Also das sollte alles auf Benutzer und Gruppe groweb stehen.
Und im Debian-Paket liegt das Script in /usr/bin
root@grom-deb:/var/lib/grommunio-web# dpkg -L grommunio-index
root@grom-deb:/var/lib/grommunio-web# cat /usr/bin/
if [ ! -e "${MYSQL_CFG}" ] ; then
echo "MySQL configuration not found. ($MYSQL_CFG)"
exit 1
mysql_params="--skip-column-names --skip-line-numbers"
mysql_username=$(sed -ne 's/mysql_username\s*=\s*\(.*\)/-u\1/p' ${MYSQL_CFG})
mysql_password=$(sed -ne 's/mysql_password\s*=\s*\(.*\)/-p\1/p' ${MYSQL_CFG})
mysql_dbname=$(sed -ne 's/mysql_dbname\s*=\s*\(.*\)/\1/p' ${MYSQL_CFG})
mysql_host=$(sed -ne 's/mysql_host\s*=\s*\(.*\)/-h\1/p' ${MYSQL_CFG})
mysql_port=$(sed -ne 's/mysql_port\s*=\s*\(.*\)/-P\1/p' ${MYSQL_CFG})
mysql_query='select username, maildir from users where id <> 0 and maildir <> "";'
mysql_cmd="mysql ${mysql_params} ${mysql_username} ${mysql_password} ${mysql_host} ${mysql_port} ${mysql_dbname}"
# ensure correct ownership of the root dir
chown groweb:groweb "${web_index_path}"
echo "${mysql_query[@]}" | ${mysql_cmd} | while read -r username maildir ; do
[ -e "${web_index_path}/${username}/" ] || mkdir "${web_index_path}/${username}/"
# set ownership on dir (prevent collision with gweb)
chown groweb:groweb "${web_index_path}/${username}"
# run the index
grommunio-index "$1" "${maildir}" -o "${web_index_path}/${username}/index.sqlite3"
# set the owner on the index db
chown groweb:groweb "${web_index_path}/${username}/index.sqlite3"