• Solved
  • [SOLVED] Inbox subfolders inaccessible from Web UI on new / vanilla install

Another update. I downloaded the offline 2023.11.3 iso, and installed on a clean VM. I then did NOT run the updates at the console prior to running the setup wizard. Surprisingly, this did not exibit the issue I was experiencing and allowed me to create multiple subfolders successfully under the Inbox, logoff and log back in without issue. I was also able to create additional users and not have the problem. I even ran the updates from the console and didn't have issues.

Just to double-check, I used the same ISO on a new VM, and this time I DID run the updates from the console prior to running the setup wizard. This time, the problem was repeated. A new new user that would have multiple folders created under the inbox would not be able to access them under the inbox after logging out and back in.

There seems to be an issue with the current updates on NEW deployments. Let me know anyone needs additional information. I at least have a workaround for the issue now.

spiffman192 changed the title to [SOLVED] Inbox subfolders inaccessible from Web UI on new / vanilla install .
2 months later

I can confirm your experience. Also installed the latest build, where subfolders in the webclient are not working. Currently installing 2023.11.3-Build4.2 to see if I get it working.

Update: 2023.11.3-Build4.2 did not work. Like you I had to use the grommunio-offline.x86_64-2023.11.3-Build5.1.install.iso

  • crpb replied to this.


    It updates itself during the first setup so you will end up with the same version.

    Update: While I was able to get subfolders to display in the web client, the Outlook App does not work with ActiveSync on the offline image. bummer!

      hansd Outlook App does not work with ActiveSync

      it is currently not supportef.

        Update: I was able to make the subfolders appear in the web client using the grommunio.x86_64-latest.install.iso.

        Using developer tool in the browser i saw this
        "grommunio-debug.js:72954 Uncaught RangeError: Incorrect locale information provided
        at Intl.Collator (<anonymous>)
        at constructor.compareRecordProp (grommunio-debug.js:72954:39)
        at constructor.hierarchySort (grommunio-debug.js:72871:15)
        at ext-base-all.js?version=3.9.140.g0a608be8-lp155.144.3:21:8903
        at Array.sort (<anonymous>)
        at constructor.sort (ext-base-all.js?version=3.9.140.g0a608be8-lp155.144.3:41:475299)
        at constructor.sort (ext-base-all.js?version=3.9.140.g0a608be8-lp155.144.3:41:481596)
        at constructor.doSort (extjs-mod-debug.js:4493:10)
        at h.Event.fire (ext-base-all.js?version=3.9.140.g0a608be8-lp155.144.3:41:3699)
        at constructor.fireEvent (ext-base-all.js?version=3.9.140.g0a608be8-lp155.144.3:41:687)"

        I went into settings and set the language to "en_US" and voilá


          is the outlook app (mapi) not supported when using the "grommunio.x86_64-latest.install.iso" ?

          I mean the Outlook app on mobile phone.


            I tried it now and it seems to work for me.
            I guess the app is using MapiHTTP.

            3 months later


            I went into settings and set the language to "en_US" and voilá

            Which settings did you mean here?

              nevermind - I found it - In grommunio web email, the Settings button at the top right.

              Thank you!

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