I can confirm your experience. Also installed the latest build, where subfolders in the webclient are not working. Currently installing 2023.11.3-Build4.2 to see if I get it working.
[SOLVED] Inbox subfolders inaccessible from Web UI on new / vanilla install
- Edited
Update: 2023.11.3-Build4.2 did not work. Like you I had to use the grommunio-offline.x86_64-2023.11.3-Build5.1.install.iso
Update: While I was able to get subfolders to display in the web client, the Outlook App does not work with ActiveSync on the offline image. bummer!
Update: I was able to make the subfolders appear in the web client using the grommunio.x86_64-latest.install.iso.
Using developer tool in the browser i saw this
"grommunio-debug.js:72954 Uncaught RangeError: Incorrect locale information provided
at Intl.Collator (<anonymous>)
at constructor.compareRecordProp (grommunio-debug.js:72954:39)
at constructor.hierarchySort (grommunio-debug.js:72871:15)
at ext-base-all.js?version=3.9.140.g0a608be8-lp155.144.3:21:8903
at Array.sort (<anonymous>)
at constructor.sort (ext-base-all.js?version=3.9.140.g0a608be8-lp155.144.3:41:475299)
at constructor.sort (ext-base-all.js?version=3.9.140.g0a608be8-lp155.144.3:41:481596)
at constructor.doSort (extjs-mod-debug.js:4493:10)
at h.Event.fire (ext-base-all.js?version=3.9.140.g0a608be8-lp155.144.3:41:3699)
at constructor.fireEvent (ext-base-all.js?version=3.9.140.g0a608be8-lp155.144.3:41:687)"
I went into settings and set the language to "en_US" and voilá
I mean the Outlook app on mobile phone.