morbificagent For sure thats not your problem if it doesnt work correct but there are many many users using it i think. And using Outlook on Android isnt a good way with grommunio too, right?
We don't have any numbers regarding the usage, but from the feedback and issues it looks like the most use the stock android EAS and Nine. Having said that, I'm not sure how many have various subfolders of the main calendar.
We don't recommend using Outlook app because of data privacy concerns, but at the end of the day it's the user's decision which app to use.
morbificagent 19:35 i have created an event "EAS-Test" on Android calendar and hit the sync-button" -> The event doesnt showed up in grommunio-web
19:37 i have created an event "TRIGGER" on grommunio-web -> it showes up in grommunio-web and the "EAS-Test" too
So, you waited about 2 minutes before "triggering"? What is the max amount of time you've waited for the appointment in the 'Alex' calendar to appear?
I've just tested this on two of my android devices (android 11 and android 14), both with stock apps and after about two minutes an appointment created in a subfolder of the main calendar appeared in grommunio-web without forcing or triggering a sync.