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vtesla stickied the discussion .

crpb ja wurde sie, weil sie nicht richtig funktioniert hat. Die ganze sphinx architektur und struktur wird aktuell auch überarbeitet, damit unter anderem dieses problem gelöst wird.

Das war ein Unfall bei der Deduplikation der .css-Files.

My stance is that

  • U+0009 characters serves to declare nesting level — the actual indentation only happens later as a part of the rendering/typesetting process
  • U+0020 are for padding/aligning tokens that are on the same nesting level

Not assigning a double meaning to the space character means that text processing utilities generally will have an easier time processing text in {some user-defined way}, because they need not apply some heuristic to decode a meaning-overloaded set of space characters again, as in

foob += bar +
while (foob) {
        blah += bruh +

When U+0009/U+0020 are applied as described,

  • the user can have nesting levels rendered with an arbitrary personally favorite tab width (from 1 to Infinity)
  • and it would not look ugly at any chosen render width (i.e. the hanging argument to the + operator would still line up)

U+0020 is actually still a bit overloaded (hanging indent as well as inter-word space), but off the top of my head, I can't think of a thought-complete use case for giving hanging indent a separate control character (since hanging indent is not always present when a text processing utility might need it).

4 months later
mwilliams unstickied the discussion .

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