- Edited
Based on popular demand, we have made the documentation available in a Git repository. Contribution is possible by opening pull requests or, if email is preferred, with git send-email
to support@grommunio.com)
Based on popular demand, we have made the documentation available in a Git repository. Contribution is possible by opening pull requests or, if email is preferred, with git send-email
to support@grommunio.com)
Wurde die Suchfunktion auf https://docs.grommunio.com eigtl. absichtlich ausgeschaltet? Ich fand das schon recht praktisch. Vorallem für manpages.
Das war ein Unfall bei der Deduplikation der .css-Files.
Ja war spät am Wochenende :-).
Und habt ihr ne Syntax-Vorgabe? Ich nutze normalerweise nie echte Tabs..
My stance is that
Not assigning a double meaning to the space character means that text processing utilities generally will have an easier time processing text in {some user-defined way}, because they need not apply some heuristic to decode a meaning-overloaded set of space characters again, as in
foob += bar +
while (foob) {
blah += bruh +
When U+0009/U+0020 are applied as described,
U+0020 is actually still a bit overloaded (hanging indent as well as inter-word space), but off the top of my head, I can't think of a thought-complete use case for giving hanging indent a separate control character (since hanging indent is not always present when a text processing utility might need it).
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