crpb Ah I guess similar actions will make my sync work as well. Will try once I‘m at home! Thanks

Für grommunio-sync hilft bei mir

ln -s /etc/grommunio-sync/grommunio-sync.conf.php /usr/share/grommunio-sync/config.php

    BTW: Did some extensive copy paste / duplicating on the Debian-VM via IMAP..
    Had almost 200.000 MSG before i deleted everything again. Couldn't make out any problems 🥳
    Last of my grom_cleanup tasks.

    Processing /var/lib/gromox/user/1/1/cid...
    Purged 180086 files (1040MB) from /var/lib/gromox/user/1/1/cid
    Processing /var/lib/gromox/user/1/1/eml...
    Purged 59925 files (1375MB) from /var/lib/gromox/user/1/1/eml
    Processing /var/lib/gromox/user/1/1/ext...
    Purged 59925 files (50MB) from /var/lib/gromox/user/1/1/ext
    vacuum: /var/lib/gromox/user/1/1

    The midb.sqlite is now the biggest leftover in there with 88MB... 👍

    FelixVictor This worked for me as well :-) dav was all fine on my machine ^^

    14 days later

    ich bekomme im Zuge des Updates auch diese Fehlermeldungen

      e4e I can't see any relevant error messages. Most messages are status information. Some config files or directories do not exist on every installation.

      Hi community,
      After a fresh install of grommunio appliance I'm facing some MAPI issues. Admin-Web works fine, Login to Web-Frontend as well but after that I got the following MAPIException (after enabling debugging options):

      Uncaught MAPIException: The operation failed for an unspecified reason in /usr/share/grommunio-web/server/includes/core/class.mapisession.php:580
      Stack trace:
      #0 /usr/share/grommunio-web/server/includes/core/class.mapisession.php(580): mapi_table_queryallrows(Resource id #9, Array)
      #1 /usr/share/grommunio-web/server/includes/core/class.mapisession.php(617): MAPISession->loadMessageStoresFromSession()
      #2 /usr/share/grommunio-web/server/includes/core/class.mapisession.php(121): MAPISession->getDefaultMessageStore()
      #3 /usr/share/grommunio-web/server/includes/core/class.mapisession.php(482): MAPISession->getUser()
      #4 /usr/share/grommunio-web/server/includes/core/class.mapisession.php(491): MAPISession->getDisabledFeatures()
      #5 /usr/share/grommunio-web/index.php(178): MAPISession->isWebappDisableAsFeature()
      #6 {main}
      thrown in <b>/usr/share/grommunio-web/server/includes/core/class.mapisession.php</b> on line 580

      (BTW, I didn't find out how one could disable "Webapp" on user level. Is this a new feature, maybe not properly implemented?)

      any ideas?

      An other observation which might or might not have something to do with the problem above:

      gromox-zcore says: Could not resolve [::1]:6666: Name or service not known

      gromox-timer is listening on port 6666 (ipv6), also systemctl status gromox-timer doesn't show any errors. telnet on localhost 6666 and ::1 6666 works fine.

      Which version you are using?
      # rpm -qi gromox | head -n 3
      Name : gromox
      Version :
      Release : lp153.2.1

        Facing a problem on Rocky Linux 8 (RHEL 8):

        `# dnf update
        Last metadata expiration check: 0:25:03 ago on Wed 04 Jan 2023 02:26:11 PM CET.
        Problem: cannot install the best update candidate for package gromox-1.37.19.ef020a6-19.1.x86_64

        • nothing provides php-cli = 7.4.19 needed by gromox-
        • nothing provides php-fpm = 7.4.19 needed by gromox-
        • nothing provides php-mysqlnd = 7.4.19 needed by gromox-
        • nothing provides php-soap = 7.4.19 needed by gromox-
          (try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)

        Currently, PHP 7.4.33 is installed from Remi Repos.

        Please update dependencies to >=7.4.19 or the like. Or is there any other fix I can implement?



        The newest, I guess.

        rpm -qi gromox | head -n 3
        Name : gromox
        Version :
        Release : lp154.2.1

        4 days later

        So, after reinstalling a fresh install of Grommunio using the VMware appliance, I discovered the majority of the secondary packages (chat, files, etc) were not installed. So I tried the ISO and installed the system from that.

        The current -latest images are broken, IMO. Having to go manually install packages, search for packages, clobber the system to get it working -- this defeats the purpose of the Ready to Deploy appliance, or ISO image

        Having to do work-arounds, fixes, etc to get the full suite working is disappointing.

        Reverting to an older version.

        we have identified the core issues and are uploading a fixed version shortly. unfortunately, the dependencies have not been resolved for the build process accordingly, and left a chain of unresolved deps with the secondary products in the installation chain. the next update (following this week) will resolve these matters.

        11 days later

        we want to migrate our customers from Kopano. I have therefore set up a test server with the current iso. Core works, but files, meet etc. cannot be installed, because dependencies php7 and php8 cannot be resolved.
        When will a new iso be available?

          karsten52 files, meet

          Did you mean the optional moduls? Regarding files, Kopano have only the modul similar to the files modul of the grommunio core. Only in comparision the Kopano files modul works additional with ownCloud and SMB connection. WebDAV is possible in both packages, for me in any case the best option.

          With meet, maybe some developement is needed.

          9 days later

          same problem here. the current ISO seems to be broken. maybe this workaround will help you for your test environment: after the installation and before the setup wizard install the optional packages manually via terminal:

          zypper install grommunio-chat grommunio-meet grommunio-office grommunio-archive

          in this case at least you have something. but grommunio-files you can't get like this, because of the dependency on php7 you mentioned. and grommunio-web will need php8, so you have to decide.

          for productive use i would definitely not recommend this approach. then rather the older ISO 2022.05.2, but i have unfortunately not found to download it.

          12 days later

          2022.12.1 iso image doesn't install correctly. Have tried several variations of passwords, host-names, certificate types but only core modules install, chat,meet,files, archive all give Error 404 (Not Found) after fresh install, during setup process get errors about service not found or files missing. Did try reverting to the 2022.05 iso image but it too appears to fail to install all modules after the setup update sequence.

          Running on a Rocky Linux 9.1 KVM Host System and installing as OpenSuse 15.4 Virtual, 24GB of Ram, 4 Cores, 750GB of Disk Space. Do have one 2022.05 iso loaded appliance running on a Rocky Linux 8 KVM Host System but not sure why the KVM Host System would cause things not to install or run.

          At the moment, basically only Core can be installed, the optional modules do not work yet. Core also includes Files, which allows a connection to a file server via WebDAV. However, in v2022.05.02 this still worked with PHP 7, in v2022.12.1 PHP 8 is installed, an HTTP 500 error occurs at this point.

          9 days later

          Is possible to have some docs and Instruktion about and Information where is config location in the system?

          • crpb replied to this.

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