• SolvedFixed
  • IMAP broken again for specific client application

It's broken on:
I reverted back to this version and it works again:
Not sure how many there versions have been in between, but these are the ones I tested.

    Can confirm that imap is broken since 2.18 release (also 2.18-29-gc0e36e279) on Mailstore Archiv Software (Login is ok - then gets stuck on reading folder items
    Thunderbird works well with imap



    No logs, no help. imaptests run with all green lights, that does not mean there might not still be an issue (as mentioned thunderbird works well, alpine, macOS and even outlook IMAP too (not that anyone wants mac or OL on IMAP). Providing some more information from your side is strongly encouraged if you expect any help.

    No, all I did is a regular system update with apt. I would have expected (as all other packages do) that if there is something else that has to be done, that I get a prompt for that.

    If you have IMAP problems, try to add two settings to /etc/gromox/imap.cfg:

    context_num = 500
    context_max_mem = 4M

    And restart IMAP: systemctl restart gromox-imap

    Yes, works again. The mmv command did not change anything, that was not the issue, I also did not change anything in the configuration.

    jengelh locked the discussion .

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