@MisterG Thank you again for all youre advices. I Was able to make an Import and to login, after detach a Mail account and "change" password. There have to be a Problem about ldap. I will try a bit more again the next days.

Though I expereinced still the problem in webapp search. Any news about this at someone here?

I have found the problem of webapp search ("An unexpected error has occurred"), at least in my installation. The files created by grommunio-index.service in the folder /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index have the wrong permissions. After creating they are owned by user grommunio and group gromox. If I change the permissions to owner groweb and group groweb the websearch is working again.

    odo125 I have found the problem of webapp search ("An unexpected error has occurred"), at least in my installation. The files created by grommunio-index.service in the folder /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index have the wrong permissions. After creating they are owned by user grommunio and group gromox. If I change the permissions to owner groweb and group groweb the websearch is working again.

    I can confirm that. However, I had to adjust the rights of the index.sqlite3 file to: -rw-rw---- (0660). In order to show search-results, a re-indexing was necessary: grommunio-index -v -c -A

      Suchfunktion läuft wieder. ...

      Ohne vernünftigen Index gibt es auch keine Suche bei Web. Verbesserte Index-Berechtigungen sind teil eines kommenden Updates (Freitag release)


      I can confirm that you have also to change the rights of the index.sqlite2 file. A re-indexing was not necessary in my case.

      15 days later

      Thank you again for all youre tips. Finally I got it to work, and it was a problem with LDAP .. and own dumbness.
      Though I still have problems since I can sync with ActiveSync. The log of grommunio_http says (for example)
      E-5320: link /var/lib/gromox/user/2/1/wOF374ChwQLrlsZQ -> /var/lib/gromox/user/2/1/cid/Y-0c/870769629a1bf375e95baac5723cdf: Permission denied
      I set all permissions in /var/lib/gromox/user as you described and also tried like it was set in a new created mailbox in the appliance. I dont know the issue.

        tf91 Your welcome. The error you report suggests some permission is still not quite right. I would try running the chown -Rf grommunio:gromox /var/lib/gromox again, but make sure you have closed down all mail clients (possibly turn off wifi/lan connection from clients) when you run the command to make sure all file permissions are properly set. See if that helps.

        If not work, maybe check the permissions as follows:

        chown -Rf gromox:gromox /var/lib/gromox
        chown -Rf grommunio:gromox /var/lib/gromox/user/*
        chmod -Rf 0770 /var/lib/gromox
        chmod -Rf 0775 /var/lib/gromox/domain/*

        • tf91 replied to this.

          Yes, thats exactly the permissions I set.

          When I run the command grommunio-index -v -c -A the following error occurs:

          mkdir /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/xxx@xxx.de: Permission denied
          mkdir /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/xxx@xxx.de: Permission denied
          mkdir /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/xxx@xxx.de: Permission denied
          mkdir /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/xxx@xxx.de: Permission denied
          mkdir /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/xxx@xxx.de: Permission denied
          ks-srv03-gm:~ # ls -l /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/
          total 0
          drw-rw---- 2 groweb groweb 27 Feb 22 14:03 xxx@xxx.de
          drw-rw---- 2 groweb groweb 27 Feb 22 14:03 xxx@xxx.de
          drw-rw---- 2 groweb groweb 27 Feb 22 14:03 xxx@xxx.de
          drw-rw---- 2 groweb groweb 27 Feb 22 14:03 xxx@xxx.de
          drw-rw---- 2 groweb groweb 27 Feb 22 14:03 xxx@xxx.de

          chmod -R 770 /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/

          The rights are incorrect:

          # l /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/
          total 0
          drwxrwx--- 2 grommunio groweb 27 Feb 23 09:31 xx\@kk.com/
          drwxrwx--- 2 grommunio groweb 27 Feb 20 15:04 yy\@kk.com/

          Das Thema ist in der neuen Appliance v2023.11.3 vom 16.2. leider nicht behoben. Ich bekomme den Fehler erst einmal wieder.

          9 days later

          Weiterhin die gleiche Situation mit dem aktuellen Softwarestand.

          chown -R groweb:groweb /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/
          chmod -R 770 /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/

          grommunio-index -v -c -A

          localhost:/var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index # ls -al
          total 0
          drwxrwx--- 4 groweb groweb 70 Mär 5 23:46 .
          drwxrwx--- 5 groweb groweb 52 Mär 5 23:46 ..
          drwxrwx--- 2 groweb groweb 27 Mär 7 08:45 user1@domain.dl
          drwxrwx--- 2 groweb groweb 27 Mär 7 08:45 user2@domain.dl
          drwxrwx--- 2 groweb groweb 27 Mär 7 08:45 user...n...@domain.dl
          localhost:/var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index #

          Damit lief das wieder ... 😉

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