Hi community,

I have grommunio last version and last updated today.
When I create new request meeting in user web page, I don't see availabilities of the participants.
It's same in Outlook.
Any ideas ?


does your Schedule-Tab look a bit like that?
Probably all with the No Information-Graphic

If so, i guess you or your Colleagues haven't set any Permissions in their Calendar and not to forget you also need to at least add Foldervisible to your Mailbox-Root

This can easily be set either via Outlook or Grommunio-Web with a "Right-Click-> Share Folder" by the respective User or someone with Full-Permissions on the above mentioned Folders.

You could also do a little Shell-Magic and set these Permissions via grommunio-admin exmdb mbx-usr@mail.org folder...

So just as a quick example, log in to your grommunio-host via ssh and execute the following Commands

# This Variable will be used to identify the Mailbox on which we want to set some ACLs
# This Variable will be the User who will be granted some permissions
# Now we will set the minimum ACL on the Store
# 0x9 is the static ID of your Top of Information Store
# check via `grommunio-admin exmdb someuser@domain.org folder list`
grommunio-admin exmdb "${MBXOWNER}" folder grant 0x9 "${MBXREADER}" foldervisible

# And now we will set some ACLs on the Calendar (0xf)
grommunio-admin exmdb "${MBXOWNER}" folder grant 0xf "${MBXREADER}" foldervisible readany

More on the possible ACLs

@jengelh on this topic, can you provide an ETA for Standard or even Anonymous-ACL's?

6 days later


sorry, i was offline the last couple of days.

Yeah it seems it doesn't work completely. I will have to check on that. I will get back to you.

didier-walraet What do you meen by provide ETA for standard or even anonymous-acl's ?

This was meant for someone else

5 days later

sorry, but this can't be reproduced. please verify the following:

  • does the calendar you want to access at least have "free busy permissions" set?
  • has the user logged in at least once?

if not, please provide the exact version of gromox, with rpm -qi gromox, and with which outlook you're trying to connect

Well, my info is already in the desk, and i guess a Room can't log in :-).

5 days later

For information, in Outlook show freebusy working.
But in web-ui I don't show availability for user. (See screenshot)

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