I've also grepped around http server log files, nothing suspect.
Outlook sync problems (a lot of them)
- Edited
Hey Ozy,
I can confirm that this problem with missing headers sometimes exists!
This only happened on one client for every third (or so) email. The only differences between the one client that sometimes let the headers disappear and the other clients was that I had "Use Unicode-Format" unchecked at "Save messages" in "E-Mail" in the outlook options.
After I checked "Use unicode" there on the Client with the non-existent headers, the problem ceased to happen for new messages.
Sorry for the screenshot in German language but I think you get what I mean?
Hello @ChristianS,
Thank you for reporting this. I will check whether this applies here, but as far as I could tell, this option only applies to messages written / sent by outlook itself, not for received messages.
Still, I'll check if my outlook clients are configured right (the ones I'm using myself have Unicode Format checked already).
By any means, could you perhaps check if you have problems in the sync journal too as in the following ?
PS: I've posted french screenshots, so I'm not judging
right, 80040803-30141506-0-533 pops up here aswell here and there.. also have a ticket open but nothing heard regarding it..
The Unicode setting is also active on a users profile i checked.
But the error count doesn't look as bad as yours (1500).
As i'm about to write a thingy to lookup the itemcount/folder/mailbox i maybe able to provide more numbers in the near future :>.
On some systems also I see this sync errors, on other systems I do not see this sync errors. No idea why we have this errors, the documentation link in this mails are outdated and I also see the same errors on Exchange systems. I assume this is a common Outlook problem.
So we deal with two different problems here.
Looks like error 80040803-30141506-0-533 is a limit of how many open folders the Grommunio server can handle at the same time for one client.
There's something similar (similar error message) here
I've applied said workarounds to see whether it will resolve my issue.
The thing is that in my own case (I have a lot of those errors), I open four mailboxes, one shared mailbox and two public folders, so that could indeed apply to me.
The exchange limit seems to be 500 open handles per client. Looks like the default in grommunio is the same, set via variable emsmdb_max_obh_per_session
I'll report back if the above workaround did solve the issue. If not, I'll try to increase the emsmdb_max_obh_per_session
setting, since I have a particuler usecase here.
As for error 80040102-501-80040102-430, I'm still wondering what happens. I see that error quite often, and usually that's the one after which I have to recreate the profile in order to have offline sync work again.
Do you guys get that specific sync error too ?
If you see errors like: "E-1992: The buffer pool "http_blocks_allocator" is full.
", set: /etc/gromox/http.cfg:context_num=1800
Some good news !
It seems that since I unchecked the "Download shared folders" checkbox, I don't get anymore sync error messages.
This has been working since friday.
I'll propagate this change on other outlook clients and give some feedback if the sync journal stays clean.
this corresponds with older problems, that the cache modus for shared folders does not work correctly in Grommunio, see e.g.:
Can you have a look if you have also the problem that events of shared calendars are not shwon in Outlook, see:
I have this problem on our server, which is always used as "beta test" before I update clients systems.
@nettania I usually take my own mailserver as "beta test", since I don't have the resources to check everything in details, I just run it for a week before upgrading my other 2 servers.
I didn't quite understand your problel though. Cached calendars from other mailboxes are invisible, right ? Do "standard" shared calendars work if you don't open other mailboxes ?
ozy Do "standard" shared calendars work if you don't open other mailboxes
you can just share a calendar to a user and open the mailbox via advanced and it will only show the calendar.
i also do that with folders so i won't see the whole mailbox but only things like inbox+etc for stuff like server/monitoring/ticket@ where all the mails fall in.
that way you don't have to see the whole thing but only what you are actually interested in and the rest won't have anything in it anyway.
for how to configure shared mailboxes have a look here
The "open shared calendar" option sometimes works and sometimes not somehow so i always recommend the way via the "Advanced" settings.
So I can confirm after a week that unchecking "Download shared folders" solves the issue where sync journal grows with errors.
Hopefully the cached mode can be fixed for shared folders.
Hi All,
I have the same issue... I have (for testing purposes) two grommunio servers. One is installed from the ISO that Grommunio provides. The other one is using the Debian Repo Install.
Both are updated to the lastest and greatest.
However: On the Debian System, the sync is only working if I disable cache mode in outlook.
On the "appliance", it works.
I noticed that on the ISO Image provided by Grommunio the PHP Version used is 8.0 whereas on debian the debian version is 8.2. Could this be one possible cause?
(I tried to switch the debian install to 8.0 but that didn't really work. I will try to check the PHP Settings - the Debian Install Guide does leave quite some things open to your imagination... the documentation could use some help :-) )
tobiasgoeller On the "appliance", it works.
I have it on all Appliances, didn't even bother to try on Debian.
tobiasgoeller the Debian Install Guide does leave quite some things open to your imagination.
You could use the community-maintained installer script as a reference
tobiasgoeller I noticed that on the ISO Image provided by Grommunio the PHP Version used is 8.0 whereas on debian the debian version is 8.2. Could this be one possible cause?
The old ISO is SuSE 15.5, now most Appliances are updated to SuSE 15.6 which provides PHP 8.2.
Second point, the Outlook connectivity do not use PHP, Outlook is served only by gromox-http.
Is it possible that this is the same problem described in my post
Outlook Sync from Grommunio Server to outlkook hat Probleme ?
Well, did you try to uncheck the "dowload shared folders" and see whether you get new sync errors ?y
Although from your error message in your post, it looks like you have another problem.
Btw, please post error messages in text format so they get to be searchable.