One of the caveats with script-based installations :-).
It's not that much if you look at the changes in "grommunio-setup".
Maybe backup those files first
- /usr/sbin/grommunio-spam-run
- /lib/systemd/system/grommunio-spam-run.timer
- /lib/systemd/system/grommunio-spam-run.service
what the heck...
Not Tested in any way!
cd /usr/loca/share/grommunio-setup
git pull
FILES=(/usr/sbin/grommunio-spam-run /lib/systemd/system/grommunio-spam-run.timer /lib/systemd/system/grommunio-spam-run.service)
for f in ${FILES[@]}; do mv $f{,.bak}; done
apt-get purge --yes grommunio-antispam
for f in ${FILES[@]}; do mv $f{.bak,}; done
systemctl enable --now grommunio-spam-run.timer grommunio-spam-run.service
# Not sure it that might work
# eval `sed '/rspamd\/.*EOF/,/EOF/!d' /usr/local/share/grommunio-setup/grommunio-setup`
# Maybe just execute it yourself after the printout
sed '/rspamd\/.*EOF/,/EOF/!d' /usr/local/share/grommunio-setup/grommunio-setup
Did i miss anything?!