segro thank you, I found it, this lines solves the issue:
# fix run directory for php-fpm
echo "d /run/php-fpm 0755 www-data gromox - -" >/etc/tmpfiles.d/run-php-fpm.conf
systemd-tmpfiles --create

Unfortunately this rises the next error in an grommunio package:
/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/grommunio-admin-api.conf:1: Failed to resolve group 'nginx'.
I replaced 'nginx' with 'www-data' in this .config file.

  • crpb replied to this.


    So after an apt-get dist-upgrade this problem may occur again.


    cp /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/grommunio-admin-api.conf /etc/tmpfiles.d/
    sed -i 's/nginx/www-data/g' /etc/tmpfiles.d/grommunio-admin-api.conf

    Which we also should do with the install-script :P


      crpb great idea to copy the file in the user location.

      Next question, the appliance contains the package grommunio-index. Unfortunately I did not find this package for Debian 11. This package is the indexer for grommunio-web. How to get the search index working in grommunio web?

      For now I created a Script which takes care of grommunio-index and also the missing NGINX-Modules.

      I also created a new thread but still waiting on a reply from the Grommunio-Team.
      I even opened a ticket which refers to that thread if someone could make an official statement but haven't heard anything ... "Ticket#81508 - created Sunday 25. Sep 22:06"

      FYI: You will need to updated the package yourself for now.

        crpb This is a shame, we need to install rpm packages on Debian.

        • crpb replied to this.


          *hrhr* indeed!!!
          Maybe with the next release a few new Packages will be added.... *fingerscrossed*


          puh, "unfortunately" will be on vacation starting on Thursday and therefore no time to look into it before and during. I would merge a fix in the script and have no objections to remove the package ^^ (at all! ;-))

          • crpb replied to this.


            You could also give me "rights" for the Repository if you trust me :-).

              hmmmmmmm ;-)

              I guess I will. You should have got an invite.

              crpb yeah, I couldn't check the config, because I'm not very familiar with rspamd and actually as the service "grommunio-antispam" is not present and running the status page shows and error. otherwise looks good so far


              So at least the rspamd web gui shows exactly no config ^I guess the settings need to be set somewhere else. and as said the gui doesn't recognize the service as running

              I tried a fresh setup yesterday and did send a few local Mails and swaks-Mails from the Workstation.

              I guess it's working :P

              Nice, ok then go for merging? ^^

              5 days later

              Any chance on getting this change into an already running install?

              One of the caveats with script-based installations :-).


              It's not that much if you look at the changes in "grommunio-setup".
              Maybe backup those files first

              • /usr/sbin/grommunio-spam-run
              • /lib/systemd/system/grommunio-spam-run.timer
              • /lib/systemd/system/grommunio-spam-run.service

              what the heck...

              Not Tested in any way!

              cd /usr/loca/share/grommunio-setup
              git pull
              FILES=(/usr/sbin/grommunio-spam-run /lib/systemd/system/grommunio-spam-run.timer /lib/systemd/system/grommunio-spam-run.service)
              for f in ${FILES[@]}; do mv $f{,.bak}; done
              apt-get purge --yes grommunio-antispam
              for f in ${FILES[@]}; do mv $f{.bak,}; done
              systemctl enable --now grommunio-spam-run.timer grommunio-spam-run.service
              # Not sure it that might work
              # eval `sed '/rspamd\/.*EOF/,/EOF/!d' /usr/local/share/grommunio-setup/grommunio-setup`
              # Maybe just execute it yourself after the printout
              sed '/rspamd\/.*EOF/,/EOF/!d' /usr/local/share/grommunio-setup/grommunio-setup

              Did i miss anything?!

              7 days later

              Since yesterday the grommunio-index package is available for Debian 11.
              Get:1 Debian_11/main amd64 grommunio-index amd64 0.1.14.f713867-1+8.1 [29.0 kB]
              No need to install the .rpm package any longer.

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