}1'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000f'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U2d97e' : ref. Lifetime '600', last sync at ''
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{c54ef2d6-f6d2-4574-a4c0-f2c6717212cb}11'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000011'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Uc1831' : ref. Lifetime '600', last sync at ''
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{645c88c9-0268-4831-a297-9c7f8b335dd4}1'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000012'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U588a4' : ref. Lifetime '600', last sync at ''
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{d3aedfc5-a8ba-4ddc-a324-3613b9142eca}1'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000013'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U2f8d7' : ref. Lifetime '600', last sync at ''
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{56e74963-ed20-4a65-8c46-01f6f5fccda2}1'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Ude579' : ref. Lifetime '', last sync at ''
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{f03ffd00-c2b5-4eb7-a94d-cc35fcad195c}35'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d2711'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U680a7' : ref. Lifetime '600', last sync at ''
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{4c342b67-4aa5-4557-99b3-a009d3a2aebf}12'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d4e21'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U9748b' : ref. Lifetime '600', last sync at ''
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{cf00ce22-958e-4f19-9efe-46b9e4b8479d}9'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d7531'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U6e663' : ref. Lifetime '600', last sync at ''
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{8d051178-8866-46b4-8454-313957f274a3}10'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id '' : ref. Lifetime '600', last sync at '1730890186'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Updated reference PolicyKey '-1', reference Lifetime '600', Last sync at '1730890186'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{bde5b25f-90d1-41c1-8ec8-aabb3118afa9}1'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] StateManager->loadHierarchyCache(): '52573035314439314146373736383746-bde5b25f-90d1-41c1-8ec8-aabb3118afa9-hc-1'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] HandlePing(): reference PolicyKey for PING: -1
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] HandlePing(): initialization data received
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:LifeTime>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I 600
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:LifeTime>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:Folders>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I Ub3f37
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I Email
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Email' id 'Ub3f37'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I Uc3998
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I Email
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Email' id 'Uc3998'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I Ub49eb
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I Email
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Email' id 'Ub49eb'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I U2d97e
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I Calendar
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'U2d97e'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I Uc1831
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I Notes
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Notes' id 'Uc1831'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I U588a4
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I Tasks
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Tasks' id 'U588a4'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I U2f8d7
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I Contacts
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Contacts' id 'U2f8d7'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I Ude579
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I Calendar
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'Ude579'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I U680a7
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I Calendar
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'U680a7'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I U9748b
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I Calendar
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'U9748b'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I U6e663
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:ServerEntryId>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I <Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I Calendar
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:FolderType>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:Folder>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'U6e663'
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:Folders>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [WBXML] [account] I </Ping:Ping>
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'Ub3f37' changed
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'Uc3998' changed
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'Ub49eb' changed
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U2d97e' changed
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'Uc1831' changed
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U588a4' changed
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U2f8d7' changed
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'Ude579' changed
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U680a7' changed
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U9748b' changed
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U6e663' changed
06/11/2024 13:49:14 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder '' changed
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] DeviceManager->DoAutomaticASDeviceSaving(): save automatically: false
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] Announce process as PUSH connection
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [ INFO] [account] SyncCollections->CheckForChanges(): Waiting for store changes... (lifetime 600 seconds)
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->HasChangesSink(): created - HierarchyHash: a8f59b0837e156a094810521794d39c5
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->adviseStoreToSink(): advised store 'Resource id #44'
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000a'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000a'
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->GetFolderStat() fetched status information of 78 folders for store 'account'
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1727887910/1/0/-1 - saved: 1727887910/1/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-11-13 00:46:46
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000d'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000d'
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1727890738/1/0/-1 - saved: 1727890738/1/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-11-13 09:01:16
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000e'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000e'
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - saved: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 23:55:32
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000f'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000f'
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [29078] [ INFO] [account] StatusException: SyncCollections->CheckForChanges(): Timeout forced after 42s from 600s due to other process - code: 3 - file: /usr/share/grommunio-sync/lib/core/synccollections.php:592
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730847427/54/9/-1 - saved: 1730847427/54/9/-1 - expiring: 2024-11-20 01:40:54
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000011'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000011'
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [29078] [DEBUG] [account] WBXMLEncoder->startWBXML() type:
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [29078] [WBXML] [account] O <Ping:Ping>
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [29078] [WBXML] [account] O <Ping:Status>
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [29078] [WBXML] [account] O 1
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [29078] [WBXML] [account] O </Ping:Status>
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [29078] [WBXML] [account] O </Ping:Ping>
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [29078] [DEBUG] [account] WBXMLEncoder->endTag() WBXML output completed
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [29078] [WBXML] [account] WBXML-OUT: AwFqAAANRUcDMQABAQ==
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [29078] [DEBUG] [account] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionTerminate()
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - saved: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-07 09:44:22
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000012'): 'false'
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [19149] [DEBUG] [account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000012'
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [29078] [ INFO] [account] cmd='Ping' memory='5.77 MiB/8.00 MiB' time='41.73s' devType='Android' devId='52573035314439314146373736383746' getUser='account' from='' idle='42s' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST' httpcode='200'
06/11/2024 13:49:15 [29078] [DEBUG] [account] -------- End
would be great if you could take a look again