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  • Migration from Kopano to Grommunio

Hi @ all this is my first post here at Grommunio 🙂.

I need to switch to Grommunio from Kopano. I have a database with the attachments stored in the database.
This is my plan:

  • Stop the productive system and save the whole VM
  • Restore the whole VM and try to store the attachments outside the database.
  • Create a backup of the current Kopano database
  • Install a new Debian Server
  • Install Grommunio Community on the fresh Debian server
  • Restore the Database on the fresh server?
  • Use gromox-kdb2mt
  • How do i restore the attachments?

Then i have a special setup with fetchmail which i need to test if I can do successfully the steps above.
Did i forget something?

Thank you for your help.

Best Regads

Thank you for this info, i didn't know until now about that script. I will check and try that. I hope I can export the attachments this is probably the "big" part. My database has around 12 GB so it's not that big as others I think.

    3 months later

    You wrote in the script: "This script assumes a correct setup of grommunio attached to LDAP/AD." I have actually my users only local in kopano database, is this also a problem?
    Right now i'm preparing everything for the first attempt. It looks like I need to do a lot of steps until i will be done....

      grom_create_user () {
              kopano-admin -l | tail -n +5 | head -n -1 | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -n 1 kopano-admin --details | awk '/(Fullname|Emailaddress):/ {$1=""; print substr($0,2)}' | paste - - | while IFS=$'\t' read -r fullname email
                      echo "grommunio-admin user create $email --property displayname=\"$fullname\""

      hispeed We read the users from LDAP. But see the post from crpb.

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