Hello grommunio community, customers & partners,

in preparation to our upcoming release, community might suffer some packaging issues in the upcoming days, since we are currently merging our dev branches after our green light from qa into the community branch as first major step.

As part of that endavour, you might want to be a bit cautious with the upcoming community releases.

On certain systems a first sign of these changes can be observed by the php mapi header file merge. A fix is simple: After update, run zypper in -f grommunio-dav grommunio-sync grommunio-web mapi-header-php or check with other distros as well.

As part of this merge, many changes also for RH, Fedora, Debian and Ubuntu are showing up piece by piece as well.

If you encounter any packaging specific issues regarding these upcoming updates, feel free to post here.

    mwilliams stickied the discussion .
    mwilliams changed the title to Christmas release && packaging adoptions .

    Specific issue after update and reinstalling packages :

    i | grommunio | pattern | 1-lp153.8.1 | x86_64 | grommunio
    i+ | grommunio-admin-api | package | 1.9.18.e905e00-lp153.34.1 | noarch | grommunio
    i+ | grommunio-admin-common | package | 6.cb985db-lp153.3.1 | noarch | (System Packages)
    i+ | grommunio-admin-web | package | | noarch | grommunio
    i+ | grommunio-antispam | package | 3.2-lp153.1.2 | x86_64 | (System Packages)
    i+ | grommunio-common | package | 10.e94d08a-lp153.7.1 | x86_64 | grommunio
    i+ | grommunio-cui | package | 1.0.123.f9bdadd-lp153.35.1 | noarch | grommunio
    i+ | grommunio-dav | package | 1.1.14.a427a75-lp153.4.1 | noarch | grommunio
    i+ | grommunio-dbconf | package | 1.1.1.da20a46-lp153.4.2 | x86_64 | (System Packages)
    i | grommunio-error-pages | package | | noarch | (System Packages)
    i+ | grommunio-imapsync | package | 2.178-lp153.1.1 | noarch | (System Packages)
    i+ | grommunio-index | package | 0.1.15.d3ec048-lp153.17.3 | x86_64 | grommunio
    i+ | grommunio-release | package | 2022.05.2-lp153.1.1 | x86_64 | (System Packages)
    i+ | grommunio-setup | package | | noarch | grommunio
    i+ | grommunio-sync | package | 1.1.38-lp153.31.1 | noarch | grommunio
    i+ | grommunio-web | package | | noarch | grommunio
    i+ | gromox | package | | x86_64 | grommunio
    i+ | gromox-debuginfo | package | | x86_64 | grommunio
    i+ | gromox-debugsource | package | | x86_64 | grommunio

    Hatte ich auch in meiner Testmaschine.
    Das ist jetzt kein vorschlag sondern nur ein Fakt!

    • Nach einem zypper dup hat wieder alles funktioniert.
    grommunio-2022052:~ # _grom_versions
    cagrommunio-admin-api-bash-completion                         1.9.18.e905e00
    grommunio-admin-api                                         1.9.18.e905e00
    grommunio-admin-common                                      6.cb985db
    grommunio-antispam-debugsource                              3.2
    grommunio-antispam                                          3.2
    grommunio-archive-debugsource                               1.3.12.g137.d1b0df1b
    grommunio-archive                                           1.3.12.g137.d1b0df1b
    grommunio-chat                                              6.2.2
    grommunio-common                                            10.e94d08a
    grommunio-cui                                               1.0.123.f9bdadd
    grommunio-dav                                               1.1.14.a427a75
    grommunio-dbconf-debugsource                                1.1.1.da20a46
    grommunio-imapsync                                          2.178
    grommunio-index-debugsource                                 0.1.15.d3ec048
    grommunio-index                                             0.1.15.d3ec048
    grommunio-sync                                              1.1.38
    grub2-theme-grommunio                                       1
    libHX32                                                     4.8
    libpff1                                                     20211114
    libtinyxml2-9                                               9.0.0
    mapi-header-php                                             0.705eff3
    nginx-module-brotli                                         1.0.0rc+g1
    nginx-module-vts                                            0.1.18+g41
    patterns-grommunio                                          1
    perl-Authen-NTLM                                            1.09
    perl-Encode-IMAPUTF7                                        1.05
    perl-JSON-WebToken                                          0.10
    perl-Sys-MemInfo                                            0.99
    plymouth-theme-grommunio                                    1
    python3-mattermostdriver                                    7.3.2
    python3-openapi-core                                        0.13.7
    python3-openapi-schema-validator                            0.1.5
    python3-pamela                                              1.0.0
    python3-rfc3339-validator                                   0.1.4
    system-user-groarchive                                      2
    system-user-grochat                                         2
    system-user-grodav                                          2
    system-user-grommunio                                       2
    system-user-gromox                                          2
    system-user-grosync                                         1
    system-user-groweb                                          2
    grommunio-2022052:~ # cat /etc/os-release
    NAME="openSUSE Leap"
    ID_LIKE="suse opensuse"
    PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE Leap 15.4"
    grommunio-2022052:~ # cat /etc/zypp/repos.d/grommunio.repo
    • crpb replied to this.

      mwilliams Saw the error 500 after update the updated again got new packages and that was resolved now I see that active sync for exchange has stopped working.

      [2022-12-14 09:49:24.510177]: [ERROR] (flask.app) Response validation failed: [InvalidSchemaValue(value={'data': [{'pid': 1304, 'ip': '40.99.xx.xx', 'user': 'trent@xx.xx', 'start': 1671029345, 'devtype': 'Outlook', 'devid': 'opcc25d40342b08a1372e224fbeeaab1', 'devagent': 'Outlook-iOS-Android/1.0', 'command': False, 'ended': 1671029345, 'push': False, 'addinfo': 'OK : ServiceUnavailableException', 'update': 1671029345}]}, type=<SchemaType.OBJECT: 'object'>, schema_errors=(<ValidationError: 'False is not of type integer'>,))]
      [2022-12-14 09:49:24.514200]: [WARNING] (flask.app) GET /api/v1/system/sync/top?filterEnded=20&filterUpdated=120 from -> 500 '{"message":"The server generated an invalid response."}\n'

      here is some data from the log

      Fix this issue with:
      ln -s /usr/share/php-mapi/includes /usr/share/grommunio-web/server/includes/mapi

      Leider funktionieren bei mir diese Abhilfen nicht.
      Auch ein Update von heute behebt den Fehler nicht.

      der Symbolische Link ist gesetzt und geprüft. im heutigen Update wurde er erneut gesetzt bei der Verteilung. Hilft aber auch nichts.

      Sync also die ActiveSync geschichten gehen auch nicht mehr..

      schaut aus als fehlen jede Menge Mapi Files oder Verlinkungen.

      • high replied to this.

        That work's for me.

        Thank you WalterH !


        reinstall the
        zypper in -f mapi-header-php
        not helped..

        i have checked more time the files in the mapi folder. the include folder was empty after update und reinstall the packages.
        after look into other installation i see the folder


        is empty. i have instlal the mapi packages again and the folder was filled with files.
        so the problem can solved.

        I assume this is a packaging error.

        Current release will fix this issue. Please update your system.
        If you created the symlink, remove the symlink, to cleanup the system.
        rm /usr/share/grommunio-web/server/includes/mapi

        I'm still on Debian 11. I reinstalled all packages, there is no /usr/share/php-mapi/includes folder. all files are directly in /usr/share/php-mapi. I've added a link in the folder to link "includes" to the main folder. I still get the 500 error and IOS is not syncing. This is in the logs:

        2022/12/17 22:20:23 [error] 75887#75887: *1187 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Warning:  include_once(config.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/share/grommunio-sync/index.php on line 21PHP message: PHP Warning:  include_once(): Failed opening 'config.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /usr/share/grommunio-sync/index.php on line 21PHP message: PHP Warning:  Use of undefined constant SCRIPT_TIMEOUT - assumed 'SCRIPT_TIMEOUT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /usr/share/grommunio-sync/index.php on line 24PHP message: PHP Warning:  Use of undefined constant SCRIPT_TIMEOUT - assumed 'SCRIPT_TIMEOUT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /usr/share/grommunio-sync/index.php on line 25PHP message: PHP Warning:  set_time_limit() expects parameter 1 to be int, string given in /usr/share/grommunio-sync/index.php on line 25PHP message: PHP Warning:  Use of undefined constant LOGBACKEND_CLASS - assumed 'LOGBACKEND_CLASS' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /usr/share/grommunio-sync/lib/core/slog.php on line 118PHP message: The configured logging class `LOGBACKEND_CLASS` does not exist. Check your configuration.PHP message: The configured logging class `LOGBACKEND_CLASS` does not exist. Check your configuration.PHP message: PHP Warning:  Use of undefined constant LOGBACKEND_CLASS - assumed 'LOGBACKEND_CLASS' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /usr/share/grommunio-sync/lib/core/slog.php on line 118PHP message: The configured logging class `LOGBACKEND_CLASS` does not exist. Check your configuration.PHP message: The configured logging class `LOGBACKEND_CLASS` does not exist. Check your configuration.PHP message: PHP Warning:  Use of undefined constant LOGBACKEND_CLASS - assumed 'LOGBACKEND_CLASS' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /usr/share/grommunio-sync/lib/core/slog.php on line 118PHP message: The configured logging class `LOGBACKEND_CLASS` does not exist. Check
        2022/12/17 22:20:23 [error] 75887#75887: *1187 FastCGI sent in stderr: ": The configured logging class `LOGBACKEND_CLASS` does not exist. Check your configuration.PHP message: PHP Warning:  Use of undefined constant LOGBACKEND_CLASS - assumed 'LOGBACKEND_CLASS' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /usr/share/grommunio-sync/lib/core/slog.php on line 118PHP message: The configured logging class `LOGBACKEND_CLASS` does not exist. Check your configuration.PHP message: The configured logging class `LOGBACKEND_CLASS` does not exist. Check your configuration.PHP message: PHP Warning:  Use of undefined constant LOGBACKEND_CLASS - assumed 'LOGBACKEND_CLASS' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /usr/share/grommunio-sync/lib/core/slog.php on line 118PHP message: The configured logging class `LOGBACKEND_CLASS` does not exist. Check your configuration.PHP message: The configured logging class `LOGBACKEND_CLASS` does not exist. Check your configuration" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: _, request: "GET /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync HTTP/2.0", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/run/php-fpm/grommunio-sync:", host: "example.com"

        Also bei meiner Debian-Kiste ist schon läner nichts passiert aber hier geht es. Soweit ich es beobachten kann. Naja Active-Sync noch nicht probiert.

        root@grom-deb:/usr/share/grommunio-sync# type apt_show_all
        apt_show_all is a function
        apt_show_all ()
            apt show "${1:-*}" | awk '/^Package:|^APT-Source/ {$1=""; print $NFR}' | sed 'N;s/\n/\t/' | expand -t $(( $COLUMNS / 3 ))
        root@grom-deb:/usr/share/grommunio-sync# apt list $(apt_show_all "*" |awk '/download.grommunio.com/ {printf "%s ", $1}')
        WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.
        Listing... Done
        grommunio-admin-api/unknown,now 1.9.18.e905e00-1+34.1 all [installed]
        grommunio-admin-common/unknown,now 6.cb985db-1+2.1 amd64 [installed]
        grommunio-admin-web/unknown,now all [installed]
        grommunio-common/unknown,now 10.e94d08a-1+7.1 amd64 [installed]
        grommunio-dav/unknown,now all [installed]
        grommunio-dbconf-dbgsym/unknown 1.1.1.da20a46-1+4.1 amd64
        grommunio-dbconf/unknown,now 1.1.1.da20a46-1+4.1 amd64 [installed]
        grommunio-error-pages/unknown,now all [installed,automatic]
        grommunio-index-dbgsym/unknown 0.1.15.d3ec048-1+17.2 amd64
        grommunio-index/unknown,now 0.1.15.d3ec048-1+17.2 amd64 [installed]
        grommunio-sync/unknown,now 1.1.49-0 all [installed]
        grommunio-web/unknown,now 3.1.131.be46c08-1+90.1 all [installed]
        gromox-dbgsym/unknown,now 1.36.40.f977a87-1+15.1 amd64 [installed]
        gromox/unknown,now 1.36.40.f977a87-1+15.1 amd64 [installed]
        libexmdbpp-dev/unknown amd64
        libexmdbpp0-dbgsym/unknown amd64
        libexmdbpp0/unknown,now amd64 [installed,automatic]
        libfmt-dev/unknown 8.1.1-1+5.3 amd64
        libfmt-doc/unknown 8.1.1-1+5.3 all
        libfmt8-dbgsym/unknown 8.1.1-1+5.3 amd64
        libfmt8/unknown,now 8.1.1-1+5.3 amd64 [installed,automatic]
        libhx-dev-dbgsym/unknown 4.4-1+1.1 amd64
        libhx-dev/unknown 4.4-1+1.1 amd64
        libhx32-dbgsym/unknown 4.4-1+1.1 amd64
        libvmime-dev/unknown amd64
        libvmime-suse5-dbgsym/unknown amd64
        libvmime-suse5/unknown,now amd64 [installed,automatic]
        mapi-header-php/unknown,now amd64 [installed,automatic]
        pypy-pyasn1/unknown 0.4.8-1+1.3 all
        python-pyasn1-doc/unknown 0.4.8-1+1.3 all
        python3-mattermostdriver/unknown,now 7.3.2-1+1.5 all [installed,automatic]
        python3-more-itertools/unknown,now 8.12.0-1+1.5 all [installed,automatic]
        python3-openapi-core/unknown,now 0.13.7-1+7.12 all [installed,automatic]
        python3-openapi-schema-validator/unknown,now 0.1.5-1+10.4 all [installed,automatic]
        python3-openapi-spec-validator/unknown,now 0.2.9-1+8.4 all [installed,automatic]
        python3-parse/unknown,now 1.19.0-1+22.7 all [installed,automatic]
        python3-pyasn1/unknown,now 0.4.8-1+1.3 all [installed,automatic]
        python3-pyexmdb/unknown,now amd64 [installed,automatic]
        python3-rfc3339-validator/unknown,now 0.1.5-1+8.4 all [installed,automatic]
        python3-strict-rfc3339/unknown,now 0.1.5-1+12.4 all [installed,automatic]
        system-user-groadm/unknown,now 0-1 all [installed]
        system-user-groarchive/unknown 0-1 all
        system-user-groauthui/unknown 0-1 all
        system-user-grochat/unknown 0-1 all
        system-user-grodav/unknown,now 0-1 all [installed]
        system-user-groffice/unknown 0-1 all
        system-user-grofiles/unknown 0-1 all
        system-user-grommunio/unknown,now 0-1 all [installed]
        system-user-gromox/unknown,now 0-1 all [installed]
        system-user-grosync/unknown,now 0-1 all [installed]
        system-user-groweb/unknown,now 0-1 all [installed]

        And now i saw there was an update 😛

        root@grom-deb:~# apt list $(apt_show_all "*" |awk '/download.grommunio.com/ {printf "%s ", $1}')
        WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.
        Listing... Done
        grommunio-admin-api/unknown,now 1.9.18.e905e00-1+34.2 all [installed]
        grommunio-admin-common/unknown,now 6.cb985db-1+2.2 amd64 [installed]
        grommunio-admin-web/unknown,now all [installed]
        grommunio-common/unknown,now 10.e94d08a-1+7.2 amd64 [installed]
        grommunio-dav/unknown,now all [installed]
        grommunio-dbconf-dbgsym/unknown 1.1.1.da20a46-1+4.2 amd64
        grommunio-dbconf/unknown,now 1.1.1.da20a46-1+4.2 amd64 [installed]
        grommunio-error-pages/unknown,now all [installed,automatic]
        grommunio-index-dbgsym/unknown 0.1.15.d3ec048-1+17.3 amd64
        grommunio-index/unknown,now 0.1.15.d3ec048-1+17.3 amd64 [installed]
        grommunio-sync/unknown,now 1.1.49-0 all [installed]
        grommunio-web/unknown,now 3.1.131.be46c08-1+90.2 all [installed]
        gromox-dbgsym/unknown,now 1.36.40.f977a87-1+16.2 amd64 [installed]
        gromox/unknown,now 1.36.40.f977a87-1+16.2 amd64 [installed]
        libexmdbpp-dev/unknown amd64
        libexmdbpp0-dbgsym/unknown amd64
        libexmdbpp0/unknown,now amd64 [installed,automatic]
        libfmt-dev/unknown 8.1.1-1+5.4 amd64
        libfmt-doc/unknown 8.1.1-1+5.4 all
        libfmt8-dbgsym/unknown 8.1.1-1+5.4 amd64
        libfmt8/unknown,now 8.1.1-1+5.4 amd64 [installed,automatic]
        libhx-dev-dbgsym/unknown 4.4-1+1.2 amd64
        libhx-dev/unknown 4.4-1+1.2 amd64
        libhx32-dbgsym/unknown 4.4-1+1.2 amd64
        libvmime-dev/unknown amd64
        libvmime-suse5-dbgsym/unknown amd64
        libvmime-suse5/unknown,now amd64 [installed,automatic]
        mapi-header-php/unknown,now amd64 [installed,automatic]
        pypy-pyasn1/unknown 0.4.8-1+1.4 all
        python-pyasn1-doc/unknown 0.4.8-1+1.4 all
        python3-mattermostdriver/unknown,now 7.3.2-1+1.6 all [installed,automatic]
        python3-more-itertools/unknown,now 8.12.0-1+1.6 all [installed,automatic]
        python3-openapi-core/unknown,now 0.13.7-1+7.13 all [installed,automatic]
        python3-openapi-schema-validator/unknown,now 0.1.5-1+10.5 all [installed,automatic]
        python3-openapi-spec-validator/unknown,now 0.2.9-1+8.5 all [installed,automatic]
        python3-parse/unknown,now 1.19.0-1+22.8 all [installed,automatic]
        python3-pyasn1/unknown,now 0.4.8-1+1.4 all [installed,automatic]
        python3-pyexmdb/unknown,now amd64 [installed,automatic]
        python3-rfc3339-validator/unknown,now 0.1.5-1+8.5 all [installed,automatic]
        python3-strict-rfc3339/unknown,now 0.1.5-1+12.5 all [installed,automatic]
        system-user-groadm/unknown,now 0-1 all [installed]
        system-user-groarchive/unknown 0-1 all
        system-user-groauthui/unknown 0-1 all
        system-user-grochat/unknown 0-1 all
        system-user-grodav/unknown,now 0-1 all [installed]
        system-user-groffice/unknown 0-1 all
        system-user-grofiles/unknown 0-1 all
        system-user-grommunio/unknown,now 0-1 all [installed]
        system-user-gromox/unknown,now 0-1 all [installed]
        system-user-grosync/unknown,now 0-1 all [installed]
        system-user-groweb/unknown,now 0-1 all [installed]

        so far so good.. only imap and webmail tested

        Webdav has include-problems:

        /usr/share/grommunio-dav/vendor/composer/autoload_files.php:    '777dc149d682152f9ab0caaeffcdbb27' => $baseDir . '/config.php',
        /usr/share/grommunio-dav/vendor/composer/autoload_static.php:        '777dc149d682152f9ab0caaeffcdbb27' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/config.php',

        with those commented / each / all / the search goes deeper ...

        2022/12/18 11:53:23 [error] 3989#3989: *584 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Notice:  Constant CAL_GREGORIAN already defined in /usr/share/php-mapi/mapidefs.php on line 683PHP message: PHP Warning:  log4php: Configuration failed. File not found at [/usr/share/grommunio-dav/log4php.xml]. Using default configuration. in /usr/share/grommunio-dav/vendor/apache/log4php/src/main/php/configurators/LoggerConfiguratorDefault.php on line 475PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught PDOException: invalid data source name in /usr/share/grommunio-dav/lib/GrommunioSyncState.php:24
        Stack trace:
        #0 /usr/share/grommunio-dav/lib/GrommunioSyncState.php(24): PDO->__construct()
        #1 /usr/share/grommunio-dav/lib/GrommunioDavBackend.php(25): grommunio\DAV\GrommunioSyncState->__construct()
        #2 /usr/share/grommunio-dav/server.php(30): grommunio\DAV\GrommunioDavBackend->__construct()
        #3 {main}
          thrown in /usr/share/grommunio-dav/lib/GrommunioSyncState.php on line 24" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: _, request: "GET /dav/ HTTP/2.0", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/run/php-fpm/grommunio-dav:", host: ""


        ln -s /etc/grommunio-dav/grommunio-dav.conf.php /usr/share/grom,unio-dav/config.php
        ln -s /etc/grommunio-dav/log4php.xml /usr/share/grommunio-dav/

        Still a missing sqlite-db
        Copied /var/lib/grommunio-dav/syncstate.db one from my Live-Host.

        Grommunio-Dav works now!.. At least i could login ..

          crpb Ah I guess similar actions will make my sync work as well. Will try once I‘m at home! Thanks

          Für grommunio-sync hilft bei mir

          ln -s /etc/grommunio-sync/grommunio-sync.conf.php /usr/share/grommunio-sync/config.php

            BTW: Did some extensive copy paste / duplicating on the Debian-VM via IMAP..
            Had almost 200.000 MSG before i deleted everything again. Couldn't make out any problems 🥳
            Last of my grom_cleanup tasks.

            Processing /var/lib/gromox/user/1/1/cid...
            Purged 180086 files (1040MB) from /var/lib/gromox/user/1/1/cid
            Processing /var/lib/gromox/user/1/1/eml...
            Purged 59925 files (1375MB) from /var/lib/gromox/user/1/1/eml
            Processing /var/lib/gromox/user/1/1/ext...
            Purged 59925 files (50MB) from /var/lib/gromox/user/1/1/ext
            vacuum: /var/lib/gromox/user/1/1

            The midb.sqlite is now the biggest leftover in there with 88MB... 👍

            FelixVictor This worked for me as well :-) dav was all fine on my machine ^^

            © 2020-2024 grommunio GmbH. All rights reserved. | https://grommunio.com | Data Protection | Legal notice