
You might want to check out grommunio-files-26.0.12.

For APCu: While there are possibilities to enrich APCu (see also https://www.php.net/manual/en/apcu.configuration.php), this is not really required for default setups.

Finally, thanks for the kind words. The best appreciation for open source software is the support through customers. So if it is of any value for you as it seems, feel free to consider the purchase of a subscription and get all the extra benefits from it.

  • Maxx replied to this.

    I have restored the previous status and installed v26.0.12 via today's update. The status is now as follows:

    From @crpb we know, that we cannot follow the recommendation to modify the maybe relevant .htaccess at this point, but that this should be adapted in nginx. However, where and how is now the question.

    My VM v28.0.3 could be my goal 😎


      When the check is running, you get a prompt, you should enter valid credentials and you will see that all your checks are green. You need to authenticate because as mentioned before, CalDAV and CardDAV are not provided by files but by grommunio-dav instead.

        I also say thank you for all the amazing work you all do here.

        You have marked this post as solved. But my initial question is not answered.

        APCu is responsible for the user data that would otherwise be stored on the slower disk.
        OPCache serves as a fast cache for the PHP scripts. That is what I need.

        Currently we can not use OPCache together with Grommunio, and that is a problem.

        And my question was:

        Is there anything we can expect (and that the Grommunio team can do) that this may change?

        If I know in the right way, since v2023.11.3 from Feb. 2024 php8-APCu is included per default in all appliances.

        mwilliams Thanks for this. When. I first started playing with Grommunio Files (GF) I kept getting that prompt and could not see why it was asking for credentials again (and I think it used to prompt multiple times) so just cancelled past it. Hadn't seen any comments in the forum to say you must validate again for Grommunio-Dav. Anyway have just tested and get:-


        Exactly the screen I like to see!!! Thanks very much for pointing out this important step when checking GF status. Just need to get a resolution to [https://community.grommunio.com/d/1525-unable-to-login-to-some-mailboxes-with-web-client-following-todays-updates] so I can use the new error free GF in my live server.

        I am also on Debian 12 with grommunio and Nextcloud. Grommunio uses php8.2 therefore i disabled opchache for php8.2 and installed php8.3 in addition because it is possible to have opcache disabled for php8.2 but enabled for php8.3.
        In the nginx vhost of Nextcloud i specified php8.3-fpm as my upstream php handler.
        So this is my temporary workaround, until the bug with opcache is fixed in grommunio.


          It would be kind if you would see the opcache bug as it is and not as a grommunio bug. If you want all the details: https://docs.grommunio.com/kb/php.html#opcache

          Having checked, it seems to still be an open issue with the latest opcache: https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/master/ext/opcache/jit/zend_jit.c#L2077C1-L2080C14

          Feel free to ping the Zend guys... Unless it is not fixed, we unfortunately cannot bind to an accelerator which falsifies the important is_resource(...) call.

            sorry, i didn't mean to say it was your fault.
            now I understand that it is a bug in the php opcache module.
            I would also like to thank the grommunio team for their great work. especially for the quick support in the community forum!

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