So, if you have a native installation of Grommunio on Debian, so Debian is a standard Linux as I meant, such as Ubuntu or Suse. So maybe search in the internet in connection with Nextcloud for solutions in the different in the forums.
OPCache needs to be disabled - Is that forever?
I have, no luck. I understand your post
"Since there are some tips on the Internet for resolving such messages for standard Linux installations, I was able to resolve such messages relatively easily in VMs and native installations with Nextcloud."
in a way that you have a solution already.
Andy I have managed to locate the files to resolve some of these warnings/errors but not all of them. See below:-
This is for the Grommunio OpenSuse appliance (built on the 28-12 ISO)
Locate the directory:- /usr/share/grommunio-common/nginx/locations.d
Edit the file grommunio-files.conf
Update the lines as follows:-
add_header X-Robots-Tag none always;
add_header X-XSS-Protection "0" always;
add_header X-Robots-Tag "noindex, nofollow" always;
add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block" always;
also add this line at the end of the add_header block
add_header Referrer-Policy no-referrer always;
Save the file
Now edit the file grommunio-dav.conf
change the first 2 lies from
rewrite ^/.well-known/caldav /dav redirect;
rewrite ^/.well-known/carddav /dav redirect;
rewrite ^/.well-known/caldav /files/remote.php/dav redirect;
rewrite ^/.well-known/carddav /files/remote.php/dav redirect;
Save the file
Add these to your build notes and notes for whenever Grommunio-Files get an update (as in early February 2024), as these settings get set back to their original values.
I haven't tracked down the /.well-known/webfinger or /.well-known/nodeinfo warning fixes yet, doesn't seem much info out on the web for this.
I have also played around with the OPCache settings but never got anywhere, then saw @WalterH's article about OPCache form a week more so ago and decided as it has known issues with Grommunio it was time to leave well alone. Anyhow, @WalterH also mentioned that we should try another caching option, php8-ACPu, but this has been included since December last year according to @mwilliams , and when I tried to load it that was confirmed as it said it was already installed. Whether it is working or not I do not know.
Maxx in a way that you have a solution already
Then I apologize that you understood it in that way. If I knew that for Debian, I would share that. I can tell you something in connection with a NC in a VM from Hansson IT, or when it comes to a native installation on Synology NAS. As you may know, each distribution has a slightly different approach to problems and that's where my advice comes from.
Some remarks:
this way you block (and terminate) the integration of
which does need to inject to files to allow a seamless the next paragraph you redirect caldav and carddav away from
, breaking the integration with some DAV clients that want to access calendar/contacts.the failings of opcache are unfortunate, however APCu is a good replacement and is confirmed and certified to work with grommunio and also grommunio-files.
for nodeinfo and webfinger we have replaced these to be "well-known", ignoring them.
@mwilliams Thanks for your comments on this. There seems very little discussion/input from the community and development team regarding Grommunio Files (GF) in this forum - in fact most of the posts here concern the core Grommunio product (mail). After many years in the IT industry I have developed a general dislike for applications giving warnings/errors so started looking at what files were causing the errors being reported in the GF Admin console.
If the changes I have made/suggested to reduce the warnings/errors in the GF Admin Console should not be made, then what should we be doing to remove the entries in the console. These warnings/errors have been posted a few times by contributors on this forum, but to date I have not seen any direct input from the development team as to what we should be doing to resolve them. As an analogy, if I have a warning light appear on my car dashboard I need to find out what is causing it and fix it, not just drive around with the light on. The same goes for software, if it generates a warning/error I want to fix it before some big goes wrong (potential loss of data).
Some other points.
Does the APCu product need any configuration. OPCache has a large config file to control how it works, but nothing has been said about APCu. It is good to know that it is included in the latest build ISO's for the appliance, but does that also go for those who use the other versions of Grommunio (I can't recall if that was mentioned in @WalterH article or not). If there are tweaks that can or should be made, where can we find the information, to get the best performance for the product.
@mwilliams for nodeinfo and webfinger we have replaced these to be "well-known", ignoring them
If these have been replaced, why does the console still generate an error/warning. It makes us (the user) think there is something wrong when there probably isn't.
As a user of the Community version, I expect to get some errors/warnings from time to time, but some guidance from the development team would be useful. Clearly, in GF the errors are not critical as it works OK without making changes, its just I have spent many years trying to get rid of these types of messages so it has become a habit to try. I know there are probably far more important issues for the developers to work on as this is only an issue for those of us who dislike seeing errors.
Finally, I really do appreciate the hard work that the 'Grommunio Team' having been doing on the whole product over the nearly 2 years I have been using the product.
You might want to check out grommunio-files-26.0.12.
For APCu: While there are possibilities to enrich APCu (see also, this is not really required for default setups.
Finally, thanks for the kind words. The best appreciation for open source software is the support through customers. So if it is of any value for you as it seems, feel free to consider the purchase of a subscription and get all the extra benefits from it.
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I have restored the previous status and installed v26.0.12 via today's update. The status is now as follows:
From @crpb we know, that we cannot follow the recommendation to modify the maybe relevant .htaccess at this point, but that this should be adapted in nginx. However, where and how is now the question.
My VM v28.0.3 could be my goal
When the check is running, you get a prompt, you should enter valid credentials and you will see that all your checks are green. You need to authenticate because as mentioned before, CalDAV and CardDAV are not provided by files but by grommunio-dav instead.
I confirm
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I also say thank you for all the amazing work you all do here.
You have marked this post as solved. But my initial question is not answered.
APCu is responsible for the user data that would otherwise be stored on the slower disk.
OPCache serves as a fast cache for the PHP scripts. That is what I need.
Currently we can not use OPCache together with Grommunio, and that is a problem.
And my question was:
Is there anything we can expect (and that the Grommunio team can do) that this may change?
If I know in the right way, since v2023.11.3 from Feb. 2024 php8-APCu is included per default in all appliances.
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mwilliams Thanks for this. When. I first started playing with Grommunio Files (GF) I kept getting that prompt and could not see why it was asking for credentials again (and I think it used to prompt multiple times) so just cancelled past it. Hadn't seen any comments in the forum to say you must validate again for Grommunio-Dav. Anyway have just tested and get:-

Exactly the screen I like to see!!! Thanks very much for pointing out this important step when checking GF status. Just need to get a resolution to [] so I can use the new error free GF in my live server.
I am also on Debian 12 with grommunio and Nextcloud. Grommunio uses php8.2 therefore i disabled opchache for php8.2 and installed php8.3 in addition because it is possible to have opcache disabled for php8.2 but enabled for php8.3.
In the nginx vhost of Nextcloud i specified php8.3-fpm as my upstream php handler.
So this is my temporary workaround, until the bug with opcache is fixed in grommunio.
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It would be kind if you would see the opcache bug as it is and not as a grommunio bug. If you want all the details:
Having checked, it seems to still be an open issue with the latest opcache:
Feel free to ping the Zend guys... Unless it is not fixed, we unfortunately cannot bind to an accelerator which falsifies the important is_resource(...) call.