• SolvedFixed
  • "An unexpected error has occurred" Grommunio Web Search

MichaelH I have the same problem, but a reinstall is no solution.

Yes, unfortunately I've had to find that out again now. After migrating several accounts to the new system with grommunio on Friday, I realized that the search in the web interface doesn't work for the other mail accounts :-(
The system is currently running productively (only for my family) but I am considering migrating back to Kopano...
Actually, I hope that a solution can be found in the next few days. Strangely enough, the search on my own account still works after the reinstallation.

Joerg changed the title to Reopened: "An unexpected error has occurred" Grommunio Web Search .

Same problem here. And it's "only" the web-search, the search with smartphones works without an error (iPhone with Exchange-mailbox). So it seems, the error is in the website-part and not in database. @Joerg: can you confirm this?

I hope too that a sloution can be found, although the search on smartphone is a short-term alternative.

    Angua And it's "only" the web-search, the search with smartphones works without an error (iPhone with Exchange-mailbox)

    Yes, I can confirm that. (Anroid 14 "Vanilla" with standard mail client)

    Angua Same problem here.

    this statement is not really helpful. Any errors in the logs or in journalctl -f?

      I found out something else interesting:
      Since the new installation, the web search works on my account "joerg@XXXXX-XXXXX.ch") (This did not work during the first installation, although I had imported the data in the same way).
      The web search does not work on the shared account "familie@XXXXX-XXXXX.ch".
      However, the web search of the shared account "familie" works when I search in the inbox "Favoriten".


      Doesn't work:

        Joerg However, the web search of the shared account "familie" works when I search in the inbox "Favoriten".

        Oh no! The test mail in "sent items" is found, not the mail in the family inbox
        <facepalm> :-(

        Sorry, i didn'd consider of sharing logs because i thought, Joerg had submitted the relevant logs. My bad.

        I have checked the nginx-logs, the logs in admin-gui and journalctl -f. There are no errors.

        I tried to raise log-level by adding http_debug=1 and msrpc_debug=1 in /etc/gromox/http.cfg, like described in documentation, but without any effect, even after reboot. Where am i going wrong?

        Joerg changed the title to "An unexpected error has occurred" Grommunio Web Search .
        9 days later

        This should be the solution:

        I have found the problem of webapp search ("An unexpected error has occurred"), at least in my installation. The files created by grommunio-index.service in the folder /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index have the wrong permissions. After creating they are owned by user grommunio and group gromox. If I change the permissions to owner groweb and group groweb the websearch is working again.

        I can confirm that. However, I had to adjust the rights of the index.sqlite3 file to: -rw-rw---- (0660). In order to show search-results, a re-indexing was necessary: grommunio-index -v -c -A

          15 days later

          I tried it both. I changed the user and group of the files in the /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index folder to groweb:groweb and set the permissions of the index.sqlite3 file to 0660.

          After did so, the websearch was woking but I got this failures when I was reindexing:

          [ERROR] Failed to insert message 10/1918698: attempt to write a readonly database
          [ERROR] Failed to insert message 10/1918699: SQLite query failed: 8

          I think, the way with the wrong permissions is right, but this is in my case not the solution.

            Die Rechte müssen so aussehen:

            # ls -l /var/lib/ | grep grommunio-web
            drwxrwx--- 1 groweb    groweb     44 Feb 15 12:12 grommunio-web/
             # ls -l /var/lib/grommunio-web
            total 4
            drwxrwx---  1 groweb groweb   74 Feb 19 18:22 session/
            drwxrwx--- 27 groweb groweb 4096 Feb 15 12:12 sqlite-index/
            drwxrwx---  1 groweb groweb   36 Feb 15 12:12 tmp/
            # ls -l /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/
            drwxrwx--- 2 grommunio groweb 27 Feb 20 07:30 user\@domain.tld/

            jstampfer ndex.sqlite3 file to 0660

            0660 ist definitiv falsch.

            Hoffe das hilft weiter?

            • Andy replied to this.

              So funktioniert das indizieren und die Websuche wunderbar. Vielen herzlichen Dank.

              Was mir in dem Zusammenhang noch aufgefallen ist: Die Datumsabgrenzung funktioniert leider bei mir in der Websuche nicht: Weder "Letzte Woche" noch "Benutzerdefiniert" mit unterschiedlichen Start- und Enddaten.

              Had the same problem, worked for me too, thanks!

              chown -R groweb:groweb /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/
              chmod -R 660 /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/

              In case the search is slow after that, try rebuilding the index:
              grommunio-index -v -c -A

              14 days later

              WalterH 0660 ist definitiv falsch

              Genauso ist das, es sollte 0770, also drwxrwx--- sein. Die Frage ist, ob die Unterordner session und tmp und Dateien in den Unterordnern genauso sein müssen, denn da gibt es Unterschiede.

              localhost:/var/lib/grommunio-web # ls -al
              total 4
              drwxrwx---  5 groweb groweb   52 Mär  5 23:46 .
              drwxr-xr-x 50 root   root   4096 Feb 18 10:36 ..
              drwxrwx---  2 groweb groweb   51 Mär  7 00:25 session
              drwxrwx---  4 groweb groweb   70 Mär  5 23:46 sqlite-index
              drwxrwx---  4 groweb groweb   40 Mär  5 23:46 tmp
              localhost:/var/lib/grommunio-web #
              a month later

              Ich hatte dieses Problem ebenfalls. Setzen der Berechtigungen wie von sdennis beschrieben hat bei mir geholfen.

              Habe eben nur 770 statt 660 gemacht (wobei es auch mit 660 schon funktioniert hat).

              Es war vorher grommunio:gromox und 640

                19 days later

                ich habe versucht die Rechte wie oben beschrieben zu setzen, jedoch bekomme ich mit
                grommunio-index -v -c -A
                folgende Fehlermeldung:
                [2024-05-13T21:13:25] grommunio-index /var/lib/gromox/user/1/2 -e ::1 -o /var/lib/grommunio-web/sqlite-index/catchall@***************.***/index.sqlite3
                [FATAL] Send failed: Connection refused
                ... exited with status 2

                auch bei dem Kommando
                /usr/libexec/gromox/cgkrepair -e catchall@***************.***
                bekomme ich die Fehlermeldung:
                exmdb_client: protocol error connecting to [::1]:5000//var/lib/gromox/user/
                exm: load_hierarchy_table RPC failed
                The operation did not complete.

                Hat hier evtl. wer eine Idee was ich hier falsch mache?
                Vielen Dank

                • Andy replied to this.

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