I have just installed Grommunio as an applicance on a test server. The web admin interface works and so does the webapp.
I have created the same domain as on the Kopano server and added one of the users.
Next I have used gromox-kdb2mt and gromox-mtexm to migrate the data of this user like so:

SQLPAS gromox-kdb2mt --sql-host= --sql-user=kopano --sql-db=kopano --mbox-guid=02946856357F4642868D098633F360BD --src-attach="/mnt/kopano" -v | gromox-mt2exm -u user@domain

This did a lot of processing and finished apparently without error. Like so:

kdb2mt: No ACLs will be extracted.
kdb Server GUID: 687e612814194959aaa5c0e46be75be7
Database schema is kdb-118
Store GUID: 02946856357F4642868D098633F360BD
Processing folder "" (7 elements)...
Processing folder "IPM_SUBTREE" (15 elements)...
Processing folder "Inbox" (3339 elements)...

I have shortened the output, there where many more folders that where processed.
Now, when I go the webapp, it says for every folder that there are no items to show in this list.

However, when I do a search, it finds mails. These mails seem intact, even the attachments.
The /var/lib/gromox/user/domain/user/cid directory contains many sub directories containing lots of small files.
Clearly, I must be doing something wrong, but I can't seem to find what.
Any ideas anyone?

I extracted the UID with kopano-admin. This cannot be the problem, because the store is being processed.
I did not know about kopano2grommunio.sh, but I have since looked and it appears to do exactly the same as I did manually. It gromox-kdb2mt and pipes the output to gromox-mt2exm.
I have since reinstalled from scratch, to be sure I did not miss anything during installation. I did not. And the import has the same result.
All folders are listed as being processed.
As soon as I log in, I get calendar reminders. But the calendar itself is empty.
The inbox is empty and does not contain any of the messages and folders that were processed.
Searching in folders finds my messages intact.
In the Web Admin interface I can see that the store is no longer empty.

I have even tried a different user account, same result.

It seems like a final step is not executed properly. Maybe some sort of indexing is not done?

Or maybe it has something to do with the fact that this server has 4GB of memory, which I understand, is a bare minimum?

hmm... i mean it got the target correctly as it states Processing folder "Inbox" (3339 elements)....
I would at least try again with gromox-mt2exm -v -u ... or alternatively gromox-mt2exm -t -p -u .... Maybe there is something that helps determine it.

And you are correct, the call in kopano2grommunio.sh is the same but it's just a nice working script i also use since i know about it. My first migration i did something similiar with like 5 lines of shellscript which worked but that was error-prone and not debuggable by anyone other than me 😛.

8 days later

I started from scratch again, now with 16GB of memory. Still no success.

Messages and folders are created. I can find messages when I search. They are complete and mention the folder they should be in. Except they are not.

I don't see anything obvious in the output of gromox-mt2exm either.

Processing folder "" (7 elements)...
exm: Created folder "Import of DC3D55AAB0F5430CA678E94B205E08A1 @2024-11-21T09:40:07" (fid=0x1d0000)
Processing folder "IPM_SUBTREE" (15 elements)...
exm: Created folder "IPM_SUBTREE" (fid=0x1e0000)
Processing folder "Inbox" (41 elements)...
exm: Created folder "Inbox" (fid=0x1f0000)
Created new message 0x1f0000:0x1f0001
Created new message 0x1f0000:0x1f0002
Created new message 0x1f0000:0x1f0003
Created new message 0x1f0000:0x1f0004
Created new message 0x1f0000:0x1f0005

I have just changed the language of the target mailbox and now I see stuff I haven't seen before.

I will need to do some more testing, but it appears as if everything is put into this import folder, which can only be opened if the language of logged in account matches.


Thanks Walter,
No, I use gromox-kdb2mt and gromox-mt2exm directly, as per the manual. I am testing with one account now first, to see if all goes well. I may try that script once I am ready to migrate all accounts.

    I have done some more testing. When I create a new account and accept all the defaults, when I log into the web interface and go to options, I find the language is not set correctly. It is set to .UTF-8. See below.

    Once I change this to any of the languages listed, I can see what's inside the import folder.
    I already figured this is where the imported data might be, but before changing the language, I can't open that folder.
    I do wonder why there is no mention of this folder in the manuals.

    erik Use the script, it worked for many migrations now.

    Thanks Walter, that will be the next step. Now that I have confirmed Grommunio is still a valid option for us.
    I have read the script and as far as I can tell, it calls gromox-kdb2mt and gromox-mt2exm the same way as I am doing. Can I ask why you think the end result might be different?

    This script also asks for some helper files, if you create these files, i guess it will work as expected. The script worked for more than 30 migrations.

    • erik replied to this.


      I will try that next. I am now in the process of adding Grommunio to an Ubuntu server. If that goes well, we can integrate it into our existing infrastructure and get the proper licenses. The Kopano licenses will expire in a few months.

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