Ich hab das script auch mal getestet und bin sehr glücklich! Super Arbeit! Top!!!

7 days later

eines ist mir noch aufgefallen: das gesetzte admin-pw funtioniert nicht für: https://ip::8443/rspamd/

im installscript wird:
rspamadm pw -p "XXXX" | sed -e 's#^#password = "#' -e 's#$#";#' >/etc/grommunio-antispam/local.d/worker-controller.inc
Auch wenn man hier ein neus setzt, komm ich nicht ins admin-if vom rspamd.
mach ich was falsch?

printf 'password = "%s";\n' $(rspamadm pw -p "${ADMIN_PASS") hätts ja auch getan aber gut.

And the same result here. Then i uninstalled grommunio-antispam and tada.. it works.
I guess the Package @eryx build isn't really needed with all of it's content.
There is also a Note in some Topic from @mwilliams about grommunio-antispam/rspamd that it is basically just a renamed release.
Those two rspamd/grommunio-antispam services did fight each other :P

At least these things would be beneficial i guess.

root@grom-deb:~# tar Jft "$TMPDIR/data.tar.xz"|grep -iE 'grommunio.*spam.*'
root@grom-deb:~# tar Jft "$TMPDIR/data.tar.xz"|grep -E 'grommunio.*run' |xargs -n 1 tar Jfx "$TMPDIR/data.tar.xz" -C /
root@grom-deb:~# systemctl daemon-reload
root@grom-deb:~# systemctl enable --now grommunio-spam-run.timer grommunio-spam-run.service
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/timers.target.wants/grommunio-spam-run.timer → /lib/systemd/system/grommunio-spam-run.timer.

And those lines should wander into the Files in /etc/rspamd/

/etc/grommunio-antispam/local.d/worker-controller.inc-# If the mailer is running on the same host use a unix socket
/etc/grommunio-antispam/local.d/worker-controller.inc:#bind_socket = "/run/grommunio-antispam/worker-controller.socket mode=0666";
/etc/grommunio-antispam/local.d/worker-proxy.inc-# If the mailer is running on the same host use a unix socket
/etc/grommunio-antispam/local.d/worker-proxy.inc:#bind_socket = "/run/grommunio-antispam/worker-proxy.socket mode=0666";
/etc/grommunio-antispam/local.d/worker-normal.inc-# If the mailer is running on the same host use a unix socket
/etc/grommunio-antispam/local.d/worker-normal.inc:#bind_socket = "/run/grommunio-antispam/worker.socket mode=0666";

But if you look into all those Files this would be done with a few heredoc's and no pulling of some package or anything because there aren't much changes...
Well maybe my diff from another Topic to have a Configvalue if those Mails should be deleted or not :-).

    Hi, I did a grommunio Debian 11 installation from scratch (without script). Now I have an issue with php-fpm. Grommunio wants to place the php-fpm sockets in /run/php-fpm unfortunately /run is a temporary file system and systemd on Debian 11 did not create /run/php-fpm. Question in which /run folder, your installation places the grommunio-sync and grommunio-web sockets?

    Hi Walter,
    mine looks like this:
    `root@mail:~# ll /run/php*
    insgesamt 4
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6 29. Sep 14:23 php7.4-fpm.pid
    srw-rw---- 1 www-data www-data 0 29. Sep 14:23 php7.4-fpm.sock=
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 30 27. Sep 16:15 php-fpm.sock -> /etc/alternatives/php-fpm.sock=

    insgesamt 0
    srw-rw-rw- 1 grodav grodav 0 29. Sep 14:23 grommunio-dav=
    srw-rw-rw- 1 grosync grosync 0 29. Sep 14:23 grommunio-sync=
    srw-rw-rw- 1 groweb groweb 0 29. Sep 14:23 grommunio-web=

      segro How did you manage to get /run/php-fpm/ created? My Debian 11 does not create /run/php-fpm/ after a reboot.

      Hey Walter, I installed via the script and I thaugt, you just want to have a compare to your manual installation.

        segro thank you, I found it, this lines solves the issue:
        # fix run directory for php-fpm
        echo "d /run/php-fpm 0755 www-data gromox - -" >/etc/tmpfiles.d/run-php-fpm.conf
        systemd-tmpfiles --create

        Unfortunately this rises the next error in an grommunio package:
        /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/grommunio-admin-api.conf:1: Failed to resolve group 'nginx'.
        I replaced 'nginx' with 'www-data' in this .config file.

        • crpb replied to this.


          So after an apt-get dist-upgrade this problem may occur again.


          cp /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/grommunio-admin-api.conf /etc/tmpfiles.d/
          sed -i 's/nginx/www-data/g' /etc/tmpfiles.d/grommunio-admin-api.conf

          Which we also should do with the install-script :P

          PR: https://github.com/eryx12o45/grommunio-setup/pull/17

            crpb great idea to copy the file in the user location.

            Next question, the appliance contains the package grommunio-index. Unfortunately I did not find this package for Debian 11. This package is the indexer for grommunio-web. How to get the search index working in grommunio web?

            For now I created a Script which takes care of grommunio-index and also the missing NGINX-Modules.


            I also created a new thread but still waiting on a reply from the Grommunio-Team.
            I even opened a ticket which refers to that thread if someone could make an official statement but haven't heard anything ... "Ticket#81508 - created Sunday 25. Sep 22:06"

            FYI: You will need to updated the package yourself for now.

              crpb This is a shame, we need to install rpm packages on Debian.

              • crpb replied to this.


                *hrhr* indeed!!!
                Maybe with the next release a few new Packages will be added.... *fingerscrossed*


                puh, "unfortunately" will be on vacation starting on Thursday and therefore no time to look into it before and during. I would merge a fix in the script and have no objections to remove the package ^^ (at all! ;-))

                • crpb replied to this.


                  You could also give me "rights" for the Repository if you trust me :-).

                    hmmmmmmm ;-)

                    I guess I will. You should have got an invite.

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