Wie folgt, wobei ich inhaltlich nichts dazu sagen kann:
localhost:~ # systemctl --failed
0 loaded units listed.
localhost:~ # journalctl -f
Dez 26 09:31:33 localhost systemd[15749]: Reached target Main User Target.
Dez 26 09:31:33 localhost systemd[15749]: Startup finished in 183ms.
Dez 26 09:31:33 localhost systemd[1]: Started User Manager for UID 0.
Dez 26 09:31:33 localhost systemd[1]: Started Session 50 of User root.
Dez 26 09:31:33 localhost sshd[15743]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
Dez 26 09:31:33 localhost systemd[1]: grommunio-files-cron.service: Deactivated successfully.
Dez 26 09:31:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: Dez. 26, 2024 9:31:36 VORM. org.jitsi.utils.logging2.LoggerImpl log
Dez 26 09:31:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: INFORMATION: Running expire()
Dez 26 09:31:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: Dez. 26, 2024 9:31:36 VORM. org.jitsi.utils.logging2.LoggerImpl log
Dez 26 09:31:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: INFORMATION: Performed a successful health check in PT0.00001S. Sticky failure: false
Dez 26 09:32:17 localhost rspamd[2362]: (controller) <5t8s4f>; map; http_map_finish: data is not modified for server sa-update.surbl.org, next ch eck at Thu, 26 Dec 2024 08:37:17 GMT (timer based)
Dez 26 09:32:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: Dez. 26, 2024 9:32:36 VORM. org.jitsi.utils.logging2.LoggerImpl log
Dez 26 09:32:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: INFORMATION: Running expire()
Dez 26 09:32:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: Dez. 26, 2024 9:32:36 VORM. org.jitsi.utils.logging2.LoggerImpl log
Dez 26 09:32:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: INFORMATION: Performed a successful health check in PT0.000009S. Sticky failure: false
Dez 26 09:33:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: Dez. 26, 2024 9:33:36 VORM. org.jitsi.utils.logging2.LoggerImpl log
Dez 26 09:33:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: INFORMATION: Running expire()
Dez 26 09:33:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: Dez. 26, 2024 9:33:36 VORM. org.jitsi.utils.logging2.LoggerImpl log
Dez 26 09:33:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: INFORMATION: Performed a successful health check in PT0.000009S. Sticky failure: false
Dez 26 09:34:02 localhost rspamd[2362]: (controller) <37h8g3>; monitored; rspamd_monitored_dns_cb: DNS reply returned 'no error' for list.dnswl.o rg while 'no records with this name' was expected when querying for ''(likely DNS spoofing or BL internal issues)
Dez 26 09:34:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: Dez. 26, 2024 9:34:36 VORM. org.jitsi.utils.logging2.LoggerImpl log
Dez 26 09:34:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: INFORMATION: Running expire()
Dez 26 09:34:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: Dez. 26, 2024 9:34:36 VORM. org.jitsi.utils.logging2.LoggerImpl log
Dez 26 09:34:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: INFORMATION: Performed a successful health check in PT0.000011S. Sticky failure: false
Dez 26 09:35:00 localhost grommunio-chat[1899]: {"timestamp":"2024-12-26 09:35:00.005 +01:00","level":"error","msg":"Failed to get system bot","caller":"app/post.go:2216","component":"post_reminders","error":"GetSystemBot: List of admins is empty."}
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[1]: Created slice User Slice of UID 460.
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[1]: Starting User Runtime Directory /run/user/460...
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[1]: Finished User Runtime Directory /run/user/460.
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[1]: Starting User Manager for UID 460...
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost (systemd)[16184]: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session opened for user groarchive by (uid=0)
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[16184]: Queued start job for default target Main User Target.
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[16184]: Created slice User Application Slice.
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[16184]: Started Daily Cleanup of User's Temporary Directories.
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[16184]: Reached target Paths.
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[16184]: Reached target Timers.
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[16184]: Starting D-Bus User Message Bus Socket...
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[16184]: Starting Create User's Volatile Files and Directories...
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[16184]: Finished Create User's Volatile Files and Directories.
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[16184]: Listening on D-Bus User Message Bus Socket.
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[16184]: Reached target Sockets.
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[16184]: Reached target Basic System.
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[16184]: Reached target Main User Target.
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[16184]: Startup finished in 133ms.
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[1]: Started User Manager for UID 460.
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[1]: Started Session c141 of User groarchive.
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[1]: Started Session c142 of User groarchive.
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[1]: Started Session c143 of User groarchive.
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost cron[16181]: pam_unix(crond:session): session opened for user groarchive by (uid=0)
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost CRON[16192]: (groarchive) CMD (/usr/bin/find /usr/share/grommunio-archive/archive/tmp -type f -name i.\* -exec rm -f {} \;)
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost cron[16180]: pam_unix(crond:session): session opened for user groarchive by (uid=0)
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost CRON[16193]: (groarchive) CMD (/usr/bin/find /var/lib/grommunio-archive/error -type f | wc -l > /var/lib/grommunio-archive/stat/error)
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost CRON[16181]: (groarchive) CMDEND (/usr/bin/find /usr/share/grommunio-archive/archive/tmp -type f -name i.\* -exec rm -f {} \;)
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost cron[16182]: pam_unix(crond:session): session opened for user groarchive by (uid=0)
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost CRON[16181]: pam_unix(crond:session): session closed for user groarchive
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost CRON[16180]: (groarchive) CMDEND (/usr/bin/find /var/lib/grommunio-archive/error -type f | wc -l > /var/lib/grommunio-archive/stat/error)
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost CRON[16196]: (groarchive) CMD (/usr/lib/grommunio-archive/indexer.delta.sh)
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[1]: session-c141.scope: Deactivated successfully.
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost CRON[16180]: pam_unix(crond:session): session closed for user groarchive
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost systemd[1]: session-c142.scope: Deactivated successfully.
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost groarchive[16200]: INDEXER INFO: indexing delta1 started
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost searchd[1926]: caught SIGHUP (seamless=1, in queue=1)
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost groarchive[16203]: INDEXER INFO: indexing delta1 finished
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost searchd[1926]: rotating index 'delta1': started
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost searchd[1926]: rotating index 'delta1': success
Dez 26 09:35:01 localhost searchd[1926]: rotating index: all indexes done
Dez 26 09:35:06 localhost groarchive[16216]: INDEXER INFO: merging delta to dailydelta started
Dez 26 09:35:07 localhost searchd[1926]: caught SIGHUP (seamless=1, in queue=1)
Dez 26 09:35:07 localhost searchd[1926]: rotating index 'dailydelta1': started
Dez 26 09:35:07 localhost groarchive[16219]: INDEXER INFO: merging delta to dailydelta finished
Dez 26 09:35:07 localhost CRON[16182]: (groarchive) CMDEND (/usr/lib/grommunio-archive/indexer.delta.sh)
Dez 26 09:35:07 localhost CRON[16182]: pam_unix(crond:session): session closed for user groarchive
Dez 26 09:35:07 localhost systemd[1]: session-c143.scope: Deactivated successfully.
Dez 26 09:35:07 localhost searchd[1926]: rotating index 'dailydelta1': success
Dez 26 09:35:07 localhost searchd[1926]: rotating index: all indexes done
Dez 26 09:35:17 localhost systemd[1]: Stopping User Manager for UID 460...
Dez 26 09:35:17 localhost systemd[16184]: Stopped target Main User Target.
Dez 26 09:35:17 localhost systemd[16184]: Stopped target Basic System.
Dez 26 09:35:17 localhost systemd[16184]: Stopped target Paths.
Dez 26 09:35:17 localhost systemd[16184]: Stopped target Sockets.
Dez 26 09:35:17 localhost systemd[16184]: Stopped target Timers.
Dez 26 09:35:17 localhost systemd[16184]: Stopped Daily Cleanup of User's Temporary Directories.
Dez 26 09:35:17 localhost systemd[16184]: Closed D-Bus User Message Bus Socket.
Dez 26 09:35:17 localhost systemd[16184]: Stopped Create User's Volatile Files and Directories.
Dez 26 09:35:17 localhost systemd[16184]: Removed slice User Application Slice.
Dez 26 09:35:17 localhost systemd[16184]: Reached target Shutdown.
Dez 26 09:35:17 localhost systemd[16184]: Finished Exit the Session.
Dez 26 09:35:17 localhost systemd[16184]: Reached target Exit the Session.
Dez 26 09:35:17 localhost systemd[1]: user@460.service: Deactivated successfully.
Dez 26 09:35:17 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped User Manager for UID 460.
Dez 26 09:35:17 localhost systemd[1]: Stopping User Runtime Directory /run/user/460...
Dez 26 09:35:17 localhost systemd[1]: run-user-460.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Dez 26 09:35:17 localhost systemd[1]: user-runtime-dir@460.service: Deactivated successfully.
Dez 26 09:35:17 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped User Runtime Directory /run/user/460.
Dez 26 09:35:17 localhost systemd[1]: Removed slice User Slice of UID 460.
Dez 26 09:35:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: Dez. 26, 2024 9:35:36 VORM. org.jitsi.utils.logging2.LoggerImpl log
Dez 26 09:35:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: INFORMATION: Running expire()
Dez 26 09:35:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: Dez. 26, 2024 9:35:36 VORM. org.jitsi.utils.logging2.LoggerImpl log
Dez 26 09:35:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: INFORMATION: Performed a successful health check in PT0.00001S. Sticky failure: false
Dez 26 09:36:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: Dez. 26, 2024 9:36:36 VORM. org.jitsi.utils.logging2.LoggerImpl log
Dez 26 09:36:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: INFORMATION: Running expire()
Dez 26 09:36:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: Dez. 26, 2024 9:36:36 VORM. org.jitsi.utils.logging2.LoggerImpl log
Dez 26 09:36:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: INFORMATION: Performed a successful health check in PT0.000009S. Sticky failure: false
Dez 26 09:36:53 localhost systemd[1]: Started Run grommunio Files cron-job every 15 minutes.
Dez 26 09:36:53 localhost systemd[1]: grommunio-files-cron.service: Deactivated successfully.
Dez 26 09:37:07 localhost systemd[15749]: Created slice User Background Tasks Slice.
Dez 26 09:37:07 localhost systemd[15749]: Starting Cleanup of User's Temporary Files and Directories...
Dez 26 09:37:07 localhost systemd[15749]: Finished Cleanup of User's Temporary Files and Directories.
Dez 26 09:37:15 localhost rspamd[2362]: (controller) <q6ecuh>; monitored; rspamd_monitored_dns_cb: DNS reply returned 'no error' for dwl.dnswl.org while 'no records with this name' was expected when querying for 'Wmsu4li4ltewgfMW-BB99nLNVXYJ.dwl.dnswl.org'(likely DNS spoofing or BL internal issues)
Dez 26 09:37:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: Dez. 26, 2024 9:37:36 VORM. org.jitsi.utils.logging2.LoggerImpl log
Dez 26 09:37:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: INFORMATION: Running expire()
Dez 26 09:37:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: Dez. 26, 2024 9:37:36 VORM. org.jitsi.utils.logging2.LoggerImpl log
Dez 26 09:37:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: INFORMATION: Performed a successful health check in PT0.000017S. Sticky failure: false
Dez 26 09:37:53 localhost grommunio-chat[1899]: {"timestamp":"2024-12-26 09:37:53.527 +01:00","level":"info","msg":"SimpleWorker: Job is complete","caller":"jobs/base_workers.go:101","worker_name":"ExpiryNotify","job_id":"ze5uiii49inc7e97fk4o1jm97e","job_type":"expiry_notify","job_create_at":"Dec 26 08:37:48.319"}
Dez 26 09:38:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: Dez. 26, 2024 9:38:36 VORM. org.jitsi.utils.logging2.LoggerImpl log
Dez 26 09:38:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: INFORMATION: Running expire()
Dez 26 09:38:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: Dez. 26, 2024 9:38:36 VORM. org.jitsi.utils.logging2.LoggerImpl log
Dez 26 09:38:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: INFORMATION: Performed a successful health check in PT0.000009S. Sticky failure: false
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost postfix/smtpd[16878]: connect from localhost[::1]
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2361]: (rspamd_proxy) <5445c4>; proxy; proxy_accept_socket: accepted milter connection from ::1 port 40344
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost postfix/smtpd[16878]: discarding EHLO keywords: CHUNKING
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost postfix/smtpd[16878]: 1A3DD6CE4CD: client=localhost[::1]
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2361]: (rspamd_proxy) <5445c4>; milter; rspamd_milter_process_command: got connection from [::1]:39280
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost postfix/cleanup[16881]: 1A3DD6CE4CD: message-id=<AuxXxilium/arc/issues/5362@github.com>
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost postfix/cleanup[16881]: 1A3DD6CE4CD: resent-message-id=<20241226083900.1A3DD6CE4CD@grommunio.tsu-pe.de>
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <eea969>; task; rspamd_worker_body_handler: accepted connection from ::1 port 47426, task ptr: 00000000036D41D8
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <1A3DD6>; task; rspamd_message_parse: loaded message; id: <AuxXxilium/arc/issues/5362@github.com>; queue-id: <1A3DD6CE4CD>; size: 10331; checksum: <7a8fd00404d4deb259998bfbecc7b9fc>
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <1A3DD6>; task; rspamd_mime_part_detect_language: detected part language: en
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <1A3DD6>; task; rspamd_mime_part_detect_language: detected part language: en
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <1A3DD6>; task; dkim_module_key_handler: stored DKIM key for pf2023._domainkey.github.com in LRU cache for 997 seconds, 11/2000 elements in the cache
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <1A3DD6>; task; rspamd_spf_record_postprocess: increasing ttl from 256 to 300 as it lower than a limit
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <1A3DD6>; task; rspamd_spf_maybe_return: stored SPF record for outlook.de (0xd4fc1ba5c2ca2db5) in LRU cache for 300 seconds, 4/2000 elements in the cache
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <1A3DD6>; task; finalize_item: slow asynchronous rule: RBL_SEM(540): 341.46 ms; no idle timer is needed
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <1A3DD6>; task; bayes_classify: not classified as ham. The ham class needs more training samples. Currently: 0; minimum 200 required
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <1A3DD6>; lua; greylist.lua:405: Downgrading metric action from "greylist" to "no action"
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <1A3DD6>; lua; greylist.lua:410: greylisting pass (meta) until Fri, 27 Dec 2024 08:39:00 GMT
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <1A3DD6>; lua; neural.lua:355: skip ham sample to keep spam/ham balance; probability 1; 0 spam and 1 ham vectors stored
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <1A3DD6>; task; rspamd_task_write_log: id: <AuxXxilium/arc/issues/5362@github.com>, qid: <1A3DD6CE4CD>, ip:, from: <a.kaelber@outlook.de>, (default: F (no action): [9.85/200.00] [VIOLATED_DIRECT_SPF(3.50){},RBL_SPAMHAUS_PBL(2.00){;},RCVD_UNAUTH_PBL(2.00){},URI_COUNT_ODD(1.00){1;},MV_CASE(0.50){},ZERO_FONT(0.50){5;},MANY_INVISIBLE_PARTS(0.40){5;},MAILLIST(-0.13){generic;},BAD_REP_POLICIES(0.10){},MIME_GOOD(-0.10){multipart/alternative;text/plain;},RCVD_NO_TLS_LAST(0.10){},HAS_LIST_UNSUB(-0.01){},ARC_ALLOW(0.00){google.com:s=arc-20240605:i=1;},ASN(0.00){asn:3320, ipnet:, country:DE;},DKIM_TRACE(0.00){github.com:+;},DMARC_POLICY_ALLOW(0.00){github.com;reject;},DMARC_POLICY_ALLOW_WITH_FAILURES(0.00){},FETCHMAIL(0.00){},FORGED_RECIPIENTS_MAILLIST(0.00){},FORGED_SENDER_MAILLIST(0.00){},FREEMAIL_ENVFROM(0.00){outlook.de;},FROM_HAS_DN(0.00){},FROM_NEQ_ENVFROM(0.00){notifications@github.com;a.kaelber@outlook.de;},GREYLIST(0.00){pass;meta;},HAS_REPLYTO(0.00){reply+ADC47GC2JY345FOJX3UNRV6FPD3LPEVBNHHKI6RRI4@reply.github.com;},MID_RHS_MATCH_FROM(0.00){},MIME_TRACE(0.00){0:+;1:+;2:~;},MISSING_XM_UA(0.00){},RCPT_COUNT_TWO(0.00){2;},RCVD_COUNT_FIVE(0.00){6;},RECEIVED_SPAMHAUS_PBL(0.00){;},REPLYTO_DOM_NEQ_FROM_DOM(0.00){},REPLYTO_DOM_NEQ_TO_DOM(0.00){},R_DKIM_ALLOW(0.00){github.com:s=pf2023;},R_SPF_SOFTFAIL(0.00){~all;},TAGGED_FROM(0.00){SRS=k7RsW=TT=github.com=noreply;},TO_DN_ALL(0.00){}]), len: 10331, time: 407.667ms, dns req: 38, digest: <7a8fd00404d4deb259998bfbecc7b9fc>, rcpts: <andreas.kaelber@tsu-pe.de>, mime_rcpts: <arc@noreply.github.com,subscribed@noreply.github.com>
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <1A3DD6>; task; rspamd_protocol_http_reply: regexp statistics: 208 pcre regexps scanned, 2 regexps matched, 179 regexps total, 11 regexps cached, 37.94KiB scanned using pcre, 37.94KiB scanned total
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost postfix/qmgr[2457]: 1A3DD6CE4CD: from=<a.kaelber+SRS=k7RsW=TT=github.com=noreply@outlook.de>, size=10614, nrcpt=2 (queue active)
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost piler-smtp[1897]: connected from on fd=6 (active connections: 1)
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost postfix/smtpd[16878]: 866926CE4D6: client=localhost[::1]
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost piler-smtp[1897]: received: KGJMVR4NERYC3ORO, from=SRS@k7RsW=TT=github.com=noreply, size=10572, client=, fd=6, fsync=4967
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost piler-smtp[1897]: disconnected from on fd=6, slot=0, reason=done (0 active connections)
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost postfix/smtp[16882]: 1A3DD6CE4CD: to=<archive@grommunio.tsu-pe.de>, relay=[]:2693, delay=0.46, delays=0.44/0.01/0/0.01, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 OK <KGJMVR4NERYC3ORO>)
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost delivery-queue[2140]: remote=[::1] from=<a.kaelber+SRS=k7RsW=TT=github.com=noreply@outlook.de> to={andreas.kaelber@tsu-pe.de} return OK, queue-id:58
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost postfix/smtp[16882]: 1A3DD6CE4CD: to=<andreas.kaelber@tsu-pe.de>, relay=::1[::1]:24, delay=0.46, delays=0.44/0.02/0/0, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 Ok queue-id: 58)
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost postfix/qmgr[2457]: 1A3DD6CE4CD: removed
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost postfix/cleanup[16881]: 866926CE4D6: message-id=<AuxXxilium/arc/issues/5362/2562316615@github.com>
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost postfix/cleanup[16881]: 866926CE4D6: resent-message-id=<20241226083900.866926CE4D6@grommunio.tsu-pe.de>
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <ae75a0>; task; rspamd_worker_body_handler: accepted connection from port 40456, task ptr: 00000000037506B8
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <866926>; task; rspamd_message_parse: loaded message; id: <AuxXxilium/arc/issues/5362/2562316615@github.com>; queue-id: <866926CE4D6>; size: 11152; checksum: <95bf3322675650d76a9c0924190b3fe7>
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <866926>; task; rspamd_mime_part_detect_language: detected part language: en
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <866926>; task; rspamd_mime_part_detect_language: detected part language: en
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost piler[1918]: 1/KGJMVR4NERYC3ORO: 50000000676d162e22c9c8dc008d8bfb4b10, size=10572/4624, attachments=0, reference=, message-id=<AuxXxilium/arc/issues/5362@github.com>, retention=2557, folder=0, delay=0.0176, status=stored
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <866926>; lua; replies.lua:134: ignoring reply to <AuxXxilium/arc/issues/5362@github.com> as no recipients are matching hash
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <866926>; lua; spf.lua:163: use cached record for outlook.de (0xd4fc1ba5c2ca2db5) in LRU cache for 300 seconds
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <866926>; task; bayes_classify: not classified as ham. The ham class needs more training samples. Currently: 0; minimum 200 required
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <866926>; lua; greylist.lua:405: Downgrading metric action from "greylist" to "no action"
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <866926>; lua; greylist.lua:410: greylisting pass (meta) until Fri, 27 Dec 2024 08:39:00 GMT
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <866926>; lua; neural.lua:355: skip ham sample to keep spam/ham balance; probability 1; 0 spam and 1 ham vectors stored
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <866926>; task; rspamd_task_write_log: id: <AuxXxilium/arc/issues/5362/2562316615@github.com>, qid: <866926CE4D6>, ip:, from: <a.kaelber@outlook.de>, (default: F (no action): [9.85/200.00] [VIOLATED_DIRECT_SPF(3.50){},RBL_SPAMHAUS_PBL(2.00){;},RCVD_UNAUTH_PBL(2.00){},URI_COUNT_ODD(1.00){5;},MV_CASE(0.50){},ZERO_FONT(0.50){5;},MANY_INVISIBLE_PARTS(0.40){5;},MAILLIST(-0.13){generic;},BAD_REP_POLICIES(0.10){},MIME_GOOD(-0.10){multipart/alternative;text/plain;},RCVD_NO_TLS_LAST(0.10){},HAS_LIST_UNSUB(-0.01){},ARC_ALLOW(0.00){google.com:s=arc-20240605:i=1;},ASN(0.00){asn:3320, ipnet:, country:DE;},DKIM_TRACE(0.00){github.com:+;},DMARC_POLICY_ALLOW(0.00){github.com;reject;},DMARC_POLICY_ALLOW_WITH_FAILURES(0.00){},FETCHMAIL(0.00){},FORGED_RECIPIENTS_MAILLIST(0.00){},FORGED_SENDER_MAILLIST(0.00){},FREEMAIL_ENVFROM(0.00){outlook.de;},FROM_HAS_DN(0.00){},FROM_NEQ_ENVFROM(0.00){notifications@github.com;a.kaelber@outlook.de;},GREYLIST(0.00){pass;meta;},HAS_REPLYTO(0.00){reply+ADC47GFKIBB22HHY4HENSGWFPD3MHEVBNHHKI6RRI4@reply.github.com;},MID_RHS_MATCH_FROM(0.00){},MIME_TRACE(0.00){0:+;1:+;2:~;},MISSING_XM_UA(0.00){},RCPT_COUNT_TWO(0.00){2;},RCVD_COUNT_FIVE(0.00){6;},RECEIVED_SPAMHAUS_PBL(0.00){;},REPLYTO_DOM_NEQ_FROM_DOM(0.00){},REPLYTO_DOM_NEQ_TO_DOM(0.00){},R_DKIM_ALLOW(0.00){github.com:s=pf2023;},R_SPF_SOFTFAIL(0.00){~all:c;},TAGGED_FROM(0.00){SRS=k7RsW=TT=github.com=noreply;},TO_DN_ALL(0.00){}]), len: 11152, time: 64.392ms, dns req: 32, digest: <95bf3322675650d76a9c0924190b3fe7>, rcpts: <andreas.kaelber@tsu-pe.de>, mime_rcpts: <arc@noreply.github.com,subscribed@noreply.github.com>
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2366]: (normal) <866926>; task; rspamd_protocol_http_reply: regexp statistics: 228 pcre regexps scanned, 3 regexps matched, 179 regexps total, 11 regexps cached, 41.80KiB scanned using pcre, 41.80KiB scanned total
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost postfix/qmgr[2457]: 866926CE4D6: from=<a.kaelber+SRS=k7RsW=TT=github.com=noreply@outlook.de>, size=11437, nrcpt=2 (queue active)
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost piler-smtp[1897]: connected from on fd=6 (active connections: 1)
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost postfix/smtpd[16878]: disconnect from localhost[::1] ehlo=1 mail=2 rcpt=2 data=2 quit=1 commands=8
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost rspamd[2361]: (rspamd_proxy) <93ecef>; proxy; proxy_milter_finish_handler: finished milter connection
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost delivery-queue[2140]: remote=[::1] from=<a.kaelber+SRS=k7RsW=TT=github.com=noreply@outlook.de> to={andreas.kaelber@tsu-pe.de} return OK, queue-id:59
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost postfix/smtp[16883]: 866926CE4D6: to=<andreas.kaelber@tsu-pe.de>, relay=::1[::1]:24, delay=0.13, delays=0.12/0/0/0, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 Ok queue-id: 59)
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost piler-smtp[1897]: received: A8HV3SJMVQZKXX55, from=SRS@k7RsW=TT=github.com=noreply, size=11394, client=, fd=6, fsync=6650
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost piler-smtp[1897]: disconnected from on fd=6, slot=0, reason=done (0 active connections)
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost postfix/smtp[16882]: 866926CE4D6: to=<archive@grommunio.tsu-pe.de>, relay=[]:2693, delay=0.14, delays=0.12/0/0/0.01, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 OK <A8HV3SJMVQZKXX55>)
Dez 26 09:39:00 localhost postfix/qmgr[2457]: 866926CE4D6: removed
Dez 26 09:39:01 localhost piler[1918]: 1/A8HV3SJMVQZKXX55: 50000000676d162f23df7e9c00d9ed716023, size=11394/4848, attachments=0, reference=<AuxXxilium/arc/issues/5362@github.com>, message-id=<AuxXxilium/arc/issues/5362/2562316615@github.com>, retention=2557, folder=0, delay=0.0247, status=stored
Dez 26 09:39:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: Dez. 26, 2024 9:39:36 VORM. org.jitsi.utils.logging2.LoggerImpl log
Dez 26 09:39:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: INFORMATION: Running expire()
Dez 26 09:39:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: Dez. 26, 2024 9:39:36 VORM. org.jitsi.utils.logging2.LoggerImpl log
Dez 26 09:39:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: INFORMATION: Performed a successful health check in PT0.000013S. Sticky failure: false
Dez 26 09:40:00 localhost grommunio-chat[1899]: {"timestamp":"2024-12-26 09:40:00.011 +01:00","level":"error","msg":"Failed to get system bot","caller":"app/post.go:2216","component":"post_reminders","error":"GetSystemBot: List of admins is empty."}
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[1]: Created slice User Slice of UID 460.
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[1]: Starting User Runtime Directory /run/user/460...
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[1]: Finished User Runtime Directory /run/user/460.
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[1]: Starting User Manager for UID 460...
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost (systemd)[17003]: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session opened for user groarchive by (uid=0)
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[17003]: Queued start job for default target Main User Target.
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[17003]: Created slice User Application Slice.
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[17003]: Started Daily Cleanup of User's Temporary Directories.
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[17003]: Reached target Paths.
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[17003]: Reached target Timers.
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[17003]: Starting D-Bus User Message Bus Socket...
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[17003]: Starting Create User's Volatile Files and Directories...
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[17003]: Finished Create User's Volatile Files and Directories.
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[17003]: Listening on D-Bus User Message Bus Socket.
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[17003]: Reached target Sockets.
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[17003]: Reached target Basic System.
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[17003]: Reached target Main User Target.
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[17003]: Startup finished in 117ms.
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[1]: Started User Manager for UID 460.
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[1]: Started Session c144 of User groarchive.
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[1]: Started Session c145 of User groarchive.
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost cron[17000]: pam_unix(crond:session): session opened for user groarchive by (uid=0)
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost CRON[17012]: (groarchive) CMD (/usr/bin/find /var/lib/grommunio-archive/error -type f | wc -l > /var/lib/grommunio-archive/stat/error)
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost cron[17001]: pam_unix(crond:session): session opened for user groarchive by (uid=0)
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost CRON[17015]: (groarchive) CMD (/usr/bin/find /usr/share/grommunio-archive/archive/tmp -type f -name i.\* -exec rm -f {} \;)
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost CRON[17000]: (groarchive) CMDEND (/usr/bin/find /var/lib/grommunio-archive/error -type f | wc -l > /var/lib/grommunio-archive/stat/error)
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost CRON[17000]: pam_unix(crond:session): session closed for user groarchive
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost CRON[17001]: (groarchive) CMDEND (/usr/bin/find /usr/share/grommunio-archive/archive/tmp -type f -name i.\* -exec rm -f {} \;)
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[1]: session-c144.scope: Deactivated successfully.
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost CRON[17001]: pam_unix(crond:session): session closed for user groarchive
Dez 26 09:40:01 localhost systemd[1]: session-c145.scope: Deactivated successfully.
Dez 26 09:40:11 localhost systemd[1]: Stopping User Manager for UID 460...
Dez 26 09:40:11 localhost systemd[17003]: Stopped target Main User Target.
Dez 26 09:40:11 localhost systemd[17003]: Stopped target Basic System.
Dez 26 09:40:11 localhost systemd[17003]: Stopped target Paths.
Dez 26 09:40:11 localhost systemd[17003]: Stopped target Sockets.
Dez 26 09:40:11 localhost systemd[17003]: Stopped target Timers.
Dez 26 09:40:11 localhost systemd[17003]: Stopped Daily Cleanup of User's Temporary Directories.
Dez 26 09:40:11 localhost systemd[17003]: Closed D-Bus User Message Bus Socket.
Dez 26 09:40:11 localhost systemd[17003]: Stopped Create User's Volatile Files and Directories.
Dez 26 09:40:11 localhost systemd[17003]: Removed slice User Application Slice.
Dez 26 09:40:11 localhost systemd[17003]: Reached target Shutdown.
Dez 26 09:40:11 localhost systemd[17003]: Finished Exit the Session.
Dez 26 09:40:11 localhost systemd[17003]: Reached target Exit the Session.
Dez 26 09:40:11 localhost systemd[1]: user@460.service: Deactivated successfully.
Dez 26 09:40:11 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped User Manager for UID 460.
Dez 26 09:40:11 localhost systemd[1]: Stopping User Runtime Directory /run/user/460...
Dez 26 09:40:11 localhost systemd[1]: run-user-460.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Dez 26 09:40:11 localhost systemd[1]: user-runtime-dir@460.service: Deactivated successfully.
Dez 26 09:40:11 localhost systemd[1]: Stopped User Runtime Directory /run/user/460.
Dez 26 09:40:11 localhost systemd[1]: Removed slice User Slice of UID 460.
Dez 26 09:40:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: Dez. 26, 2024 9:40:36 VORM. org.jitsi.utils.logging2.LoggerImpl log
Dez 26 09:40:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: INFORMATION: Running expire()
Dez 26 09:40:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: Dez. 26, 2024 9:40:36 VORM. org.jitsi.utils.logging2.LoggerImpl log
Dez 26 09:40:36 localhost jvb.sh[1901]: INFORMATION: Performed a successful health check in PT0.00001S. Sticky failure: false
Dez 26 09:41:02 localhost postfix/smtpd[17131]: connect from localhost[::1]
Dez 26 09:41:02 localhost rspamd[2361]: (rspamd_proxy) <6ff53e>; proxy; proxy_accept_socket: accepted milter connection from ::1 port 36104
Dez 26 09:41:02 localhost postfix/smtpd[17131]: discarding EHLO keywords: CHUNKING
Dez 26 09:41:02 localhost postfix/smtpd[17131]: 0CAED6CE4CD: client=localhost[::1]
Dez 26 09:41:02 localhost rspamd[2361]: (rspamd_proxy) <6ff53e>; milter; rspamd_milter_process_command: got connection from [::1]:38406
Dez 26 09:41:02 localhost postfix/cleanup[17134]: 0CAED6CE4CD: message-id=<AuxXxilium/arc/issue/5362/issue_event/15764277590@github.com>
Dez 26 09:41:02 localhost postfix/cleanup[17134]: 0CAED6CE4CD: resent-message-id=<20241226084102.0CAED6CE4CD@grommunio.tsu-pe.de>
Dez 26 09:41:02 localhost rspamd[2365]: (normal) <cfa44f>; task; rspamd_worker_body_handler: accepted connection from ::1 port 34908, task ptr: 0000000003510798
Dez 26 09:41:02 localhost rspamd[2365]: (normal) <0CAED6>; task; rspamd_message_parse: loaded message; id: <AuxXxilium/arc/issue/5362/issue_event/15764277590@github.com>; queue-id: <0CAED6CE4CD>; size: 10986; checksum: <bbc755f724a9fe9a7e9c0c7298537f9f>
Dez 26 09:41:02 localhost rspamd[2365]: (normal) <0CAED6>; task; rspamd_mime_part_detect_language: detected part language: en
Dez 26 09:41:02 localhost rspamd[2365]: (normal) <0CAED6>; task; rspamd_mime_part_detect_language: detected part language: en
Dez 26 09:41:02 localhost rspamd[2365]: (normal) <0CAED6>; lua; replies.lua:134: ignoring reply to <AuxXxilium/arc/issues/5362@github.com> as no recipients are matching hash
Dez 26 09:41:02 localhost rspamd[2365]: (normal) <0CAED6>; task; rspamd_spf_record_postprocess: increasing ttl from 134 to 300 as it lower than a limit
Dez 26 09:41:02 localhost rspamd[2365]: (normal) <0CAED6>; task; rspamd_spf_maybe_return: stored SPF record for outlook.de (0xd4fc1ba5c2ca2db5) in LRU cache for 300 seconds, 3/2000 elements in the cache
Dez 26 09:41:02 localhost rspamd[2365]: (normal) <0CAED6>; task; finalize_item: slow asynchronous rule: RBL_SEM(540): 354.92 ms; no idle timer is needed
Dez 26 09:41:02 localhost rspamd[2365]: (normal) <0CAED6>; task; finalize_item: slow asynchronous rule: MSBL_EBL(513): 822.91 ms; no idle timer is needed
Dez 26 09:41:03 localhost rspamd[2365]: (normal) <0CAED6>; task; finalize_item: slow asynchronous rule: SURBL_MULTI(531): 1032.08 ms; no idle timer is needed
Dez 26 09:41:03 localhost rspamd[2365]: (normal) <0CAED6>; task; bayes_classify: not classified as ham. The ham class needs more training samples. Currently: 0; minimum 200 required
Dez 26 09:41:03 localhost rspamd[2365]: (normal) <0CAED6>; lua; greylist.lua:405: Downgrading metric action from "greylist" to "no action"
Dez 26 09:41:03 localhost rspamd[2365]: (normal) <0CAED6>; lua; greylist.lua:410: greylisting pass (meta) until Fri, 27 Dec 2024 08:41:03 GMT
Dez 26 09:41:03 localhost rspamd[2365]: (normal) <0CAED6>; lua; neural.lua:355: skip ham sample to keep spam/ham balance; probability 1; 0 spam and 1 ham vectors stored
Dez 26 09:41:03 localhost rspamd[2365]: (normal) <0CAED6>; task; rspamd_task_write_log: id: <AuxXxilium/arc/issue/5362/issue_event/15764277590@github.com>, qid: <0CAED6CE4CD>, ip:, from: <a.kaelber@outlook.de>, (default: F (no action): [9.85/200.00] [VIOLATED_DIRECT_SPF(3.50){},RBL_SPAMHAUS_PBL(2.00){;},RCVD_UNAUTH_PBL(2.00){},URI_COUNT_ODD(1.00){1;},MV_CASE(0.50){},ZERO_FONT(0.50){5;},MANY_INVISIBLE_PARTS(0.40){5;},MAILLIST(-0.13){generic;},BAD_REP_POLICIES(0.10){},MIME_GOOD(-0.10){multipart/alternative;text/plain;},RCVD_NO_TLS_LAST(0.10){},HAS_LIST_UNSUB(-0.01){},ARC_ALLOW(0.00){google.com:s=arc-20240605:i=1;},ASN(0.00){asn:3320, ipnet:, country:DE;},DKIM_TRACE(0.00){github.com:+;},DMARC_POLICY_ALLOW(0.00){github.com;reject;},DMARC_POLICY_ALLOW_WITH_FAILURES(0.00){},FETCHMAIL(0.00){},FORGED_RECIPIENTS_MAILLIST(0.00){},FORGED_SENDER_MAILLIST(0.00){},FREEMAIL_ENVFROM(0.00){outlook.de;},FROM_HAS_DN(0.00){},FROM_NEQ_ENVFROM(0.00){notifications@github.com;a.kaelber@outlook.de;},GREYLIST(0.00){pass;meta;},HAS_REPLYTO(0.00){reply+ADC47GGP5IVTKN43KVYASHGFPD3VREVBNHHKI6RRI4@reply.github.com;},MID_RHS_MATCH_FROM(0.00){},MIME_TRACE(0.00){0:+;1:+;2:~;},MISSING_XM_UA(0.00){},RCPT_COUNT_TWO(0.00){2;},RCVD_COUNT_FIVE(0.00){6;},RECEIVED_SPAMHAUS_PBL(0.00){;},REPLYTO_DOM_NEQ_FROM_DOM(0.00){},REPLYTO_DOM_NEQ_TO_DOM(0.00){},R_DKIM_ALLOW(0.00){github.com:s=pf2023;},R_SPF_SOFTFAIL(0.00){~all;},TAGGED_FROM(0.00){SRS=k7RsW=TT=github.com=noreply;},TO_DN_ALL(0.00){}]), len: 10986, time: 1104.608ms, dns req: 38, digest: <bbc755f724a9fe9a7e9c0c7298537f9f>, rcpts: <andreas.kaelber@tsu-pe.de>, mime_rcpts: <arc@noreply.github.com,subscribed@noreply.github.com>
Dez 26 09:41:03 localhost rspamd[2365]: (normal) <0CAED6>; task; rspamd_protocol_http_reply: regexp statistics: 218 pcre regexps scanned, 3 regexps matched, 179 regexps total, 11 regexps cached, 39.62KiB scanned using pcre, 39.62KiB scanned total
Dez 26 09:41:03 localhost postfix/qmgr[2457]: 0CAED6CE4CD: from=<a.kaelber+SRS=k7RsW=TT=github.com=noreply@outlook.de>, size=11268, nrcpt=2 (queue active)
Dez 26 09:41:03 localhost rspamd[2361]: (rspamd_proxy) <281ccf>; proxy; proxy_milter_finish_handler: finished milter connection
Dez 26 09:41:03 localhost postfix/smtpd[17131]: disconnect from localhost[::1] ehlo=1 mail=1 rcpt=1 data=1 quit=1 commands=5
Dez 26 09:41:03 localhost piler-smtp[1897]: connected from on fd=6 (active connections: 1)
Dez 26 09:41:03 localhost piler-smtp[1897]: received: 42DSV9GIZSUY6X56, from=SRS@k7RsW=TT=github.com=noreply, size=11228, client=, fd=6, fsync=4481
Dez 26 09:41:03 localhost piler-smtp[1897]: disconnected from on fd=6, slot=0, reason=done (0 active connections)
Dez 26 09:41:03 localhost postfix/smtp[17136]: 0CAED6CE4CD: to=<archive@grommunio.tsu-pe.de>, relay=[]:2693, delay=1.2, delays=1.1/0.01/0/0.01, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 OK <42DSV9GIZSUY6X56>)
Dez 26 09:41:03 localhost delivery-queue[2140]: remote=[::1] from=<a.kaelber+SRS=k7RsW=TT=github.com=noreply@outlook.de> to={andreas.kaelber@tsu-pe.de} return OK, queue-id:60
Dez 26 09:41:03 localhost postfix/smtp[17136]: 0CAED6CE4CD: to=<andreas.kaelber@tsu-pe.de>, relay=::1[::1]:24, delay=1.2, delays=1.1/0.02/0/0, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 Ok queue-id: 60)
Dez 26 09:41:03 localhost postfix/qmgr[2457]: 0CAED6CE4CD: removed
Dez 26 09:41:03 localhost piler[1917]: 0/42DSV9GIZSUY6X56: 50000000676d16a927ba538400f40ea60178, size=11228/4864, attachments=0, reference=<AuxXxilium/arc/issues/5362@github.com>, message-id=<AuxXxilium/arc/issue/5362/issue_event/15764277590@github.com>, retention=2557, folder=0, delay=0.0198, status=stored
localhost:~ #