I want to ask if there exist any manual or things to pay attention when doing the Upgrade?
When I do a zypper dup (after zypper ref && zypper up of course) I get the following:
Problem: problem with the installed dracut-kiwi-lib-9.24.23-lp153.1.1.x86_64
Problem: problem with the installed dracut-kiwi-live-9.24.23-lp153.1.1.x86_64
Problem: problem with the installed dracut-kiwi-oem-dump-9.24.23-lp153.1.1.x86_64
Problem: problem with the installed dracut-kiwi-oem-repart-9.24.23-lp153.1.1.x86_64
Problem: problem with the installed kiwi-systemdeps-bootloaders-9.24.23-lp153.1.1.x86_64
Problem: problem with the installed kiwi-systemdeps-core-9.24.23-lp153.1.1.x86_64
Problem: problem with the installed kiwi-systemdeps-disk-images-9.24.23-lp153.1.1.x86_64
Problem: problem with the installed kiwi-systemdeps-filesystems-9.24.23-lp153.1.1.x86_64
Problem: problem with the installed kiwi-systemdeps-iso-media-9.24.23-lp153.1.1.x86_64
Problem: problem with the installed kiwi-tools-9.24.23-lp153.1.1.x86_64
It then asks vor every packet like this:
Problem: problem with the installed dracut-kiwi-lib-9.24.23-lp153.1.1.x86_64
Solution 1: install dracut-kiwi-lib-9.24.43-150100.3.56.3.x86_64 from vendor SUSE LLC <https://www.suse.com/>
replacing dracut-kiwi-lib-9.24.23-lp153.1.1.x86_64 from vendor obs://build.opensuse.org/Virtualization:Appliances
Solution 2: keep obsolete dracut-kiwi-lib-9.24.23-lp153.1.1.x86_64
I also noticed since some time when I do zypper up it always says:
The following 10 package updates will NOT be installed:
dracut-kiwi-lib dracut-kiwi-live dracut-kiwi-oem-dump dracut-kiwi-oem-repart kiwi-systemdeps-bootloaders
kiwi-systemdeps-core kiwi-systemdeps-disk-images kiwi-systemdeps-filesystems kiwi-systemdeps-iso-media kiwi-tools
So its the same packages. Should I replace the packets from vender SUSE LLC or is there something else to do?
Thank you and