
  • Feb 27, 2024
  • Joined Sep 28, 2021
  • 0 best answers
  • A recipe to update grommunio to the current version.
    Some special steps to be considered when updating to V 2.6 are explained.

    • Connect via SSH like Putty to the grommunio server
    • For most commands you may copy and paste the command to the grommunio server

    Preparation of the update
    If you use a virtual environment, create a snapshot.
    Historically, the owner and permissions in /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index may be set differently. This code fragment sets the default values. Works on Debian 11 and Open SuSE 15.3 and 15.4.

    cd /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index
    ls -ltr
    chown groweb:groweb * -R
    chmod 775 *
    find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;

    Update for Open SuSE:
    Remove the unneeded php-opcache
    zypper -e php-opcache
    Refresh the repository
    zypper ref
    and perform the update
    zypper up

    If zypper up reports problems, such as packages not being installed or packages being held back, be sure to repair these errors. One way to try is to install these packages manually, like: zypper in <package>. This gives you some ideas why the installation fails. Please note: Partially updated systems will not work.
    Run zypper up again, only when no more packages are offered for installation, the update is done.
    Continue with Finish Update

    Update for Debian 11:
    The Debian update is a bit more complicated than the Open SuSE Update.
    Disable php opcache - very important
    phpdismod opcache
    Install needrestart, a helpful tool that offers to restart updated services
    apt install needrestart

    Now run the update:
    Refresh the repository
    apt update
    and perform the update
    apt upgrade
    If apt upgrade reports problems, such as packages not being installed or packages being held back, be sure to fix these errors. One way to try is to install these packages manually, like: apt install <package>. This gives you some ideas why the installation fails. Please note: Partially updated systems will not work.
    Run apt upgrade again, only when no more packages are offered for installation, the update is done.

    Edit: with current update, this issue was solved.
    Repair the failed services
    The V 2.6 update changes the permissions for the gromox services, we have to fix that.
    Restore the permissions
    chown :gromox /etc/gromox
    Find out which services are not running?
    systemctl --failed
    Restart the services, as an example:
    systemctl restart grommunio-index.service gromox-delivery-queue.service gromox-delivery.service gromox-event.service gromox-imap.service gromox-midb.service gromox-pop3.service gromox-timer.service gromox-zcore.service
    Check if all services are running now?
    systemctl --failed

    Repair error 502 for grommunio-sync
    The php-fpm socket is in the wrong location. We need to move the socket from /run/php-fpm/grommunio-sync to /run/php/grommunio-sync
    Backup old config file
    cp /etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/pool-grommunio-sync.conf /etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/pool-grommunio-sync.conf.bak
    Copy the pool config file to the correct location
    cp /etc/php/7.4/fpm/php-fpm.d/pool-grommunio-sync.conf.dpkg-dist /etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/pool-grommunio-sync.conf
    Set correct socket location /run/php/grommunio-sync in /usr/share/grommunio-common/nginx/upstreams.d/grommunio-sync-upstream.conf
    Backup old config file
    cp /usr/share/grommunio-common/nginx/upstreams.d/grommunio-sync-upstream.conf /usr/share/grommunio-common/nginx/upstreams.d/grommunio-sync-upstream.conf.bak
    Change the socket location
    sed -i 's/php-fpm/php/g' /usr/share/grommunio-common/nginx/upstreams.d/grommunio-sync-upstream.conf
    Test nginx configuration
    nginx -t
    Repair any errors!
    Restart services
    systemctl restart php7.4-fpm.service
    systemctl restart nginx
    Continue with finish update

    Finish update
    Edit: the update my perform a database update, please wait with the reboout about 15 minutes to allow the database update to finish.
    You may need to reboot the server with: init 6
    Test grommunio
    If everything is OK and a snapshot was created, remove the snapshot

    Please note, the first restart of grommunio-index.service may need a long time, in most cases the grommunio-index services recreates all webapp indexes. Recreation time depends on the mailbox sizes.

  • Just found it by chance.
    The following can be found on the Admin-License-Page

    I guess it would be the simplest to take a look at the Grommunio-Reference from /usr/share/grommunio-admin-web/static/media

  • Hi makeitsimple,

    again, solved for first kick. And again thank you very much for your answer.


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  • ich mag es jetzt echt icht testen ...
    aber angeblich haben sie es gefixt

    noch einmal update laufen lassen und es sollte alles gehen

    dieses Forum braucht endlich eine Edit Funkion und eine markierung für SOLVED PROBLEMS

  • @noplan ,

    No, that is certainly not a feature.

    Thanks for the report. Indeed, this has been confirmed today and a development issue was created. However, please allow me to correct you statement a little bit: This issue only affects grommunio Web - Other clients, such as Outlook are not affected.

    The root cause seems to have been found already and we expect a very soon fix published for this.

    Keeping you posted.

  • mwilliams
    Sorry, I do not speak German

    But there are a few errors in the code that will prevent this from working.

    export FQDN='hostname -f'
    should be:
    export FQDN=$(hostname -f)

    Otherwise, the above code will just set FQDN = hostname -f and thus output everything to:
    "mailWebAddress": "https://$FQDN/web",

    There is also a problem with:

    cat > /etc/grommunio-admin-common/nginx.d/ <<EOF

    You have not specified a filename to output too, thus nothing will be written.

    • After more investigating and experimenting, it appears that mysql_password value in /etc/gromox/adapter.cfg is not being parsed correctly.

      ( states:
      Default: (unset)

      However, when looking at (, the way the config file is parsed states (line 78):

      strtol(pconfig->get_value("mysql_port"), nullptr, 0),
      pconfig->get_value("mysql_username"), pconfig->get_value("mysql_passwd"),

      Thus when reading the config file, the token it is looking for is mysql_passwd and not mysql_password as the documentation states. I'm opening a github issue about this, as once I made the change the errors disappear:

      For the time being, if you edit /etc/gromox/adapter.cfg and change mysql_password to mysql_passwd this should get rid of these errors. Be sure to restart gromox-adapter after making the changes.

      I'm new to Grommunio - only just installed it last night, so please excuse me if I am wrong.

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