OK. On the linked page I have seen the Restore way and what is the process for the Backup?
Upgrade Appliance to opensuse 15.4
My way of backing up is stated directly above.
Sorry, I can't read anything from it, I'm not enough of an expert, so it's all unsure for me. Something like a summary is missing. It would be good if there was a kind of script of function for "normal users", or even better, a function in the admin "Save" and "Restore".
Backing up two directories completely and restoring them completely on the new installation is not the issue.
Then backup and restore the databases. I can't do anything with the shown restore sequence at "MYSQL-DB zurückspielen". Could I use it 1:1? Etc. and so on. You can see that these operations cause headaches for the not so experienced users.
I still have "Write a decent Backup-And-Restore-Utility in XYZ" on my ToDo but hadn't had the time for it .
You should definitely read this to get a Basic understanding and maybe think about how you could integrate an Backup which fits your needs.
A VM-Snapshot can't be considered as an real backup.
It doesn't matter about which Software we are talking.
Just think about when you only want to restore Mailbox A but not B-Z...
Yes there is stuff like Mailstore/Benno/Whateverelse which i also use but this isn't working for e.g. Contacts or the Calendar.
For those i got an Script from another Community-User here which i haven't even came around to publish or integrate in my Systems. Notes and Tasks aren't covered with these either.
Andy I can't do anything with the shown restore sequence at "MYSQL-DB zurückspielen".
Take a look into the File /etc/gromox/mysql_adaptor.cfg
eval `sed 's/ //g' /etc/gromox/mysql_adaptor.cfg`
and after the Command you can do something like echo $mysql_username
in the Shell.
But you can do those just manually like the Link states.
The eval
-Command will basically do the same as if you would have done by cat /etc/gromox/mysql_adaptor.cfg
and copy/pasted this output in the same console. Note that eval
can be considered "BAD" in many cases. But there is enough about that in the Internet.
Because i know which content it has i do that w/o worrying about it in any way.
And that's enough for now.
I run production and test VM's on Synology NAS. For backup & disaster recovery, I have the option there to export the shutdown VM and import it if necessary. For intermediate steps before updates I create snapshots. I use both of these on a regular basis.
However, when reading the contents of the linked Backup & Disaster Recovery website, I have doubts that such a backup is suitable for simply restoring after a major upgrade. What I read there rather leaves the impression to create a backup, which can be easily restored in a version clean installation, so I could do that with the above mentioned exports and snapshots. But our topic is something different because of major version jumps.
For example, if I have a directory in an installation that contains the complete setting and user data and only that, it is very easy to bridge a major version jump, because I copy the directory into the new installation and it runs as before. If the MariaDB would be the database that controls and maps everything, it would be a further simplification, because then the content could be transferred easily via a transfer script.
Now then, these are thought experiments for a simple handling of such upgrades. From the current point of view, I would not consider any of the given ways as applicable and safe. Maybe the easiest way could be to transfer user data between two running installations via a command sequence.
My current package versions:
grommunio:~ # rpm -qa *grom*
I tried to "upgrade" (= zypper dup) my GRO. Which was a bad idea. It totally messed up my GRO. System had problems each and every day. I'd to do a fresh install. Now I only use the "zypper ref && zypper up" command. Still kind of curious whether someone already upgraded the GRO successfully?
Is there any other command, skript or readme on how to upgrade a GRO properly? I will need to upgrade my GRO when the new Q1/2023 release with full ews support for macos is out.
Will I have to do a full, manual (new) installtion and then restore the email accounts and data (I saved them via outlook as pst-files and later restored them)?
Or ist there a way to "just" do a full new installation in a 2nd VM and then use a skript to transfer settings (i.e. main.cf, master.cf, sasl_password, etc.) email accounts and data via a skript?
In a fresh installation there is the same dependency problem. This lines come from a fresh appliance installation with core, meet and files (grommunio-setup.log).
Paketabhängigkeiten werden aufgelöst...
Problem: das zu installierende grommunio-files-10.9.1-lp154.1.1.noarch erfordert 'php7-smbclient', aber diese Anforderung kann nicht bereitgestellt werden
Nicht installierbare Anbieter: php7-smbclient-1.0.0-bp154.1.67.x86_64[base]
Lösung 1: Folgende Aktionen werden ausgeführt:
Deinstallation von php8-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-zlib-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-zip-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-xmlwriter-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-xmlreader-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-sysvshm-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-sqlite-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-sodium-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-soap-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-posix-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-pdo-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-pcntl-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-openssl-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-opcache-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-mysql-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-mbstring-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-iconv-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-gettext-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-gd-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-fpm-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-dom-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-curl-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-ctype-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-cli-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-bcmath-8.0.27-150400.4.23.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von php8-redis-5.3.7-lp154.1.1.x86_64
Deinstallation von grommunio-sync-1.1.62-lp154.75.1.noarch
Deinstallation von grommunio-web-3.1.197.c7957cc-lp154.157.1.noarch
Deinstallation von grommunio-dav-1.1.37.d5b6463-lp154.10.1.noarch
Deinstallation von gromox-
Deinstallation von patterns-grommunio-1-lp154.8.1.x86_64
Lösung 2: grommunio-files-10.9.1-lp154.1.1.noarch nicht installieren
Lösung 3: grommunio-files-10.9.1-lp154.1.1.noarch durch Ignorieren einiger Abhängigkeiten brechen
Wählen Sie aus den obigen Lösungen mittels Nummer oder brechen Sie (a)b [1/2/3/a/d/?] (a): a
2023-02-03 11:18:06 :: Dialog: mysql installation type
2023-02-03 11:18:12 :: Selected MySQL installation type: 1
Perhaps on weekend I have the time to test a restore.
In the meantime I learned that the files-plugin is still based on php7. So I will wait until all modules are converted to php8 before updating.
Just did an upgrade at our internal System.
Everything seems to be in order expect a few errors in nginx-web-error.log about fastcgi but i couldn't find anything not working so i will wait for the Support what that might be..
DAV works again!++++
vdirsyncer works
BusinessTux all modules
I have no idea where are the modules to configure. Is there a special modules folder?
- Edited
Work in Pro.. Upgrade
You might want to look at Update form Open SuSE 15.3 to 15.4
Update the Repositories
sed -i 's/15.3/15.4/g' /etc/zypp/repos.d/*
zypper --verbose refresh
Then it got icky because of the PHP-Change and packages which made a fuzz'.
First Update just gromox which will take care of Package-Problems.
The question from zypper
should be answered as "Uninstall all PHP7 Packages"
Take care of PHP..
zypper update gromox
The actual Distupgrade
zypper dup
I basically got through all "Warnings" by always choosing the option to remove the PHP7-Package..
Be aware that the Number changes!I guess i should just have uninstalled the problematic packages before the
zypper dup
but about 10-15 Questions later i was already upgrading :-).
Enable PHP-FPM
mv /etc/php8/fpm/php-fpm.conf.default /etc/php8/fpm/php-fpm.conf
systemctl enable php-fpm.service
I did that
much later after trying to determine what's wrong... but now i know that, i just should have done so from the start.. "Lucky you!"
Eventually reinstall missing Packages...
If the Package grommunio-index didn't make it. (This might happen because of the PKG grommunio [1])
zypper install -y grommunio-index
rm -Rf /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/*
systemctl start grommunio-index.service
I think this was all...
Here is my /var/log/zypp/history so you might see what will happen.
And FWIW: I'm using the Supported REPO!!!
EDIT: Added systemctl-call.
EDIT: index
EDIT: zypper update gromox after Release-Code-Change
Successfully upgraded: 3
[1] zypper info --requires grommunio
Thank you!
I'll give it a try with a clone of my community version and post the results.
I works for me, with your last post.
after the reboot php-fpm seems to be disabled and not running. There was a 502 Gateway message in the user-web-gui. Admin-web-gui works. In that i enabled php-fpm. At last everything is working now.
I've seen it in the history
but wasn't sure if i was just doing nonsense at that moment :-).
That is an SuSe/Redhat-Behavior(not automatically enabling the Services)
In Debian the service is automatically enabled (which i might not want always but that's what it is..)
You can see that with systemctl list-unit-files --target enabled
, it will look quite different depending on the OS
It was no problem, Admin-GUI was working. In there php-fpm enabled und started. 2 minutes later everything was working fine (Handy, Outlook etc.) I still use CORE and nothing else. After a secound reboot GRO runs without any further interaction smooth and gentle .
Thanks for the post
After the update from Leap 153 to Leap 15.4 i fond a difference next to "rpm -qa 'grom*'" in my native leap15.4 testinstall to the upgraded leap 153
in the upgraded VM two packets are missing: grommunio-index and grommunio-dbconf
the rest is similar. Should i install them manualy via rpm? The system ist running well without them!
The updatet VM was first installed in early 2021!
- Edited
At least grommunio-index and best to use these commands to refresh all "Webmail-Search-Indexes".
rm -Rf /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/*
systemctl start grommunio-index.service
You don't need grommunio-dbconf if you don't miss it