• In Progress
  • Debian12 supported repo schema problem in admin GUI

Hi everybody,
I need to create new user at my server and discovered I cannot display old user settings and create new one too. It is not possible to select domain for the user. I select one, but field is still empty.
Here are some log errors:
Nov 30 12:45:05 hostname uwsgi[1594]: [ERROR] (grommunio Admin API) Response validation failed: [InvalidSchemaValue(value={'ID': 1, 'domainname': 'domain.com', 'displayname': 'domain.com', 'orgID': 1, 'maxUser': 50, 'activeUsers': 30, 'inactiveUsers': 0, 'virtualUsers': 2, 'title': 'Domain name', 'address': '', 'adminName': '', 'tel': '', 'endDay': '3333-03-03', 'domainStatus': 0, 'syncPolicy': {}, 'chat': False, 'homeserver': None}, type=<SchemaType.ANY: None>, schema_errors=(<ValidationError: 'None for not nullable'>,))]

Nov 30 12:45:11 hostname uwsgi[1594]: [ERROR] (grommunio Admin API) Response validation failed: [InvalidSchemaValue(value={'ID': 34, 'username': 'username@domain.com', 'domainID': 1, 'ldapID': None, 'status': 0, 'altname': None, 'lang': 'de_DE', 'pop3_imap': False, 'smtp': False, 'changePassword': True, 'publicAddress': False, 'privChat': False, 'privVideo': False, 'privFiles': False, 'privArchive': False, 'aliases': ['user@domain2.com'], 'fetchmail': [], 'properties': {'displaytypeex': 0, 'displayname': 'User Name', 'givenname': 'Name, 'businesstelephonenumber': '+49 123456789, 'surname': 'Name', 'companyname': 'Company', 'title': 'Title', 'departmentname': Department, 'primarytelephonenumber': '+49 123456789', 'mobiletelephonenumber': '+49 987654321', 'primaryfaxnumber': '+49 123456789', 'locality': 'Town name', 'stateorprovince': 'Country', 'streetaddress': 'Street 1\n\n', 'postalcode': '98765', 'creationtime': '2023-05-05 14:24:30', 'messagesizeextended': 822188324, 'internetarticlenumber': 60, 'outofofficestate': 0, 'normalmessagesizeextended': 821989816, 'assocmessagesizeextended': 198508}, 'roles': [], 'forward': None, 'mlist': None, 'syncPolicy': {}, 'chat': False, 'chatAdmin': False, 'orgID': 1, 'homeserver': {'ID': 1, 'hostname': 'localhost'}}, type=<SchemaType.OBJECT: 'object'>, schema_errors=(<ValidationError: 'None for not nullable'>,))]

Hope it help to find the problem.

Hi weini,
I think this is miss understand. I have not problem with admin GUI, in overview it works properly. I discovered, I cannot open user settings or create new user.

Yes, same issue for me.
And the post that I made in the other thread describes the workaround that fixed the issue for me.
Did you try that?

There were at least 2 different issues with the admin GUI in the last months. A general one that has been fixed by Grommunio already and a Debian 12 specific that is still open. The workaround is for this 2nd issue.

    Packages with fixes are in QA showing up relatively soon. Takes some time since there are conflicts with upstream packages from Deb12. Expect it to show up in the upcoming days. I'll update this post as soon as available.

      Hi weini,
      I read the thread and create the "dirty" yaml file, but it is not help, unfortunately. I will try to create user by cli and wait for update. Thank you for your answer and time.

        Hi mwilliams,
        thank you for your info. It is good to know it is in the process 🙂

        ladas Did you restart grommunio-admin-api.service after putting the yaml in place?

          Hi weini,
          Thanks for notice. That was problem. I restarted nginx and php 🙁
          Now it really works. Thank you very much for link and help.

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