• Bug
  • EAS input doesnt update Calendars

morbificagent Does anyone have the same problem?

I can't reproduce this behavior. Minutes ago I created a Test appointment on my iPhone, and seconds later I see the Test appointment in Outlook.

Name        : gromox
Version     : 2.35.36.x1dcea51


    Thanks for testing this... strange that you dont have this problem as here its perfectly reproduceable.
    OK, you are using dev and i do not.
    Have installed gromox-2.35.36.x1dcea51 manualy from dev to test it but it makes no difference here. The problem remains and events from the smartphone arent displayed in the web-ui + Outlook until i create a "trigger-event" in the webinterface in the same calendar.

    Very frustrating that calendars are destroyed "again/in another way" for me.
    Since weeks now i cant trust my calendars... oh man...

    Anyone here who isnt on dev and can test it?



      first we need to find out if your device sends changes to the server or it only sends its own changes when there are changes from the server. You may debug it by enabling WBXML level log for your user and then checking the log when a change from the device is being sent to the server.

      It's possible that your device has some hick-up and a restart may solve the issue. Or requesting the resync of the device via grommunio-admin/grommunio-web.

      Hi and thanks again for take a look...

      I have restarted the testing device, have removed all EAS accounts from it, have deleted all mobile-phones for the account in grommunio-admin and then reconnected it.
      But the problem is still there.

      Then i have enabled WBXML and added an event to the calendar:

      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] -------- Start
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] cmd='Sync' devType='SamsungDevice' devId='sec11421eb558349' getUser='***' from='' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST'
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] Used timezone 'Europe/Vienna'
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio using PHP-MAPI version: 2.35.36.x1dcea51 - PHP version: 8.0.30
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] Request::ProcessHeaders() ASVersion: 16.0
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::CommandNeedsProvisioning(0): true
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] ProvisioningManager->ProvisioningRequired('974652166') saved device key '974652166': false
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [ INFO] [***] Policy 'devencenabled' not supported by the device, ignoring
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] ProvisioningManager->ProvisioningRequired() saved policy hash '431014e4a761ea216e9a35f20aaec61c' matches
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::CommandNeedsAuthentication(0): true
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->Logon(): Trying to authenticate user '***'..
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->openMessageStore('***'): Found 'DEFAULT' store: 'Resource id #52'
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->Logon(): User '***' is authenticated
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] Store supports properties containing Unicode characters.
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::HierarchyCommand(0): false
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::CommandNeedsPlainInput(0): false
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I  <Synchronize>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I   <Folders>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I    <Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I     <SyncKey>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I      {1d2051c2-a0c0-4079-95e5-9e22c6ac741b}3
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I     </SyncKey>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I     <FolderId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I      U2d97e
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I     </FolderId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] DeviceManager->GetBackendIdForFolderId(): folderid U2d97e => 0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000f
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U2d97e' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I     <DeletesAsMoves/>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I     <GetChanges/>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I     <WindowSize>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I      25
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I     </WindowSize>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I     <Options>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I      <FilterType>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->UseCPO('DEFAULT')
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I       7
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I      </FilterType>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I      <AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I       <AirSyncBase:Type>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I        1
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I       </AirSyncBase:Type>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I       <AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I        400000
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I       </AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I      </AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I     </Options>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I    </Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I   </Folders>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [WBXML] [***] I  </Synchronize>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] HandleSync(): Start Output
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000f'): 'false'
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->GetFolderStat() fetched status information of 77 folders for store '***'
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730796691/54/9/-1 - saved: 1730796691/54/9/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 13:44:20
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] HandleSync: No changes found for Calendar folder id 'U2d97e'. Omitting output.
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionTerminate()
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [ INFO] [***] cmd='Sync' memory='4.54 MiB/6.00 MiB' time='0.08s' devType='SamsungDevice' devId='sec11421eb558349' getUser='***' from='' idle='0s' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST' httpcode='200'
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [***] -------- End
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] -------- Start
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] cmd='Sync' devType='SamsungDevice' devId='sec11421eb558349' getUser='***' from='' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST'
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] Used timezone 'Europe/Vienna'
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio using PHP-MAPI version: 2.35.36.x1dcea51 - PHP version: 8.0.30
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] Request::ProcessHeaders() ASVersion: 16.0
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::CommandNeedsProvisioning(0): true
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] ProvisioningManager->ProvisioningRequired('974652166') saved device key '974652166': false
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [ INFO] [***] Policy 'devencenabled' not supported by the device, ignoring
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] ProvisioningManager->ProvisioningRequired() saved policy hash '431014e4a761ea216e9a35f20aaec61c' matches
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::CommandNeedsAuthentication(0): true
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->Logon(): Trying to authenticate user '***'..
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->openMessageStore('***'): Found 'DEFAULT' store: 'Resource id #52'
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->Logon(): User '***' is authenticated
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] Store supports properties containing Unicode characters.
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::HierarchyCommand(0): false
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::CommandNeedsPlainInput(0): false
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I  <Synchronize>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I   <Folders>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I    <Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I     <SyncKey>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I      {e84c2f57-3116-4f8a-9ea0-c9d8b4912925}1
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I     </SyncKey>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I     <FolderId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I      U588a4
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I     </FolderId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] DeviceManager->GetBackendIdForFolderId(): folderid U588a4 => 0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000012
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U588a4' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I     <DeletesAsMoves/>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I     <GetChanges/>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I     <WindowSize>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I      25
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I     </WindowSize>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I     <Options>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I      <AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->UseCPO('DEFAULT')
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I       <AirSyncBase:Type>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I        1
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I       </AirSyncBase:Type>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I       <AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I        400000
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I       </AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I      </AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I     </Options>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I    </Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I   </Folders>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [WBXML] [***] I  </Synchronize>
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] HandleSync(): Start Output
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000012'): 'false'
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->GetFolderStat() fetched status information of 77 folders for store '***'
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - saved: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 09:57:25
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] HandleSync: No changes found for Tasks folder id 'U588a4'. Omitting output.
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionTerminate()
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [ INFO] [***] cmd='Sync' memory='4.54 MiB/6.00 MiB' time='0.08s' devType='SamsungDevice' devId='sec11421eb558349' getUser='***' from='' idle='0s' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST' httpcode='200'
      05/11/2024 17:31:51 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [***] -------- End
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] -------- Start
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] cmd='Ping' devType='SamsungDevice' devId='sec11421eb558349' getUser='***' from='' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] Used timezone 'Europe/Vienna'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio using PHP-MAPI version: 2.35.36.x1dcea51 - PHP version: 8.0.30
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] Request::ProcessHeaders() ASVersion: 16.0
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::CommandNeedsProvisioning(18): false
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::CommandNeedsAuthentication(18): true
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->Logon(): Trying to authenticate user '***'..
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->openMessageStore('***'): Found 'DEFAULT' store: 'Resource id #43'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->Logon(): User '***' is authenticated
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] Store supports properties containing Unicode characters.
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::HierarchyCommand(18): false
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::CommandNeedsPlainInput(18): false
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I  <Ping:Ping>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000d'): 'false'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Uc3998' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{5fcbc712-a4e8-48b5-a271-e14384b1bd98}1'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000e'): 'false'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Ub49eb' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{3b9f6f68-eeec-4dae-a3dd-f4e9a5873201}1'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000f'): 'false'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U2d97e' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{1d2051c2-a0c0-4079-95e5-9e22c6ac741b}3'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000012'): 'false'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U588a4' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{e84c2f57-3116-4f8a-9ea0-c9d8b4912925}1'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000013'): 'false'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U2f8d7' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{3e59111b-2c70-4d18-b409-e79c227d2798}1'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Ude579' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{787f0d03-8250-4005-ad3f-7bf764e69138}31'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d2711'): 'false'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U680a7' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{4f4a5168-ca31-4230-bb99-fabdb6a90641}28'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d4e21'): 'false'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U9748b' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{c40b50e0-e306-4f34-808f-eb1f9fea0d87}18'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d7531'): 'false'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U6e663' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{98b88122-d3b5-4e67-b520-1203df4f3c71}27'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id '' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at '1730823594'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Updated reference PolicyKey '-1', reference Lifetime '880', Last sync at '1730823594'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{08851729-fd2d-48c1-8807-e36e6ba01924}1'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] StateManager->loadHierarchyCache(): 'sec11421eb558349-08851729-fd2d-48c1-8807-e36e6ba01924-hc-1'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] HandlePing(): reference PolicyKey for PING: -1
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] HandlePing(): initialization data received
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I   <Ping:LifeTime>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I    880
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I   </Ping:LifeTime>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I   <Ping:Folders>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I    <Ping:Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I      U680a7
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     <Ping:FolderType>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I      Calendar
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     </Ping:FolderType>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I    </Ping:Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'U680a7'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I    <Ping:Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I      U588a4
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     <Ping:FolderType>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I      Tasks
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     </Ping:FolderType>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I    </Ping:Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Tasks' id 'U588a4'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I    <Ping:Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I      U9748b
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     <Ping:FolderType>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I      Calendar
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     </Ping:FolderType>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I    </Ping:Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'U9748b'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I    <Ping:Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I      Uc3998
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     <Ping:FolderType>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I      Email
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     </Ping:FolderType>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I    </Ping:Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Email' id 'Uc3998'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I    <Ping:Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I      Ub49eb
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     <Ping:FolderType>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I      Email
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     </Ping:FolderType>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I    </Ping:Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Email' id 'Ub49eb'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I    <Ping:Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I      U2f8d7
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     <Ping:FolderType>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I      Contacts
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     </Ping:FolderType>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I    </Ping:Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Contacts' id 'U2f8d7'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I    <Ping:Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I      U2d97e
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     <Ping:FolderType>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I      Calendar
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     </Ping:FolderType>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I    </Ping:Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'U2d97e'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I    <Ping:Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I      Ude579
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     <Ping:FolderType>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I      Calendar
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     </Ping:FolderType>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I    </Ping:Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'Ude579'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I    <Ping:Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I      U6e663
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     <Ping:FolderType>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I      Calendar
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I     </Ping:FolderType>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I    </Ping:Folder>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'U6e663'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I   </Ping:Folders>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [WBXML] [***] I  </Ping:Ping>
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'Uc3998' changed
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'Ub49eb' changed
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U2d97e' changed
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U588a4' changed
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U2f8d7' changed
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'Ude579' changed
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U680a7' changed
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U9748b' changed
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U6e663' changed
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder '' changed
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] DeviceManager->DoAutomaticASDeviceSaving(): save automatically: false
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] Announce process as PUSH connection
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [ INFO] [***] SyncCollections->CheckForChanges(): Waiting for store changes... (lifetime 880 seconds)
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->HasChangesSink(): created - HierarchyHash: a8f59b0837e156a094810521794d39c5
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->adviseStoreToSink(): advised store 'Resource id #43'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000d'): 'false'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000d'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->GetFolderStat() fetched status information of 77 folders for store '***'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1727890738/1/0/-1 - saved: 1727890738/1/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-11-08 16:11:08
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000e'): 'false'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000e'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - saved: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 13:29:30
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000f'): 'false'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000f'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730796691/54/9/-1 - saved: 1730796691/54/9/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 13:44:20
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000012'): 'false'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000012'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - saved: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 09:57:25
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000013'): 'false'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000013'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - saved: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 15:30:39
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730823805/54/8/-1 - saved: 1730823805/54/8/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 07:48:13
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d2711'): 'false'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d2711'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730790220/64/16/-1 - saved: 1730790220/64/16/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 14:05:46
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d4e21'): 'false'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d4e21'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730124833/17/4/-1 - saved: 1730124833/17/4/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 05:46:02
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d7531'): 'false'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d7531'
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730742291/32/6/-1 - saved: 1730742291/32/6/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 05:40:42
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] ASDevice->GetHierarchyCache(): HierarchyCache is up - Cached objects: 19
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] ExportChangesICS->Config() initialized with state: 0x0200020117402a00010003000000020000520a175002000052191d50031d0001031d2711031d4e21031d7531031ffbd2500002019667100001005200000000000100000006606a00
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] ExportChangesICS->InitializeExporter() successfully. 1 changes ready to sync for 'hierarchy'.
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] MAPIProvider->GetStoreProps(): Getting store properties.
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] MAPIProvider->GetInboxProps(): Getting inbox properties.
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [***] ChangesMemoryWrapper->ImportFolderChange(): Change for folder 'Alex' will not be sent as modification is not relevant.

      The last Part was interesting for me as it says:

      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [] ExportChangesICS->InitializeExporter() successfully. 1 changes ready to sync for 'hierarchy'.
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG]
      [*] MAPIProvider->GetStoreProps(): Getting store properties.
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG] [] MAPIProvider->GetInboxProps(): Getting inbox properties.
      05/11/2024 17:31:52 [ 1701] [DEBUG]
      [*] ChangesMemoryWrapper->ImportFolderChange(): Change for folder 'Alex' will not be sent as modification is not relevant.

      And the folder 'Alex' is the one where i put the event in... Why is the new event "not relevant"? ;-)


        morbificagent Then i have enabled WBXML and added an event to the calendar:

        What event to which calender exactly did you add? Is this the complete log? I don't see any incoming change from the mobile.

        morbificagent And the folder 'Alex' is the one where i put the event in... Why is the new event "not relevant"? ;-)

        What type of folder is the folder 'Alex'?

        Also, the log entry like "Change for folder 'Alex' ... is not relevant" is for hierarchy changes, not content changes of a folder. It might have various reasons why a folder change is not relevant for grommunio-sync. E.g. when a user updates the folder permissions, there's a folder change happening, but it is not relevant to the mobile devices.


          andreaslang What event to which calender exactly did you add? Is this the complete log? I don't see any incoming change from the mobile.

          No its not the complete log from grommunio-sync. It was captured with a grep of the accountname.
          And i added an event "Test via EAS" to the calendar "Alex".
          The part i sent here was happening as i hit the "Sync now"-Button in android calendar.

          andreaslang What type of folder is the folder 'Alex'?

          Its an calendar named "Alex".

          I will capture more... without a grep of the accountname and the situation when i create an "trigger-event" via grommunio-web so the event created on the smartphone pops up in grommunio-web too...


            So, here the second (much longer) log.

            19:35 i have created an event "EAS-Test" on Android calendar and hit the sync-button" -> The event doesnt showed up in grommunio-web
            19:37 i have created an event "TRIGGER" on grommunio-web -> it showes up in grommunio-web and the "EAS-Test" too

            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] -------- Start
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] cmd='Sync' devType='SamsungDevice' devId='sec11421eb558349' getUser='the testing account' from='' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Used timezone 'Europe/Vienna'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio using PHP-MAPI version: 2.35.36.x1dcea51 - PHP version: 8.0.30
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Request::ProcessHeaders() ASVersion: 16.0
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::CommandNeedsProvisioning(0): true
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ProvisioningManager->ProvisioningRequired('974652166') saved device key '974652166': false
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [ INFO] [the testing account] Policy 'devencenabled' not supported by the device, ignoring
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ProvisioningManager->ProvisioningRequired() saved policy hash '431014e4a761ea216e9a35f20aaec61c' matches
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::CommandNeedsAuthentication(0): true
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->Logon(): Trying to authenticate user 'the testing account'..
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->openMessageStore('the testing account'): Found 'DEFAULT' store: 'Resource id #52'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->Logon(): User 'the testing account' is authenticated
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Store supports properties containing Unicode characters.
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::HierarchyCommand(0): false
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::CommandNeedsPlainInput(0): false
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I  <Synchronize>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I   <Folders>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <SyncKey>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      {1d2051c2-a0c0-4079-95e5-9e22c6ac741b}3
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </SyncKey>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <FolderId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      U2d97e
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </FolderId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] DeviceManager->GetBackendIdForFolderId(): folderid U2d97e => 0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000f
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U2d97e' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <DeletesAsMoves/>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <GetChanges/>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <WindowSize>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      25
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </WindowSize>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Options>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      <FilterType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->UseCPO('DEFAULT')
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I       7
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      </FilterType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      <AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I       <AirSyncBase:Type>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        1
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I       </AirSyncBase:Type>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I       <AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        400000
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I       </AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      </AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Options>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I   </Folders>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I  </Synchronize>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandleSync(): Start Output
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000f'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->GetFolderStat() fetched status information of 77 folders for store 'the testing account'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730796691/54/9/-1 - saved: 1730796691/54/9/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 13:44:20
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandleSync: No changes found for Calendar folder id 'U2d97e'. Omitting output.
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] WBXML-IN : AwFqAEVcT0sDezFkMjA1MWMyLWEwYzAtNDA3OS05NWU1LTllMjJjNmFjNzQxYn0zAAFSA1UyZDk3ZQABHhNVAzI1AAFXWAM3AAEAEUVGAzEAAUcDNDAwMDAwAAEBAQEBAQ==
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionTerminate()
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [ INFO] [the testing account] cmd='Sync' memory='4.54 MiB/6.00 MiB' time='0.09s' devType='SamsungDevice' devId='sec11421eb558349' getUser='the testing account' from='' idle='0s' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST' httpcode='200'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] -------- End
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] -------- Start
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] cmd='Sync' devType='SamsungDevice' devId='sec11421eb558349' getUser='the testing account' from='' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Used timezone 'Europe/Vienna'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio using PHP-MAPI version: 2.35.36.x1dcea51 - PHP version: 8.0.30
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Request::ProcessHeaders() ASVersion: 16.0
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::CommandNeedsProvisioning(0): true
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ProvisioningManager->ProvisioningRequired('974652166') saved device key '974652166': false
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [ INFO] [the testing account] Policy 'devencenabled' not supported by the device, ignoring
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ProvisioningManager->ProvisioningRequired() saved policy hash '431014e4a761ea216e9a35f20aaec61c' matches
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::CommandNeedsAuthentication(0): true
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->Logon(): Trying to authenticate user 'the testing account'..
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->openMessageStore('the testing account'): Found 'DEFAULT' store: 'Resource id #52'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->Logon(): User 'the testing account' is authenticated
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Store supports properties containing Unicode characters.
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::HierarchyCommand(0): false
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::CommandNeedsPlainInput(0): false
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I  <Synchronize>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I   <Folders>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <SyncKey>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      {e84c2f57-3116-4f8a-9ea0-c9d8b4912925}1
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </SyncKey>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <FolderId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      U588a4
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </FolderId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] DeviceManager->GetBackendIdForFolderId(): folderid U588a4 => 0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000012
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U588a4' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <DeletesAsMoves/>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <GetChanges/>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <WindowSize>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      25
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </WindowSize>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Options>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      <AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->UseCPO('DEFAULT')
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I       <AirSyncBase:Type>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        1
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I       </AirSyncBase:Type>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I       <AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        400000
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I       </AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      </AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Options>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I   </Folders>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] I  </Synchronize>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandleSync(): Start Output
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000012'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->GetFolderStat() fetched status information of 77 folders for store 'the testing account'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - saved: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 09:57:25
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandleSync: No changes found for Tasks folder id 'U588a4'. Omitting output.
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [WBXML] [the testing account] WBXML-IN : AwFqAEVcT0sDe2U4NGMyZjU3LTMxMTYtNGY4YS05ZWEwLWM5ZDhiNDkxMjkyNX0xAAFSA1U1ODhhNAABHhNVAzI1AAFXABFFRgMxAAFHAzQwMDAwMAABAQEBAQE=
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionTerminate()
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [ INFO] [the testing account] cmd='Sync' memory='4.54 MiB/6.00 MiB' time='0.08s' devType='SamsungDevice' devId='sec11421eb558349' getUser='the testing account' from='' idle='0s' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST' httpcode='200'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4831] [DEBUG] [the testing account] -------- End
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] -------- Start
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] cmd='Ping' devType='SamsungDevice' devId='sec11421eb558349' getUser='the testing account' from='' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Used timezone 'Europe/Vienna'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio using PHP-MAPI version: 2.35.36.x1dcea51 - PHP version: 8.0.30
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Request::ProcessHeaders() ASVersion: 16.0
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::CommandNeedsProvisioning(18): false
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::CommandNeedsAuthentication(18): true
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->Logon(): Trying to authenticate user 'the testing account'..
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->openMessageStore('the testing account'): Found 'DEFAULT' store: 'Resource id #43'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->Logon(): User 'the testing account' is authenticated
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Store supports properties containing Unicode characters.
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::HierarchyCommand(18): false
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::CommandNeedsPlainInput(18): false
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I  <Ping:Ping>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000d'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Uc3998' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{5fcbc712-a4e8-48b5-a271-e14384b1bd98}1'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000e'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Ub49eb' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{3b9f6f68-eeec-4dae-a3dd-f4e9a5873201}1'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000f'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U2d97e' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{1d2051c2-a0c0-4079-95e5-9e22c6ac741b}3'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000012'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U588a4' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{e84c2f57-3116-4f8a-9ea0-c9d8b4912925}1'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000013'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U2f8d7' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{3e59111b-2c70-4d18-b409-e79c227d2798}1'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Ude579' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{787f0d03-8250-4005-ad3f-7bf764e69138}31'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d2711'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U680a7' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{4f4a5168-ca31-4230-bb99-fabdb6a90641}28'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d4e21'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U9748b' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{c40b50e0-e306-4f34-808f-eb1f9fea0d87}18'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d7531'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U6e663' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{98b88122-d3b5-4e67-b520-1203df4f3c71}27'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id '' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at '1730823594'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Updated reference PolicyKey '-1', reference Lifetime '880', Last sync at '1730823594'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{08851729-fd2d-48c1-8807-e36e6ba01924}1'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] StateManager->loadHierarchyCache(): 'sec11421eb558349-08851729-fd2d-48c1-8807-e36e6ba01924-hc-1'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): reference PolicyKey for PING: -1
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): initialization data received
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I   <Ping:LifeTime>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    880
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I   </Ping:LifeTime>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I   <Ping:Folders>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      U680a7
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Calendar
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'U680a7'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      U9748b
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Calendar
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'U9748b'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Uc3998
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Email
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Email' id 'Uc3998'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Ub49eb
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Email
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Email' id 'Ub49eb'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      U2f8d7
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Contacts
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Contacts' id 'U2f8d7'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      U2d97e
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Calendar
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'U2d97e'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Ude579
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Calendar
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'Ude579'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      U6e663
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Calendar
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'U6e663'
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I   </Ping:Folders>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] I  </Ping:Ping>
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'Uc3998' changed
            05/11/2024 19:35:20 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'Ub49eb' changed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U2d97e' changed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U588a4' changed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U2f8d7' changed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'Ude579' changed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U680a7' changed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U9748b' changed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U6e663' changed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder '' changed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] DeviceManager->DoAutomaticASDeviceSaving(): save automatically: false
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Announce process as PUSH connection
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [ INFO] [the testing account] SyncCollections->CheckForChanges(): Waiting for store changes... (lifetime 880 seconds)
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] -------- Start
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] cmd='Ping' devType='SamsungDevice' devId='sec11421eb558349' getUser='the testing account' from='' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Used timezone 'Europe/Vienna'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->HasChangesSink(): created - HierarchyHash: a8f59b0837e156a094810521794d39c5
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio using PHP-MAPI version: 2.35.36.x1dcea51 - PHP version: 8.0.30
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Request::ProcessHeaders() ASVersion: 16.0
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::CommandNeedsProvisioning(18): false
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::CommandNeedsAuthentication(18): true
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->Logon(): Trying to authenticate user 'the testing account'..
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->adviseStoreToSink(): advised store 'Resource id #43'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000d'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000d'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->GetFolderStat() fetched status information of 77 folders for store 'the testing account'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1727890738/1/0/-1 - saved: 1727890738/1/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-11-08 16:11:08
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000e'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000e'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - saved: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 13:29:30
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->openMessageStore('the testing account'): Found 'DEFAULT' store: 'Resource id #43'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000f'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000f'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730796691/54/9/-1 - saved: 1730796691/54/9/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 13:44:20
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->Logon(): User 'the testing account' is authenticated
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000013'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000013'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - saved: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 15:30:39
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730823805/54/8/-1 - saved: 1730823805/54/8/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 07:48:13
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d2711'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d2711'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730790220/64/16/-1 - saved: 1730790220/64/16/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 14:05:46
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d4e21'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d4e21'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730124833/17/4/-1 - saved: 1730124833/17/4/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 05:46:02
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d7531'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d7531'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730742291/32/6/-1 - saved: 1730742291/32/6/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 05:40:42
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Store supports properties containing Unicode characters.
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::HierarchyCommand(18): false
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 1697] [ INFO] [the testing account] StatusException: SyncCollections->CheckForChanges(): Timeout forced after 92s from 880s due to other process - code: 3 - file: /usr/share/grommunio-sync/lib/core/synccollections.php:592
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] WBXMLEncoder->startWBXML() type: vnd.ms-sync.wbxml
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O  <Ping:Ping>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O   <Ping:Status>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O   1
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O   </Ping:Status>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O  </Ping:Ping>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] WBXMLEncoder->endTag() WBXML output completed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] WBXML-OUT: AwFqAAANRUcDMQABAQ==
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionTerminate()
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 1697] [ INFO] [the testing account] cmd='Ping' memory='5.71 MiB/8.00 MiB' time='91.85s' devType='SamsungDevice' devId='sec11421eb558349' getUser='the testing account' from='' idle='92s' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST' httpcode='200'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] -------- End
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ASDevice->GetHierarchyCache(): HierarchyCache is up - Cached objects: 19
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ExportChangesICS->Config() initialized with state: 0x0200020117402a00010003000000020000520a175002000052191d50031d0001031d2711031d4e21031d7531031ffbd2500002019667100001005200000000000100000006606a00
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ExportChangesICS->InitializeExporter() successfully. 1 changes ready to sync for 'hierarchy'.
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] MAPIProvider->GetStoreProps(): Getting store properties.
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::CommandNeedsPlainInput(18): false
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] MAPIProvider->GetInboxProps(): Getting inbox properties.
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ChangesMemoryWrapper->ImportFolderChange(): Change for folder 'Alex' will not be sent as modification is not relevant.
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I  <Ping:Ping>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000d'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Uc3998' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{5fcbc712-a4e8-48b5-a271-e14384b1bd98}1'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000e'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Ub49eb' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{3b9f6f68-eeec-4dae-a3dd-f4e9a5873201}1'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000f'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U2d97e' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{1d2051c2-a0c0-4079-95e5-9e22c6ac741b}3'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000012'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U588a4' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{e84c2f57-3116-4f8a-9ea0-c9d8b4912925}1'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000013'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U2f8d7' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{3e59111b-2c70-4d18-b409-e79c227d2798}1'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Ude579' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{787f0d03-8250-4005-ad3f-7bf764e69138}31'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d2711'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U680a7' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{4f4a5168-ca31-4230-bb99-fabdb6a90641}28'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d4e21'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U9748b' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{c40b50e0-e306-4f34-808f-eb1f9fea0d87}18'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d7531'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U6e663' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{98b88122-d3b5-4e67-b520-1203df4f3c71}27'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id '' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at '1730823594'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Updated reference PolicyKey '-1', reference Lifetime '880', Last sync at '1730823594'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{08851729-fd2d-48c1-8807-e36e6ba01924}1'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] StateManager->loadHierarchyCache(): 'sec11421eb558349-08851729-fd2d-48c1-8807-e36e6ba01924-hc-1'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): reference PolicyKey for PING: -1
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): initialization data received
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I   <Ping:LifeTime>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    880
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I   </Ping:LifeTime>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I   <Ping:Folders>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      U680a7
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Calendar
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'U680a7'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      U588a4
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Tasks
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Tasks' id 'U588a4'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      U9748b
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Calendar
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'U9748b'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Uc3998
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Email
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Email' id 'Uc3998'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Ub49eb
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Email
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Email' id 'Ub49eb'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      U2f8d7
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Contacts
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Contacts' id 'U2f8d7'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      U2d97e
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Calendar
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'U2d97e'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Ude579
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Calendar
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'Ude579'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      U6e663
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Calendar
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'U6e663'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I   </Ping:Folders>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] I  </Ping:Ping>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'Uc3998' changed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'Ub49eb' changed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U2d97e' changed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U588a4' changed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U2f8d7' changed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'Ude579' changed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U680a7' changed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U9748b' changed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U6e663' changed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder '' changed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] DeviceManager->DoAutomaticASDeviceSaving(): save automatically: false
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Announce process as PUSH connection
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [ INFO] [the testing account] SyncCollections->CheckForChanges(): Waiting for store changes... (lifetime 880 seconds)
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->HasChangesSink(): created - HierarchyHash: a8f59b0837e156a094810521794d39c5
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->adviseStoreToSink(): advised store 'Resource id #43'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000d'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000d'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->GetFolderStat() fetched status information of 77 folders for store 'the testing account'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1727890738/1/0/-1 - saved: 1727890738/1/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-11-08 16:11:08
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000e'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000e'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - saved: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 13:29:30
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000f'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000f'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730796691/54/9/-1 - saved: 1730796691/54/9/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 13:44:20
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000012'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000012'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - saved: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 09:57:25
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000013'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000013'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - saved: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 15:30:39
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730823805/54/8/-1 - saved: 1730823805/54/8/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 07:48:13
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d2711'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d2711'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [ INFO] [the testing account] StatusException: SyncCollections->CheckForChanges(): Timeout forced after 0s from 880s due to other process - code: 3 - file: /usr/share/grommunio-sync/lib/core/synccollections.php:592
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730790220/64/16/-1 - saved: 1730790220/64/16/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 14:05:46
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d4e21'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d4e21'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730124833/17/4/-1 - saved: 1730124833/17/4/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 05:46:02
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d7531'): 'false'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d7531'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] WBXMLEncoder->startWBXML() type: vnd.ms-sync.wbxml
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] O  <Ping:Ping>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] O   <Ping:Status>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] O   1
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] O   </Ping:Status>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] O  </Ping:Ping>
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730742291/32/6/-1 - saved: 1730742291/32/6/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 05:40:42
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] WBXMLEncoder->endTag() WBXML output completed
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [WBXML] [the testing account] WBXML-OUT: AwFqAAANRUcDMQABAQ==
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionTerminate()
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [ INFO] [the testing account] cmd='Ping' memory='5.70 MiB/8.00 MiB' time='0.66s' devType='SamsungDevice' devId='sec11421eb558349' getUser='the testing account' from='' idle='0s' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST' httpcode='200'
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 4832] [DEBUG] [the testing account] -------- End
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ASDevice->GetHierarchyCache(): HierarchyCache is up - Cached objects: 19
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ExportChangesICS->Config() initialized with state: 0x0200020117402a00010003000000020000520a175002000052191d50031d0001031d2711031d4e21031d7531031ffbd2500002019667100001005200000000000100000006606a00
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ExportChangesICS->InitializeExporter() successfully. 1 changes ready to sync for 'hierarchy'.
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] MAPIProvider->GetStoreProps(): Getting store properties.
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] MAPIProvider->GetInboxProps(): Getting inbox properties.
            05/11/2024 19:35:21 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ChangesMemoryWrapper->ImportFolderChange(): Change for folder 'Alex' will not be sent as modification is not relevant.

            Looks like you are right as the event "EAS-Test" shows up on :37 in the sync log when i create the "TRIGGER"-Event...
            But i dont understand why

              Part 2... had to split it because it was to long for one post

              05/11/2024 19:37:07 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] DeviceManager->GetBackendIdForFolderId(): folderid Ude579 => 0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001
              05/11/2024 19:37:07 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ExportChangesICS->InitializeExporter() successfully. 1 changes ready to sync for '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'.
              05/11/2024 19:37:07 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->CheckForChanges(): Notification received on folder 'Ude579'
              05/11/2024 19:37:07 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] WBXMLEncoder->startWBXML() type: vnd.ms-sync.wbxml
              05/11/2024 19:37:07 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] O  <Ping:Ping>
              05/11/2024 19:37:07 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] O   <Ping:Status>
              05/11/2024 19:37:07 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] O   2
              05/11/2024 19:37:07 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] O   </Ping:Status>
              05/11/2024 19:37:07 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] O   <Ping:Folders>
              05/11/2024 19:37:07 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] O    <Ping:Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:07 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] O    Ude579
              05/11/2024 19:37:07 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] O    </Ping:Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:07 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionAddStatus: 'Ude579' with status 2
              05/11/2024 19:37:07 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] O   </Ping:Folders>
              05/11/2024 19:37:07 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] O  </Ping:Ping>
              05/11/2024 19:37:07 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] WBXMLEncoder->endTag() WBXML output completed
              05/11/2024 19:37:07 [ 6781] [WBXML] [the testing account] WBXML-OUT: AwFqAAANRUcDMgABSUoDVWRlNTc5AAEBAQ==
              05/11/2024 19:37:07 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionTerminate()
              05/11/2024 19:37:07 [ 6781] [ INFO] [the testing account] cmd='Ping' memory='5.71 MiB/8.00 MiB' time='106.09s' devType='SamsungDevice' devId='sec11421eb558349' getUser='the testing account' from='' idle='106s' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST' httpcode='200'
              05/11/2024 19:37:07 [ 6781] [DEBUG] [the testing account] -------- End
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] -------- Start
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] cmd='Sync' devType='SamsungDevice' devId='sec11421eb558349' getUser='the testing account' from='' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Used timezone 'Europe/Vienna'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio using PHP-MAPI version: 2.35.36.x1dcea51 - PHP version: 8.0.30
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Request::ProcessHeaders() ASVersion: 16.0
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::CommandNeedsProvisioning(0): true
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ProvisioningManager->ProvisioningRequired('974652166') saved device key '974652166': false
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [ INFO] [the testing account] Policy 'devencenabled' not supported by the device, ignoring
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ProvisioningManager->ProvisioningRequired() saved policy hash '431014e4a761ea216e9a35f20aaec61c' matches
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::CommandNeedsAuthentication(0): true
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->Logon(): Trying to authenticate user 'the testing account'..
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->openMessageStore('the testing account'): Found 'DEFAULT' store: 'Resource id #52'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->Logon(): User 'the testing account' is authenticated
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Store supports properties containing Unicode characters.
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::HierarchyCommand(0): false
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::CommandNeedsPlainInput(0): false
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I  <Synchronize>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I   <Folders>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <SyncKey>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      {787f0d03-8250-4005-ad3f-7bf764e69138}31
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </SyncKey>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <FolderId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Ude579
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </FolderId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] DeviceManager->GetBackendIdForFolderId(): folderid Ude579 => 0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Ude579' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <DeletesAsMoves/>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <GetChanges/>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <WindowSize>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      25
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </WindowSize>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Options>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      <FilterType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->UseCPO('DEFAULT')
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I       7
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      </FilterType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      <AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I       <AirSyncBase:Type>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        1
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I       </AirSyncBase:Type>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I       <AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        400000
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I       </AirSyncBase:TruncationSize>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      </AirSyncBase:BodyPreference>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Options>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Perform>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      <Add>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I       <ClientEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        d0fe3059-a9f6-409b-aa79-c3ff7e8603b5
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I       </ClientEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I       <Data>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        <POOMCAL:Timezone>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        </POOMCAL:Timezone>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        <POOMCAL:AllDayEvent>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I         0
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        </POOMCAL:AllDayEvent>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        <POOMCAL:StartTime>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I         20241110T070000Z
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        </POOMCAL:StartTime>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        <POOMCAL:EndTime>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I         20241110T080000Z
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        </POOMCAL:EndTime>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        <POOMCAL:Subject>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I         EAS-Test
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        </POOMCAL:Subject>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        <POOMCAL:Sensitivity>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I         0
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        </POOMCAL:Sensitivity>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        <AirSyncBase:Body>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] StringStreamWrapper::stream_open(): initialized stream length: 7 - HTML-safe-truncate: false
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I         <AirSyncBase:Type>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I          1
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I         </AirSyncBase:Type>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I         <AirSyncBase:Data>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I          
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] StringStreamWrapper::stream_open(): initialized stream length: 0 - HTML-safe-truncate: false
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I         </AirSyncBase:Data>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        </AirSyncBase:Body>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        <POOMCAL:Reminder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I         10
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        </POOMCAL:Reminder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        <POOMCAL:BusyStatus>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I         2
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        </POOMCAL:BusyStatus>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        <POOMCAL:MeetingStatus>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I         0
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I        </POOMCAL:MeetingStatus>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I       </Data>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Sync->getImporter(): initialize importer
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Sync->loadStates(): loading states for folder 'Ude579'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->CleanStates(): Found 1 states to clean (787f0d03-8250-4005-ad3f-7bf764e69138) 31
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->CleanStates(): Found 1 states to clean (787f0d03-8250-4005-ad3f-7bf764e69138-fs) 30
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [ INFO] [the testing account] StateNotFoundException: Grommunio->getStateMessage(): Could not locate the state message '787f0d03-8250-4005-ad3f-7bf764e69138-fs' (counter: 31) - code: 0 - file: /usr/share/grommunio-sync/lib/grommunio/grommunio.php:1955
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->GetImporter() folderid: '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ImportChangesICS->Config(): initializing importer with state: 0x0400020117403f000100050000001d005202035205060109520b13521718521a1c521e22522728012a522e30523438013b524f520159525e5f526569526c6d52717252757650000201966710000100520000000000010000000661ff000201da6710000100520000000000010000000661ff000201d26710000100520000000000010000000000e100
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ImportChangesICS->LoadConflicts(): will be loaded later if necessary
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] LoopDetection->SetSyncStateUsage(): uuid: 787f0d03-8250-4005-ad3f-7bf764e69138  counter: 31
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncObject->Check(): Fixed object from type SyncAppointment: parameter 'dtstamp' is set to 0
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Sync->importMessage(): message imported
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      </Add>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Perform>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [ INFO] [the testing account] Processed '1' incoming changes
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->setStateMessage(): creating new state message '787f0d03-8250-4005-ad3f-7bf764e69138-fs' (counter: 31)
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I   </Folders>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] I  </Synchronize>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandleSync(): Start Output
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->GetFolderStat() fetched status information of 77 folders for store 'the testing account'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): true - current: 1730831828/56/8/-1 - saved: 1730823805/54/8/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 07:48:13
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ExportChangesICS->Config() initialized with state: 0x04000201174041000100050000001d005202035205060109520b13521718521a1c521e22522728012a522e30523438013b524f520159525e5f526569526c6d52717252757601815000020196671300010003000000520000010661ff0306767050000201da6710000100520000000000010000000661ff000201d26710000100520000000000010000000000e100
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ExportChangesICS->InitializeExporter() successfully. 1 changes ready to sync for '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'.
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionAddStatus: 'Ude579' with status 1
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] WBXMLEncoder->startWBXML() type: vnd.ms-sync.wbxml
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Folder type: Calendar
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O  <Synchronize>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O   <Folders>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O    <Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O     <SyncKey>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O     {787f0d03-8250-4005-ad3f-7bf764e69138}32
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O     </SyncKey>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O     <FolderId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O     Ude579
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O     </FolderId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O     <Status>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O     1
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O     </Status>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O     <Replies>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O      <Add>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O       <ClientEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O       d0fe3059-a9f6-409b-aa79-c3ff7e8603b5
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O       </ClientEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O       <ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O       Ude579:0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0081
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O       </ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O       <Status>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O       1
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O       </Status>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O      </Add>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O     </Replies>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] LoopDetection->Detect(): folderid:'Ude579' uuid:'787f0d03-8250-4005-ad3f-7bf764e69138' counter:'31' max:'25' queued:'1'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] PHPWrapper->ImportMessageChange(): Getting message from MAPIProvider, sourcekey: '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0080', parentsourcekey: '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001', entryid: '0000000093d040ac13255749948144332567c41b07000d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d000100000d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d00800000'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] BodyPreference types: 1
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GetBodyPreferenceBestMatch: 1
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] bpo: truncation size:'400000', allornone:'0', preview:'0'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] StringStreamWrapper::stream_open(): initialized stream length: 7 - HTML-safe-truncate: false
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] MAPIStreamWrapper::stream_open(): initialized mapistream: Resource id #265 - streamlength: 0 - HTML-safe-truncate: false
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] MAPIProvider->getAppointment(): setting ourself as the organizer for an appointment without attendees.
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O     <Perform>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O      <Add>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O       <ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O       Ude579:0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0080
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O       </ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O       <Data>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        <POOMCAL:Timezone>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        xP///yhHTVQrMDE6MDApIEFtc3RlcmRhbSwgQmVybGluLCBCZXJuLCBSb21lLCBTdG9ja2hvbG0sIFZpZW5uYQAAAAAAAAoABQAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAChHTVQrMDE6MDApIEFtc3RlcmRhbSwgQmVybGluLCBCZXJuLCBSb21lLCBTdG9ja2hvbG0sIFZpZW5uYQAAAAAAAAMABQAAAAIAAAAAAAAAxP///w==
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        </POOMCAL:Timezone>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        <POOMCAL:DtStamp>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        20241105T183700Z
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        </POOMCAL:DtStamp>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        <POOMCAL:StartTime>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        20241109T230000Z
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        </POOMCAL:StartTime>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        <POOMCAL:Subject>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        TRIGGER
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        </POOMCAL:Subject>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        <POOMCAL:UID>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0080
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        </POOMCAL:UID>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        <POOMCAL:OrganizerName>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        Familienkalender
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        </POOMCAL:OrganizerName>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        <POOMCAL:OrganizerEmail>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        the testing account
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        </POOMCAL:OrganizerEmail>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        <POOMCAL:EndTime>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        20241109T233000Z
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        </POOMCAL:EndTime>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        <POOMCAL:Sensitivity>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        0
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        </POOMCAL:Sensitivity>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        <POOMCAL:BusyStatus>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        2
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        </POOMCAL:BusyStatus>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        <POOMCAL:AllDayEvent>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        0
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        </POOMCAL:AllDayEvent>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        <POOMCAL:Reminder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        15
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        </POOMCAL:Reminder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        <POOMCAL:MeetingStatus>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        0
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        </POOMCAL:MeetingStatus>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        <AirSyncBase:Body>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O         <AirSyncBase:Type>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O         1
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O         </AirSyncBase:Type>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O         <AirSyncBase:EstimatedDataSize>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O         0
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O         </AirSyncBase:EstimatedDataSize>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O         <AirSyncBase:Data>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O         <<< written 0 of 0 bytes of plain data >>>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O         </AirSyncBase:Data>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        </AirSyncBase:Body>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        <AirSyncBase:NativeBodyType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        1
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O        </AirSyncBase:NativeBodyType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O       </Data>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O      </Add>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] PHPWrapper->ImportMessageChange(): change for: 'Ude579:0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0080'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O     </Perform>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Sync()->setFolderStat() on Ude579: 1730831828/56/8/-1 expiring 2024-12-06 11:03:59
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O    </Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->setStateMessage(): creating new state message '787f0d03-8250-4005-ad3f-7bf764e69138' (counter: 32)
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'Ude579' changed
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O   </Folders>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [WBXML] [the testing account] O  </Synchronize>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] WBXMLEncoder->endTag() WBXML output completed
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionTerminate()
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [ INFO] [the testing account] cmd='Sync' memory='6.03 MiB/8.00 MiB' time='0.29s' devType='SamsungDevice' devId='sec11421eb558349' getUser='the testing account' from='' idle='0s' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST' httpcode='200'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1697] [DEBUG] [the testing account] -------- End
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] -------- Start
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] cmd='Ping' devType='SamsungDevice' devId='sec11421eb558349' getUser='the testing account' from='' version='2.0.130.fa3fdd2' method='POST'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Used timezone 'Europe/Vienna'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio using PHP-MAPI version: 2.35.36.x1dcea51 - PHP version: 8.0.30
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Request::ProcessHeaders() ASVersion: 16.0
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::CommandNeedsProvisioning(18): false
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::CommandNeedsAuthentication(18): true
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->Logon(): Trying to authenticate user 'the testing account'..
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->openMessageStore('the testing account'): Found 'DEFAULT' store: 'Resource id #43'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->Logon(): User 'the testing account' is authenticated
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Store supports properties containing Unicode characters.
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::HierarchyCommand(18): false
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::CommandNeedsPlainInput(18): false
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I  <Ping:Ping>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000d'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Uc3998' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{5fcbc712-a4e8-48b5-a271-e14384b1bd98}1'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000e'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Ub49eb' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{3b9f6f68-eeec-4dae-a3dd-f4e9a5873201}1'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000f'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U2d97e' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{1d2051c2-a0c0-4079-95e5-9e22c6ac741b}3'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000012'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U588a4' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{e84c2f57-3116-4f8a-9ea0-c9d8b4912925}1'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000013'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U2f8d7' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{3e59111b-2c70-4d18-b409-e79c227d2798}1'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'Ude579' : ref. Lifetime '', last sync at ''
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{787f0d03-8250-4005-ad3f-7bf764e69138}32'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d2711'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U680a7' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{4f4a5168-ca31-4230-bb99-fabdb6a90641}28'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d4e21'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U9748b' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{c40b50e0-e306-4f34-808f-eb1f9fea0d87}18'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d7531'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id 'U6e663' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at ''
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{98b88122-d3b5-4e67-b520-1203df4f3c71}27'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Folder id '' : ref. Lifetime '880', last sync at '1730823594'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->AddCollection(): Updated reference PolicyKey '-1', reference Lifetime '880', Last sync at '1730823594'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->GetLatestSyncKey(): '{08851729-fd2d-48c1-8807-e36e6ba01924}1'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] StateManager->loadHierarchyCache(): 'sec11421eb558349-08851729-fd2d-48c1-8807-e36e6ba01924-hc-1'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): reference PolicyKey for PING: -1
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): initialization data received
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I   <Ping:LifeTime>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    880
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I   </Ping:LifeTime>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I   <Ping:Folders>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      U680a7
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Calendar
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'U680a7'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      U588a4
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Tasks
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Tasks' id 'U588a4'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      U9748b
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Calendar
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'U9748b'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Uc3998
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Email
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Email' id 'Uc3998'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Ub49eb
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Email
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Email' id 'Ub49eb'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      U2f8d7
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Contacts
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Contacts' id 'U2f8d7'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      U2d97e
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Calendar
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'U2d97e'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Ude579
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Calendar
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'Ude579'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    <Ping:Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      U6e663
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:ServerEntryId>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     <Ping:FolderType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I      Calendar
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I     </Ping:FolderType>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I    </Ping:Folder>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] HandlePing(): using saved sync state for 'Calendar' id 'U6e663'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I   </Ping:Folders>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [WBXML] [the testing account] I  </Ping:Ping>
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'Uc3998' changed
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'Ub49eb' changed
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U2d97e' changed
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U588a4' changed
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U2f8d7' changed
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'Ude579' changed
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U680a7' changed
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U9748b' changed
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder 'U6e663' changed
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncCollections->SaveCollection(): Data of folder '' changed
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] DeviceManager->DoAutomaticASDeviceSaving(): save automatically: false
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Announce process as PUSH connection
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [ INFO] [the testing account] SyncCollections->CheckForChanges(): Waiting for store changes... (lifetime 880 seconds)
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->HasChangesSink(): created - HierarchyHash: a8f59b0837e156a094810521794d39c5
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->adviseStoreToSink(): advised store 'Resource id #43'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000d'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000d'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->GetFolderStat() fetched status information of 77 folders for store 'the testing account'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1727890738/1/0/-1 - saved: 1727890738/1/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-11-08 16:11:08
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000e'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000e'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - saved: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 13:29:30
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000f'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c565700000000000f'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730796691/54/9/-1 - saved: 1730796691/54/9/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 13:44:20
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000012'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000012'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - saved: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 09:57:25
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000013'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c5657000000000013'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - saved: 1723446274/0/0/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 15:30:39
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d0001'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730831828/56/8/-1 - saved: 1730831828/56/8/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 11:03:59
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d2711'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d2711'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730790220/64/16/-1 - saved: 1730790220/64/16/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 14:05:46
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d4e21'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d4e21'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730124833/17/4/-1 - saved: 1730124833/17/4/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 05:46:02
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] GSync::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d7531'): 'false'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] Grommunio->ChangesSinkInitialize(): folderid '0d000000a5187b6fbcdcea1ed03c56570000001d7531'
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] SyncParameters->IsExporterRunRequired(): false - current: 1730742291/32/6/-1 - saved: 1730742291/32/6/-1 - expiring: 2024-12-06 05:40:42
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ASDevice->GetHierarchyCache(): HierarchyCache is up - Cached objects: 19
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ExportChangesICS->Config() initialized with state: 0x0200020117402a00010003000000020000520a175002000052191d50031d0001031d2711031d4e21031d7531031ffbd2500002019667100001005200000000000100000006606a00
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ExportChangesICS->InitializeExporter() successfully. 1 changes ready to sync for 'hierarchy'.
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] MAPIProvider->GetStoreProps(): Getting store properties.
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] MAPIProvider->GetInboxProps(): Getting inbox properties.
              05/11/2024 19:37:08 [ 1699] [DEBUG] [the testing account] ChangesMemoryWrapper->ImportFolderChange(): Change for folder 'Alex' will not be sent as modification is not relevant.



                what exactly is this calendar 'Alex'? Is it a subfolder of the main calendar folder and contains calendar items? Is it some shared or public folder?

                Did you test adding an event to the main calendar?


                  Well, as I suspected your device sends its own changes for this folder only if there changes on the server. Take a look at the request with the id [ 1697] where it happens. It's not a grommunio-sync issue, your device behaves like that.


                    Yes you are right. it makes a difference. The calendar "Alex" isnt the main calendar. Its one of some other calendars in that account.
                    If i create an event in the main calendar of the same account (Alle zusammen) its working!


                    andreaslang It's not a grommunio-sync issue, your device behaves like that.

                    i understand... but its the "stock" calendar app on android samsung devices... (galaxy fold 6).
                    For sure thats not your problem if it doesnt work correct but there are many many users using it i think. And using Outlook on Android isnt a good way with grommunio too, right?
                    I was using exchange before and i cant remember having this problem there.
                    So i dont know if Microsoft build a workaround for that or why it was working with exchange and android.

                    For sure i can create one account per calendar but that would cost many licenses :-(

                      I created a shared calender in public folders - there you may select "sync to mobile devices" and through the permissions select the users which should have access to this calender

                      that you don't need additional license



                        Thanks for the idea!
                        How do you connect the "Public Folder Calendars" to the android devices? Do they pop up when i connect an excahnge account via stock android EAS?

                        And isnt the problem there too when using them in that way with the stock android calendar app?

                          it shows up in google calendar app as soon as the sync in the grommunio admin interface is endabled



                          i have tested it and it doesnt work for me too.
                          The public-folder-calendar is displayed in my EAS profile on my samsung device but using it in the stock calendar app shows the same problem.

                          I have tried to use your google-calendar-app too but it hasnt implemented a own EAS-connection as it uses the already synced calendars from the mobile.
                          So in my case the problematic samsung-eas-implementation and so it doesnt work there too.

                          So at the moment it looks like there isnt a good/working way to use more than one calendar on samsung devices with grommunio. (except of buying many user licenses and create many accounts)

                          Do you have a samsung device or another?

                            in general we use apple iphone
                            but i own one android test device, ist a xiaomi redmi note 10 pro (screen shot from was from this)

                            on samsung phones my customers are using the nine app



                              ok, so i have tested the nine app alias "OfficeMail Pro". There its working but i get problems with all-day events again as they are shifted like in my last thread:


                              OH MAN.

                              Samsung devices with their stock apps are running into the problem described here, outlook for android cant be used, "OfficeMail Pro" which is the new "Nine-App" has an own EAS-implementation without the problem here, but its an app with subscription and leads me to the old problem of shifted all-day events.

                              Oh man......

                              I think it's really time for Grommunio to cooperate with any client app like emClient (Windows) or "OfficeMail Pro" (Android + iOS) or whatever that has been tested and confirmed to work with Grommunio.

                              The current situation, where it's a gamble whether the applications used will eventually work with Grommunio, is so frustrating.


                              morbificagent For sure thats not your problem if it doesnt work correct but there are many many users using it i think. And using Outlook on Android isnt a good way with grommunio too, right?

                              We don't have any numbers regarding the usage, but from the feedback and issues it looks like the most use the stock android EAS and Nine. Having said that, I'm not sure how many have various subfolders of the main calendar.
                              We don't recommend using Outlook app because of data privacy concerns, but at the end of the day it's the user's decision which app to use.

                              morbificagent 19:35 i have created an event "EAS-Test" on Android calendar and hit the sync-button" -> The event doesnt showed up in grommunio-web
                              19:37 i have created an event "TRIGGER" on grommunio-web -> it showes up in grommunio-web and the "EAS-Test" too

                              So, you waited about 2 minutes before "triggering"? What is the max amount of time you've waited for the appointment in the 'Alex' calendar to appear?
                              I've just tested this on two of my android devices (android 11 and android 14), both with stock apps and after about two minutes an appointment created in a subfolder of the main calendar appeared in grommunio-web without forcing or triggering a sync.

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