Debian 11 clean install script
Thanks for the Reports. Maybe i get to look at it later.
ladas but I do not like it because not seen what is happen below "motorhaube".
I know exactly what you mean .
I was thinking of doing some work to be able to supply all necessary Options via getopts
or smth alike but haven't gotten around to it .
ladas missing package wget at necessary package
I guess this was because most users are installing the "standard-utils".
Even my preseed-file has that in the "d-i pkgsel/include string" list so i haven't had the issue with my "minimal" setups
There are more possibilities, how to do it I liked the version with varibles at the beggining of the script. It was clear and easy.
But other good way could be read all necessary variables by dialog windows at the beginning and after that run installation in visible mode.
About wget: I use for my servers debian minimal install (cca 0.8 GB). There is not even man in it All I need I install for actual purpose. It is not so much work and system is light and clear.
I forgot report other mistake in the script. After installation is missing directory /etc/grommunio-common/nginx/. After certificate generation at line 444 there is created file ssl_certificate.conf in this directory. As directory is missing, file is not created and at the end nginx not start. When I added line: mkdir -p /etc/grommunio-common/nginx/ before configuration file creation it start to work.
Just another question. In admin web gui dashboard is missing grommunio-antispam only in my test server installation. Everything works properly, just buttons Enable/Disable, Stop, Restart, Start not work. I get this message: Interactive authentication required. See system logs and 'systemctl status postfix.service' for details.
Is it possible to repare it somehow? Can someone help me where can I find more info? Thank you.
I wasn't able to do much yet but i guess i could at least push my ./common/repo
cb@asterix ~ghub/crpb/grommunio-setup-debian/common (git)-[getopts] % cat repo
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 grommunio GmbH
setup_repo() {
local uri tmpkey kr
echo -e " \x1b[36m▼\x1b[0m grommunio-setup is updating the system"
mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings
if [ ! -f $kr ]; then
/usr/lib/apt/apt-helper download-file "${uri}" "${tmpkey}"
gpg --dearmor --output "${kr}" "${tmpkey}"
rm "${tmpkey}"
cat << SOURCES > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/grommunio-community.sources
Types: deb
Suites: Debian_11
Components: main
Signed-By: $kr
apt-get update 2>&1 |tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
apt-get install -y "${PACKAGES[@]}" 2>&1 |tee -a "${LOGFILE}"
echo -e " \x1b[36m▼\x1b[0m operation completed"
# keep visual output on the screen for a glimpse so admin can decide
# if the logfile needs to be inspected.
sleep 1
No wget or curl needed
ladas Everything works properly, just buttons Enable/Disable, Stop, Restart, Start not work. I get this message: Interactive authentication required. See system logs and 'systemctl status postfix.service' for details.
Is it possible to repare it somehow?
If i'm not misatken this would basically be possible with these changes..
weini [Allow users to manage services]
WalterH Da gibt es vermutlich eine einfacher Lösung, 2 Dateien anlegen:
/etc/grommunio-admin-api/conf.d/01-services.yamlmit Inhalt
Haven't tried it myself yet tho but seems it works for @weini .
rspam password for GUI login
I installed new clean machine now and used just a bit modified script. I inspected the rspam password creation and if I understand well the password should be the same like grommunio admin password. BUT this password not work for rspam GUI. Does someone know how to login in? Or should it be possible to log in? Thanks for any answer.
- Edited
FYI: new version for building the nginx-modules
i think we could integrate that as it now is in the setup. Thoughts?
And if someone else could also try out my current version of the grommunio-setup i would be thankful.
git clone /usr/local/share/grommunio-setup
Ich habe das jetzt mit Debian 12 Bookworm getestet und kann bestätigen, dass der Workaround über die /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/manage-units.pkla
nicht mehr notwendig ist.
Die von Grommunio im Paket grommunio-admin-api
bereitgestellte /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d/10-grommunio.rules
wird von der neueren Polkit Version von Debian 12 korrekt interprtiert.
Einziger Schöhnheitsfehler ist noch, dass dieser Datei der Service php-fpm.service
aufgeführt wird. Unter Debian 12 muss das aber php8.2-fpm.service
The changes made to get this to install on Debian 12 appear to have broken it installing on Debian 11
It gets as far as letting you select use a local database and then says failed to connect to the database.
It still works with the one I forked before the changes
I will revert/split/branch it later/that evening.. and when i find the time i can "repair" it so it will be working on both again..
hat jemand schon mal versucht eine, auf diese Art, installierte Debian 11 auf Debian 12 zu aktualisieren? Bei mir geht das nicht und ich diverse Probleme mit Grommunio-Paketen, welche bei einem apt full-update rausgeworfen werden.
Das rauswerfen ist nicht so tragisch während dem system-upgrade. Nur ¡kein 'purge'! durchführen und evtl. das ganze auto-remove gefuddel auch erst mal abwarten...
Hast du alle sources angepasst auf Bookworm/12 für die umstellung? apt-cache policy
Logs, logs, logs
Ansonsten weil das ein krampf sein kann hier mit hin und her kannste auch im oftc vorbeischaun in #grommunio. Müsste später/abends irgendwann mal zeit haben (~cb).
sbudach Uhh… #grommunio - wo?
Oder halt en ordentlichen IRC-Client.